Sunday 24 September 2017

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Freundschaft Christliche Schulen Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Bewerbungsunterlagen nur für K3-5. Klasse gelten. 6.-12. Klasse ist ein geschlossener Campus. Eltern, die ihre Kinder bei Friendship Christian Schools einschreiben möchten, sollten sich an folgende Verfahren halten. Klicken Sie auf Enrollment Packet Link, oder auf Anfrage von der Eltern, FCS wird Post-Registrierung Paket 1 mit den folgenden Elementen an die Eltern: Bitte klicken Sie auf den Link unten, um herunterzuladen und drucken Sie Ihre Anmeldung Paket. 2. Programmblatt, in dem die Schulzeit und die allgemeinen Informationen aufgeführt sind 3. Erklärung der PhilosophieCurriculum-Statement Seite 4. Antrag auf Immatrikulation 5. Finanzielle Erläuterungen 6. Finanzielle Zusammenfassung, die Studiengebühren und Gebühren erklärt Eltern werden aufgefordert, die Materialien zu lesen und die Schulanmeldung auszufüllen . Der Antrag sollte mit der entsprechenden Anmeldegebühr an die Schule zurückgesandt werden. Nach Erhalt des Antrags gibt FCS das Anmeldepaket 2 mit den folgenden Informationen an die Eltern an: 2. Smart Tuition Application (fällig mit vollständiger Gebühr) 3. General Authorization Formular, das die Studierenden ermächtigt, auf Exkursionen zu gehen und Personen zu benennen, die abholen können K3-K5 Studenten 4. Allgemeine medizinische Notfall-Formular Genehmigung Notfall ärztliche Betreuung, wenn nötig 5. Allgemeine Gesundheit Hinweis, die Eltern der erforderlichen gesundheitsbezogenen Papierkram erforderlich, bevor ein Schüler an der Schule 6. Probenformular 14 zeigt medizinische Form von der Ärzte Büro benötigt 8 Uniforminformation 9. Schulkalender Wenn der Papierkram im zweiten Paket ausgefüllt wurde, werden die Eltern aufgefordert, sie mit Kopien der letzten Berichtskarte der Bewerber und standardisierten Testergebnisse an die Schule zurückzugeben. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt wird ein Termin für den Antragsteller geplant, um die Aufnahmeprüfung zu nehmen. Die Prüfungsgebühr ist fällig, bevor die Prüfung durchgeführt wird. Sobald alle notwendigen Formulare abgeschlossen sind und die Aufnahmeprüfung abgelegt ist, wird ein Schulbeamter einen Termin für ein Interview mit dem Schüler und den Eltern (n) planen. Nach dem Interview werden die Eltern über die Schulen entscheidend informiert. PUNJAB GENEHMT BLAUE DRUCKE VON VERSCHIEDENEN LANDWIRTSCHAFTLICHEN SCHEMEN ZU EINER KOSTEN ÜBER RS.217 CRORE BADAL FÜR DIREKTE BESCHAFFUNG VON DÜNGEMITTELN, PESTIZIDE, INSEKTIKIDE UND VERTEILUNGSSYSTEM FÜR LANDWIRTSCHAFTEN ZU DEN BEGRIFFSPROGRAMMEN AUSSCHUSS ZU IDENTIFY HIGH YIELDING MAIZE VERLAGEN KOMPLETTES REVAMP DES VETERINÄREN NETZWERKS AUF KARTEN In der Absicht, sein landwirtschaftliches Diversifizierungsprogramm über den Staat zu finanzieren, hat die Punjab-Regierung einen Blaupause für die Umsetzung verschiedener Systeme und Projekte zu einem Preis von fast Rs ausgetragen. 217 crore unter dem Rashtriya Krishi Vigyan Yojana (RKVY). Eine Entscheidung zu diesem Zweck wurde von dem Punjab-Chefminister Parkash Singh Badal in einem Treffen hier bei Chief Minister Residenz mit den leitenden Funktionären der Landwirtschaft, Bodenschutz, Tierhaltung, Milchwirtschaft, Fischerei und Gartenbau Abteilungen, heute Morgen genommen. Der Chief Minister forderte diese Abteilungen auf, eine detaillierte Strategie zu entwickeln, um die Versorgung der landwirtschaftlichen Inputs durch primäre Agrargesellschaften nicht nur für ihre Mitglieder, sondern auch für die in den Dörfern ansässigen Landwirte zu gewährleisten. Er bildete einen Ausschuss unter dem Vorsitz der Finanzkommissar-Entwicklung (FCD) mit Direktor Landwirtschaft und MD Markfed als seine Mitglieder, um Wege und Mittel für den Kauf von Düngemitteln, Insektiziden, Pestiziden usw. direkt von den Firmen zu finden und es den Bauern zur Verfügung zu stellen Zu erschwinglichen Preisen. In der Sitzung Herr Badal auch genehmigt, um ein Komitee unter der Leitung von Vorsitzender Punjab Farmerrsquos Kommission einschließlich Finanz-Kommissar-Entwicklung und Vizekanzler Punjab Agricultural University zu identifizieren hochverzinslichen Sorten von Mais zunächst auf einer Fläche von 50.000 Hektar unter der dringend benötigten Ernte gesät werden Diversifizierungsprogramm Herr Badal beeindruckte auch die Notwendigkeit, die Farmersrsquo Trainingsschulen an der Distriktzentrale für eine effektive Umsetzung des Diversifizierungsprogramms neben einem hochmodernen Wasserverwaltungszentrum einzurichten, um auch alle Möglichkeiten der Grundwassererhaltung zu erforschen Sowie moderne Techniken, um maximale Ernte von Getreide mit weniger Wasseraufnahme zu bekommen. Der Chief Minister unterstrich die Notwendigkeit, eine angemessene finanzielle Unterstützung für die GADVASU und PAU Ludhiana zu nehmen, um statersquos ehrgeizige Diversifizierung Programm durch umfangreiche Forschung und Entwicklung von neuen Sorten von Krankheit resistent Samen, um Stoßfänger Ernte haben. Er fragte auch das obere Messing der Landwirtschaft, Bodenschutz, Tierhaltung, Milchwirtschaft, Fischerei und Gartenbau, um eine mehrfache Strategie zu entwickeln, um eine bessere Synergie zwischen diesen Abteilungen für die Förderung der alliierten Landwirtschaft in einem großen Weg zu haben, was der einzige war Weg, um die beleaguered Farming Community aus der Rut der konventionellen Kulturen zu retten. Herr Badal plädierte für den Anbau von Mais, Zuckerrohr, Ölsaaten, Hülsenfrüchten, Baumwolle, Obst und Gemüse auf hohem Maßstab, um dem Diversifizierungsplan einerseits Impulse zu verleihen und ihnen auf der anderen Seite die Vergütungspreise zu sichern, um dadurch den Absacken zu bewahren Wirtschaft auf einer starken Platte. Es sei daran erinnert, dass die Landesregierung bereits einen umfassenden Diversifizierungsplan für die GoI aufgeworfen hatte und es wurde erwartet, dass das Zentrum wahrscheinlich Rs 209 crore sanktionieren würde, um dieses ehrgeizige Projekt zu finanzieren. Um den Dairy-Landwirten die besten Veterinärdienste zur Verfügung zu stellen, bat der Chief Minister die Finanzkommissarin Viehzucht, einen zeitlich begrenzten Aktionsplan vorzubereiten, um in jedem Block ein Veterinärkrankenhaus zu gewährleisten. Er unterstrich auch die Notwendigkeit, die bestehende Infrastruktur in den Veterinärkliniken zu stärken, neben der Sanktionierung des obligatorischen tierärztlichen und para - medizinischen Personals in den Veterinär-Polikliniken im ganzen Land. Prominente unter anderem, die in der Sitzung einschließlich Vorsitzender Punjab Farmersrsquo Kommission Herr GS Kalkat, Finanzkommissar Entwicklung Herr Suresh Kumar, Haupt-Sekretär des Chief Minister Herr SK Sandhu, Haupt-Sekretär Tierhaltung Herr G. Vajralingam, Special Principal Secretary Zu Chief Minister Herr Gaggandip Singh Brar, Berater der FCD Dr. Balwinder Singh Sidhu, Direktor Landwirtschaft Herr Mangal Singh, Direktor Gartenbau Dr. Lajwinder Singh Brar, Direktor Dairies Herr Inderjit Singh, Direktor Fischerei Herr BK Sood. SAP OF SUGARCANE BEI ​​RS 290 PRO QUINTAL FÜR 2013-14 Die Punjab-Regierung hat heute den staatlich vereinbarten Preis (SAP) der fortgeschrittenen, mittleren und späten Vielfalt von Sugarcane bei Rs 290, Rs 280 und Rs 275 pro Quintal für die Quetschsaison festgelegt Von 2013-14. Eine Entscheidung zu diesem Effekt wurde in einem Treffen der Sugarcane Control Board unter dem Vorsitz von der Punjab Chief Minister Herr Parkash Singh Badal hier an Chief Ministerrsquos Residenz an diesem Morgen. Es sei daran erinnert, dass die Landesregierung bereits die SAP der fortgeschrittenen, mittleren und späten Vielfalt von Sugarcane bei Rs 250, Rs 240 und Rs 235 pro Quintal jeweils für die Quetschsaison von 2012-13 festgelegt hatte. Auf der dringenden Forderung der Landwirte fragte der Chief Minister die Finanzkommissar-Entwicklung (FCD), um einen Plan zu erweitern, um die kooperative Zucker-Mühle Bhogpur zu verbessern, indem sie ihre Zerstörungskapazität erhöht. Er erwähnte auch, dass die Landesregierung in Zukunft Haushaltsbestimmungen vornehmen werde, um die Situation zu lösen, die sich aus den Lückenzahlungen ergibt. Herr Badal versicherte ferner, dass die Landwirte, die die Landwirte zugänglich machen, die Zuckerrohr-Ernte-Maschinerie zu Nominalzinsen zur Verfügung stellen würde, für die die Regierung bereits einen Plan eingeleitet hatte, um alle Arten von landwirtschaftlichen Ausrüstungen zu subventionierten Zinssätzen an die gesamten PAS zu liefern. Unter denjenigen, die in der Sitzung anwesend waren, gehörten der Chef-Parlamentarische Sekretär Herr GS Babbehali, Finanzkommissar-Entwicklung Herr Suresh Kumar, Hauptsekretär des Oberministers Herr SK Sandhu, Hauptsekretär Finanzen Herr DP Reddy, Sonderpräsident Sekretär des Chefministers Herr Gaggandip Singh Brar, Kanzler Kooperationsgesellschaften Herr AS Miglani, Vorsitzender MARKFED Herr Jarnail Singh Wahid, MD SUGARFED Herr MP Arora, Direktor Landwirtschaft Herr Mangal Singh Sandhu, Cane Kommissar Herr Ranjit Singh und Direktor Forschung PAU Dr SS Gosal neben Landwirte Mitglieder des Vorstandes aus dem ganzen Land. PUNJAB ORDERS JUDISCHE ANFRAGE IN DIE TÖTUNG VON TARN TARAN ASI middot CR GOEL, RETIRED SESSION RICHTER ZUM BERICHT ZU UNTERBRINGEN INNERHALB VON 3 MONATEN CHANDIGARH, 31. MAI: Die Punjab-Regierung bestellte heute die Ursprungs-Sonde in den Tod des Assistenten-Sub-Inspektors Kulbir Singh, der nach dem Tod starb Entführt durch protestierende Landwirte im Dorf Jeobala von Bezirk Tarn Taran. Laut einem offiziellen Sprecher Herr C. R. Goel, ein pensionierter Bezirk und Session Richter von Haryana würde die gerichtliche Untersuchung durchführen und den Bericht innerhalb von drei Monaten an den Chief Minister. Es kann an dieser Frage erinnert werden, dass verschiedene Landwirte und Arbeiterorganisationen am 26. April ein ausführliches Treffen mit dem Chefsekretär hatten und ein Mitglied des Generalanwalts Punjab, Chief Secretary Punjab und Principal Secretary Home, verpflichtet war, ihre Forderung zu prüfen. Auf die Empfehlungen von drei Mitgliedern verpflichtet, die Entscheidung zu initiieren gerichtliche Untersuchung in den Vorfall genommen wurde und Chief Minister Punjab hat den Namen von Herrn C. R. Goel, pensionierten Session Richter Haryana, um die gerichtliche Sonde zu führen genehmigt. PUNJAB BITTE BÜROS ZU STOPPEN MISSBRAUCH VON ELEKTRISCHEN AUSRÜSTUNGEN Die Punjab-Regierung hat heute allen Abteilungsleitern Weisungen erteilt, um sicherzustellen, dass es in den Büros des Staates einschließlich des Punjab-Zivilsekretariats und des Minisekretariats keinen Missbrauch von Elektrogeräten gab. Nachdem ich hier heute einen Sprecher der Punjab-Regierung besprochen habe, sagte man, dass es in den Büros von MinistersOfficers ohne ihre Anwesenheit in den Büros Elektrizitätsausrüstungen wie ACs, Computer, Tube Lights, Bulbs und Fans eingeschaltet ist. Jetzt nach den Anweisungen alle Zweig SuperintendentOfficers incharge müssten sicherstellen, dass diese sofort abschalten, da die Ministersoffiziere das Büro verlassen hatten. Daneben müsste auch sichergestellt werden, dass nach der Bürozeit kein Gerät eingeschaltet bleibt. Der Sprecher stellte ferner klar, dass Lichter in den Bürokorridoren während der Nacht aus Sicherheitsgründen verwendet werden könnten. Er sagte, dass im Falle des Versagens, diese Befehle in wahrer Weise und Weise umzusetzen, der betroffene Offizierbeauftragte einer strengen Handlung begegnen müsse. BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG ZUR BETRIEBLICHEN BETRIEBLICHEN BETRIEBLICHEN ARBEITSPLÄTZE IM STAAT AUF DEPUTATION AUSGESTATTET Chandigarh, 31. Mai: Die Punjab-Regierung hat heute detaillierte Leitlinien für die Beamtenoffiziere von Vorstandsmitgliedern ausgestellt. Die Staatsangehörigen, die sich auf die Delegation in der Staatsregierung beziehen, Nach einem offiziellen Sprecher können nur reguläre Mitarbeiter, die nach Abschluss ihrer Probezeit an solchen Unternehmen arbeiten, eine Deputation beantragen. Der betroffene Mitarbeiter sollte auch alle Voraussetzungen für die Post erfüllen, und sein Gehalt und seine Post wäre gleichbedeutend mit dem seiner Elternabteilung. Der Sprecher sagte, dass nach Anweisungen sollte es keine Abteilungs-oder kriminelle Untersuchung gegen diese Mitarbeiter und die Delegation Zeitraum wäre drei Jahre, die nicht mehr als fünf Jahre. Er musste ein Jahr vor seinem Ruhestand in seine Elternabteilung eintreten. DEPARTEMENTS BITTE ZUR VERKAUF VON REPRÄSENTATIVEN FÜR ZWEI TAG REGIONALER WORKSHOP Die Regierung von Punjab erteilte allen betroffenen Abteilungen Anweisungen, um Namen des Vertreters ihrer Abteilung für einen zweitägigen regionalen Workshop zum Bewusstsein über die Behindertenangelegenheiten in Dehradun zu schicken. An dieser Stelle, einem Sprecher der Sozialversicherungs-, Frauen - und Kinderentwicklungsabteilung, sagte Punjab, dass 25 Teilnehmer aus verschiedenen Abteilungen Sozialversicherung, Gesundheit, Bildung, Verkehr, Industrie, IT, örtliche Körperschaften, NGOs usw. den Workshop besuchen werden Auf Behindertenangelegenheiten in der vierten Woche im Juni 2013 in Dehradun. In diesem Zusammenhang wurden Anweisungen an die betroffenen HODs erteilt. Er sagte weiter, dass die Abteilung für Behindertenangelegenheiten beschlossen habe, dass mit der aktiven Teilnahme der Staatsregierungen, Offiziere aus den betroffenen Abteilungen der Staatsregierungen und den Vertretern der NGOs, die für Menschen mit Behinderungen arbeiten, vorzugsweise die Leiter dieser Organisationen teilnehmen werden der Workshop. In der vierten Woche im Juni 2013 findet die Werkstatt für die Staatssektoren der Nordregion Delhi, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu amp Kaschmir, Punjab, Chandigarh, UP, Uttarakhand statt. Er sagte, dass die genauen Termine und der Austragungsort der Werkstatt Wird in kurzer Zeit angedeutet. VIKAS PRATAP ERHÄLT ZUSÄTZLICHE GEBÜHREN Herr Vikas Pratap IAS Direktor-Cum-Secretary Industries and Commerce und zusätzlich MD PSIDC wird auch die zusätzliche Gebühr von Managing Director, Punjab Financial Corporation. Dies wurde von dem Sprecher der Regierung von Punjab bekannt gegeben. BADAL GIBT NOD FÜR DIE AUSNAHME DER MARKTGEBÜHR FÜR AUSFUHREN VON FRÜCHTEN UND GEMÜSE BEWEGT BEI TAPPING EXPORT POTENZIAL VON FRÜCHTEN UND GEMÜSE In einem Versuch, das Diversifizierungsprogramm der Landwirtschaft zu fördern, hat sich die Regierung von Punjab entschieden Befreit die Marktgebühr auf die Früchte und Gemüse in die verschiedenen Länder auf der ganzen Welt exportiert. Nachdem ich hier heute einen Sprecher des Chief Minister Office besprochen habe, sagte ich, dass der Punjab-Chefminister Herr Parkash Singh Badal als Reaktion auf den Vorschlag, den der stellvertretende Chief Minister Sukhbir Singh Badal für den großen Füllstand vorstellt, getroffen wurde Zu den Exporten von Obst und Gemüse aus dem Staat. Zur Erleichterung der Gemüse - und Obstbauer, die ihre Produkte exportieren wollen, hat der Chief Minister die Freistellung der Marktgebühr durch Änderung von Regel 30 (10) und Form K-3 von ldquo genehmigt. Die Punjab Agricultural Produce Markets (General) Rules, 1962rdquo. Hellip SAD DARES KONGRESS ZUM ANFRAGEN UNO PROBE IN BÜCHER AUSGABE Middot ASKS BAJWA ZU KOMMEN AUS DER GRIEF VON PANCHAYAT DEBACLE Die MLAs von Sharomani Akali Dal heute beigetreten Hände, um die falsche Propaganda von Kongress Partei gegen Bildung Minister Sikander Singh Maluka entfesselt . Mr. Mantar singh brar amp Herr Saroop Chand Singla (Beide CPS) und Herr Darshan singh kottfatta amp Herr Mahesh singh Nihal Singh Wala (beide MLA) in einer gemeinsamen Erklärung hier ausgestellt heute stark gepeitscht auf der Kongress Party für die Hervorhebung ein Kleinere Frage der Beschaffung von Büchern und sofortige Aufmerksamkeit der Massen aus den Multi-Crores Betrug der UPA Regierung. Diese MLAs forderten sofortige Entschuldigung von Herrn Sukhpal Singh Khaira für seine unreifen und kindlichen Aussagen gegen die Würde der Justiz und anderer konstitutioneller Institution von Indien. Sie sagten, dass Herr Khaira versuchte, die Verherrlichung der Justiz zu machen, indem er die Autorität von Retd in Frage stellte. Gerechtigkeit Herr Jindal für die Prüfung der Frage der Beschaffung von Büchern. Sie rieten dem Kongress, eine Sonde von der UNO anstelle von CBI zu verlangen, die eine bloße Marionette in den Händen des Kongresses ist. In Pressekonferenzen SAD Leaders behauptet, dass Kongresspartei die Mutter aller Betrügereien in Indien ist, die das Land durch Multi-Crores-Betrügereien wie 2G Spectrum, Commonwealth Games Scams, Coal Gate, Adarash Society, Railgate etc. geplündert hat. SAD MLAs äußerten ihre Sympathie mit dem PPCC Präsident Herr Partap Singh Bajwa für seine Hilflosigkeit und betete für seine frühe Erholung von der Trauer der Zila Parishad und Panchayat Smities Debakel. Diese MLAs wagten die Punjab-Kongresseinheit, um auch eine Untersuchung für die von UPA begangenen Multi-Crore-Betrügereien zu beantragen. BADAL GIBT GEHÖRT, UMFASSEN SIE ZURÜCKZUFÜHREN, DASS DER PURDAB-Chefminister Herr Parkash Singh Badal für die Umgestaltung von 17255 Dorfwassersteinen über den Staat hinweg gesichert hat Das Ministerium für Trinkwasser amp Sanitation, GoI für die Suche nach Mitteln zur Melodie von Rs.762 crore von Centrersquos flexi Fonds von Rs.9000 crore unter 12. fünf Jahre Plan. Da dies heute ein Sprecher der CMO offenbarte, sagte Herr Badal die Akte in dieser Hinsicht am Mittwochabend. Es sei daran erinnert, dass die Unionsregierung im Rahmen der Leitlinien dieses Flexi - Fonds Vorschläge aus verschiedenen Staaten für die Durchführung eines soliden und liquiden Managements in Dörfern gesucht hat, unter denen 70 der gesamten Projektkosten vom Zentrum und vom Gleichgewicht 30 von dem Staat geteilt werden. Dementsprechend war das Zentrum wahrscheinlich, Rs.533 crore zu sanktionieren als seine 70 Anteil der Gesamtprojektkosten in Höhe von Rs.762 crore und die restlichen Rs.129 crore würde von Punjab Regierung ausgegeben werden. Das System zielte darauf ab, die Bedrohung dieser ländlichen Wasserteiche effektiv durch das liquidebasierte Management zu bewältigen. Das Problem der ländlichen Wasser Teiche hat sich zu einer großen gesundheitlichen Gefährdung damit Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit der ländlichen Einwohner, fügte der Sprecher hinzu. PUNJAB CM STARTET RS. 9 CRORE ldquoSUPER ACHIEVER SCHOLARSHIPrdquo SCHEMA DER CHANDIGARH UNIVERSITÄT GHARUAN UNIVERSITÄT BEKANNT 100 FEE EXEMPTION FÜR 630 MERITORIOUS STUDENTEN Punjab Chief Minister Herr Parkash Singh Badal hat heute ein ldquoSuper Achiever Scholarshiprdquo-System, initiiert von Chandigarh University, Gharuan unter seiner Stipendienpolitik für die brillante anspruchsvolle Ingenieure ins Leben gerufen des Landes. Da dies heute ein Sprecher des Chief Ministerrsquos Büro sagte, sagte die Chandigarh University Rs. 9 crore, um Super Achiever Stipendium zu 630 verdienstvolle Studenten bieten. Als er die Anstrengungen der Chandigarh-Universität zur Einleitung dieser einzigartigen Politik verabschiedete, sagte Herr Badal, dass es die Pflicht sei, alle Erziehungsinstitutionen zu verpflichten, das Gefühl der Erfüllung unter den hellen Schülern einzuschüchtern, die sie weiter ermutigen würden, weiter zu streben Mehr und mehr Erfolg im Leben. Bei der Gelegenheit hat die Kanzlerin Chandigarh-Universität, Herr Satnam Singh Sandhu, den Chief Minister angekündigt, dass die Varsity mit dem Programm zur sozialen Verantwortung der sozialen Verantwortung (CSR) auf der einen Seite begonnen und das beste Talent aus dem Land auf der anderen Seite angezogen hat . Unter diesem prestigeträchtigen Schema Studenten würden Anspruch auf 100 Gebühr Verzicht zusammen mit anderen Vorteilen wie kostenlose Bücher amp Uniform neben, Placements in Top Multi-Nationals amp Höhere Bildung Chancen in der Universität nach dem erfolgreichen Abschluss ihres Kurses. Briefing über die verschiedenen Aspekte des Stipendienprogramms an den Chief Minister Herr Sandhu sagte, dass unter dem ldquoSuper Achiever Scholarshiprdquo Programm CU würde 165 Studenten jedes Jahr in verschiedenen Strömen von Engineering und Business Management unter diesem Schema zugeben. CU würde Online-Bewerbungen von den Studenten einladen, die in JEE-2013 (mains) für Engineering und CATMATCMAT-2013 für MBA erscheinen würden. Student aus jedem Staat des Landes, die in Top-Merit-Liste vorbereitet, die nach diesen Tests vorbereitet wurde, wäre berechtigt, Stipendien zu erhalten. Jeder Schüler mit Staatsrang bis zu 500 in seiner eigenen staatlichen Verdienstliste von JEE vorbereitet würde 100 Studiengebühren Verzicht während ihrer Ingenieurwissenschaften an der Chandigarh University unter der ldquoSuper Achieverrdquo Politik und auf dem ähnlichen Muster jeder Schüler mit Staatsrang bis zu 1000 würde berechtigt sein Erhalten 50 Gebührenverzicht in CU. Im Falle von MBA, würde jeder Schüler mit CAT-Perzentil-Scores von 70 und höher 100 Studiengebühren Verzicht bekommen, während diejenigen, die Perzentil Scores von 80 und mehr in MATCMAT würde berechtigt, 100 Gebühr Verzicht profitieren zu bekommen. Weiterhin würde jeder Student, der 90 oder mehr in den jeweiligen 102 Vorstandsprüfungen sichern würde, auch Anspruch auf Stipendienleistungen haben. Bei der Gelegenheit, sagte Vizekanzlerin CU, Dr. R. S.Bawa, dass die Chandigarh-Universität seit ihrer Gründung eine zentrale Drehscheibe für verdienstvolle Studenten von nicht nur Punjab, sondern auch für die Studenten der Nachbarstaaten JampK, H. P. Haryana, Rajasthan und Chandigarh. BADAL OKAYS MUNCIPAL RAT STATUS FÜR NURPUR BEDI Chandigarh 30. Mai: Punjab-Chef Minister Herr Parkash Singh Badal gab heute die Zustimmung, den Status des Stadtrates dem Dorf panchayat von Nurpur Bedi im Bezirk Roopnagar zu übergeben und damit die langwierige Nachfrage der Anwohner zuzulassen Der Fläche. Nachdem ich hier heute einen Sprecher des Ministerpräsidenten besprochen habe, sagte Herr Badal die Akte zu diesem Effekt heute abend. Diese Entscheidung war in den größeren öffentlichen Interessen getroffen worden, um die rasche Abgabe öffentlicher Dienstleistungen für die Menschen in den nahe gelegenen Dörfern einerseits zu gewährleisten und die Vorteile von Politiken und Programmen der Landesregierung, die auf das Wohlbefinden und die Entwicklung der Menschen ausgerichtet sind, zu vermitteln auf dem anderen. Der Chief Minister hat auch die Sekretärin Local Regierung gerichtet, um sofort eine endgültige Benachrichtigung in diesem Zusammenhang uns 4 Amp 5 des Municipal Act-1911. ZENTRUM SOLLTE DRUCK AUF IOC ZU HALTEN WRESTLING IN OLYMPIC AMBIT-SUKHBIR middot SPORTS MINISTERIUM SOLLTE DIE ZUKUNFT DER WRESTLERS CHANDIGARH, 30. Mai: Herr Sukhbir Singh Badal, stellvertretender Chefminister, Punjab heute drängte die Union Regierung, um Druck auf Internationales Olympisches Komitee für die dauerhafte Beibehaltung der traditionellen Sport von Indien Wrestling in den Sportveranstaltungen der Olympischen. In einer Erklärung, die hier ausgestellt wurde, sagte Herr Badal, der auch das Sport-Portfolio hält, dass das Internationale Olympische Komitee (IOC) das Ringen nicht aus der Liste der Shortlist-Sportveranstaltungen entfernt hat, aber das Unionsregierungs - und Sportministerium sollte Anstrengungen einleiten und sich registrieren lassen Ihre rechtzeitige Intervention für die Rettung der Zukunft der etablierten und angehenden Ringer des Landes. Ich bat die Unionsregierung, die Zusammenarbeit anderer Nationen zu suchen, um das IOC in dieser Hinsicht zu überzeugen, sagte Herr Badal, dass nach dem Eishockey-Ringen der Sport war, der Lorbeer für die Nation brachte, indem er 4 Medaillen in Olympischen Spielen gewann. Er sagte, dass es die Verantwortung des Gewerkschafts-Sportministeriums sei, das traditionelle Spiel von Indien zu sichern, das in den letzten Olympischen Spielen Maximalmedaillen geholt hat. Er sagte, dass die Zeit gekommen ist, dass wir den Spielplan der westlichen Länder torpedieren sollten, die das asiatische Spiel eliminieren wollten, das Olympia-Medaillen für Indien und Pakistan sicherstellte. Herr Badal sagte, dass die Punjab-Regierung auch an die World Wrestling Federation appellieren würde, um in der Liste der Sportveranstaltungen von 2020 Olympia zu bleiben. Er sagte, dass die indische Regierung auch die Zusammenarbeit aus ihren benachbarten und gleichgesinnten Ländern anstreben sollte, um einen kollektiven und diplomatischen Druck auf alle betroffenen Länder auszuüben, um den olympischen Status von Wrestling zu erhalten. Unterdessen hat Herr Sukhdev Singh Dhindsa, Präsident Punjab Olympia-Verein und ehemaliger Sportminister von Indien, auch das Gewerkschafts-Sportministerium angefochten, eine konzertierte Kampagne zu starten, um den olympischen Status von Wrestling zu retten. Er sagte, dass die westlichen Länder von der zunehmenden Interesse der indischen Jugend in den traditionellen Sportarten des Ringens besorgt waren und es war ihre geplante Verschwörung, um das Ringen von olympischen Ereignissen herauszuholen. Er sagte, dass fast jedes Dorf des Punjab einen Ringen Ring hat und es war zwingend für Union Sports Ministry, um konzertierte Schritte zu ergreifen, um dieses traditionelle Spiel aus dem Aussterben zu retten, außer die Zukunft der Lakhs der angehenden Ringer zu retten. PUNJAB-REGIERUNG GIBT NOD, 4 NEUE ROBEN ZU BAUEN: DHILLON Die Punjab-Regierung hat einen Vorschlag des PWD-Ministeriums zur Errichtung von 4 neuen Eisenbahnüberbrücken (ROBs) genehmigt, um die Straßenverbindungen zwischen den Großstädten und den Städten des Staates zu verbessern . Da dies heute bekannt war, sagte Herr Sharanjit Singh Dhillon, Minister für öffentliche Arbeiten, dass die Abteilung eine gründliche Studie durchführte, um die Machbarkeit und Anforderung von ROBs auf verschiedenen Strecken der Straßen zu beurteilen, neben der Durchführung einer Umfrage über die Verkehrsdichte auf jedem Segment der Straße . Er sagte, dass nach der Identifizierung der kritischen Engpässe behindert den reibungslosen Verkehr, die Regierung hat die Genehmigung für die 4 neue ROBs gegeben. Er sagte, dass diese ROBs mit den Kosten von 128,18 crores gebaut würden und Bauarbeiten in den nächsten zwei Monaten begonnen würden. Die Details, Herr Dhillon, sagte, dass diese ROBs in Malwa und Doaba Regionen des Staates gebaut werden würden. Er sagte, dass die ROBs in Kapurthala in der Nähe von Science City, Malerkotla auf der Raikot Road, Gobindgarh und Northen Byepass Patiala gebaut werden würden. Herr Dhillon sagte, dass alle diese vier ROBs voraussichtlich innerhalb von 18 Monaten nach der Zuteilung der Arbeit abgeschlossen sein. Der Minister sagte weiter, dass die Landesregierung besonderes Augenmerk auf die Verbesserung der Straßenverbindungen im Staat gebe. Er sagte weiter, dass die SAD-BJP-Regierung im Jahr 2007-2012 Rs. 564.95 crore auf 33 Eisenbahn OverUnder Brücken von SAD-BJP Regierung gebaut. PUNJAB SETZT ONLINE-SYSTEM FÜR STROMVORSCHLÄGE middot VERBRAUCHER KANN REGISTER BESCHWEREN ONLINE ODER DURCH IVR-SYSTEM Die Punjab-Regierung, um das Problem der Stromverbraucher zu reduzieren, hat ein Inter-Active Voice Response System (IVRS) eingerichtet. Dies ist eine engagierte Helpline, in der ein Verbraucher seine Beschwerde registrieren kann, indem er bestimmte Telefonnummern wählt. Da dies heute ein Sprecher der Punjab State Power Corporation Co., Ltd (PSPCL) sagte, dass die Zahlen für diese IVRS zugeteilt sind, Code 0172-2218095 amp 2218096. Er sagte, dass IVRS-System wurde bei Patiala installiert, wenn jeder Stromverbraucher in Punjab hat ein Beschwerde unbeaufsichtigt für mehr als 24 Stunden in Bezug auf Stromversorgung dann konnte er seine Beschwerde auf diesem IVRS-System registrieren. Der Sprecher sagte weiter, dass nach dem Wählen einer der Nummern, die für IVRS angegeben ist, das System Sie durch voraufgezeichnete Nachricht begrüßen würde und Ihnen die Seriennummer zuweist, an der Ihre Beschwerde registriert werden würde. Er sagte, dass im Falle Ihrer Beschwerde bleibt unbeaufsichtigt für sieben Tage dann Beschwerdeführer könnte Kontakt Chief Administration Amp IR konnte an der PSPCLrsquos Zentrale kontaktiert werden, Patiala auf Telefon Nr. 0172-2216424 oder persönlich. Der Sprecher fügte hinzu, dass neben dem IVRS-System auch das Online Grievances Redressal Management System (GRMS) aktiviert ist. Er sagte, dass die Verbraucher auch ihre Beschwerden online über dieses GRMS-System registrieren könnten. Er sagte, dass dieses GRMS-System auf PSPCL-Website pspcl. in zugegriffen werden könnte. GESCHÄFTSFÄHIGKEITSABTEILUNG ZUR KUNSTSTOFFKRATTE AUF 50 SUBVENTIONEN: DIREKTORISCHER GARTEN 1.21 LAC-KRATZEN WERDEN ZU LANDWIRTSCHAFTLICHEN KATASTEN HELFEN IM MARKETING VON BLUMEN, OBSTEN UND GEMÜSE Chandigarh, 30. Mai. Punjab Gartenbau-Abteilung hat ein System abgeschlossen, um 1.21 lac Plastikkisten an Landwirte zu verteilen, um sie zu diversifizieren im Landwirtschaftsektor zu fördern. Ernennung dieses hier heute Dr. Lajvinder Singh Brar Direktor Gartenbau-Abteilung, sagte Punjab, dass Plastikkisten den Landwirten auf 50 Subventionen zum Preis von Rs 123 pro Kiste gegen tatsächlichen Preis von Rs 246 pro Kiste gegeben werden würde. Er sagte, dass die Kisten an die Bauern verteilt werden, um bessere Chancen auf dem Gebiet der Vermarktung von Obst, Blumen und Gemüse zu bieten. Er betonte die Notwendigkeit, eine Verschiebung von der traditionellen Landwirtschaft zu der Gartenbau-Landwirtschaft im Staat zu machen, um neue Revolution auf dem Feld der Landwirtschaft zu bringen. Dr. Brar sagte, dass Plastikkisten sind sehr nützlich bei der Aufrechterhaltung der Qualität von Obst, Gemüse und Blumen und es gibt keine Verschwendung und die Bauern erhalten guten Preis in Belohnung durch richtige Präsentation und Vermarktung. Direktor Gartenbau sagte, dass Plastikkisten zum Bezirk geschickt worden sind und blockieren Büros für Verteilung zu den Landwirten. Er sagte, dass die Kisten an die Bezirks-Amp-Block-Abteilungen geschickt werden, wie im Bereich der Gartenbau-Landwirtschaft. Er sagte, dass die Abteilung die Offiziere streng beauftragt hat, dass die Kisten nur an Landwirte verteilt werden sollten, die im Bereich der Gartenbauwirtschaft sind. Er fügte hinzu, trotz dieser Dienstleistung erstmals zuerst dienen Basis, aber wenn die Nachfrage ist mehr als die Offiziere sollten beschließen, gleichmäßig verteilen die Kisten ohne jede Diskriminierung. Dr. Brar hat auch an die Landwirte appelliert, dass sie die Gartenbau Landwirtschaft und profitieren mehr und mehr von verschiedenen Systemen der Abteilung zur Förderung der Gartenbau Landwirtschaft. BADAL GIBT NOD FÜR RENAMING MULLANPUR AS lsquoNEW CHANDIGARHrsquo ENVISIONS NEUES CHANDIGARH, UM ALS WELTKLASSE STADT DY ENTWICKELT zu werden. CM FÜR HOHE STEIGE GEBÄUDE ZU ALLEN KURZFÄHIGKEIT VON LAND ASKS LOCAL GOVT. ZU STRICTLY ADHERE ZU DEN GEBÄUDE BYE RECHTS Punjab Chief Minister Herr Parkash Singh Badal heute genehmigt, um den lokalen Planungsbereich (LPA) Mullanpur als lsquoNew Chandigarhrsquo umzubenennen und bat die Greater Mohali Area Development Authority (GMADA), um es als Weltklasse geplant zu entwickeln Stadt auf modernen Linien. Eine Entscheidung zu diesem Effekt wurde von Herrn Badal während der 26. Sitzung des Punjab Regional Amps Town Planning amp Development Board unter seinem Vorsitz bei der Chief Minister Residenz am Dienstag Abend in Anwesenheit von stellvertretender Chief Minister Herr Sukhbir Singh Badal, der Auch hält das Portfolio von Wohnungsverstärker Stadtentwicklung. Der Chief Minister bei der Überprüfung der Arbeit der verschiedenen Entwicklungsbehörden des Staates sagte, dass Mullanpur Gemeinde, die an lsquoChandigarh-die Stadt beautifulrsquo angrenzte, sollte als Modell Stadt mit der Infrastruktur und die hochmodernen Einrichtungen der internationalen Standards ausgestattet entwickelt werden. Er sagte, dass aufrichtige Anstrengungen unternommen werden sollten, um diese Gemeinde auf dem Muster ähnlich dem von Chandigarh zu entwickeln, damit es als ein wichtiges Touristen - und Investitionsziel im Land entstehen könnte. Herr Badal bat die Offiziere, dafür zu sorgen, dass die Planung der Stadt sorgfältig nach sorgfältiger und sorgfältiger Studie durchgeführt wurde, so dass die Arbeit an diesem ehrgeizigen Projekt zeitlich und effektiv abgeschlossen wurde. Der Chefminister gab auch nicken, um ein hochrangiges Komitee unter dem Vorsitz von Berater Gesundheit amp zu bilden Medizinische Ausbildung Dr. KK Talwar mit Sekretärin Gesundheit, Sekretärin Wohnungsvermittlung Entwicklung und Vertretern der Greater Mohali Area Development Authority (GMADA) und Punjab Infrastructure Development Board ( PIDB), um einen umfassenden Plan für die Entwicklung von Medicity in Mullanpur zu kreiden. Es kann daran erinnert werden, dass die state-of-the-art Krebs-Institut auf dem Muster der Tata Memorial Cancer Hospital ist bereits auf Medicity auf einer Fläche von 50 Hektar. Auf Anregung des stellvertretenden Chefministers gab der Chief Minister auch nod für die Bildung eines ähnlichen Ausschusses der Bildungsexperten für die Entwicklung eines zeitgebundenen Aktionsplans, um Educity als Nagel der Bildung auf einer Fläche von 1700 Hektar zu entwickeln. The Deputy Chief Minister also directed the GMADA to amend the master plan of New Chandigarh accordingly to ensure integrated and planned development of this modern township in a holistic manner. He also gave go ahead to enhance the width of sectoral grid roads from 100 to 200 feet in the master plan of the New Chandigarh. Taking part in the deliberations Deputy Chief Minister Mr. Sukhbir Singh Badal said that the top players from across the country should be roped in for developing the Medicity and Educity so that the state could emerge as a hub of the Health and Education. Expressing deep concern over the chaotic situation arising out of haphazard growth of cities due to the violations of building norms by the builders, he asked the Local Govt. department to adhere to the prescribed norms and bye laws. He asked all the development authorities to ensure that every building constructed on the 100 and 200 meters wide mix used corridors must have 2.5 and 5 meters of land reserved in its front for the green belt. The Chief Minister categorically stated that Mohali would be soon emerge as the financial capital of the state. He also gave green signal for the construction of Amphitheatre having seating capacity of 3000 persons in the Nature Park Sector 62 Mohali spread over 50 acre where theatre performance and drama shows would be held besides conducting cultural programs, live stage performances and concerts. Mr. Badal also approved the norms for the petrol pump sites along with 10 area reserved for shopping complexes to be allotted by the state owned oil companies. He also gave go ahead for the allotment of the sites for opening Verka booths in different sectors. He also cleared the proposal for allotting a site for temple (mandir) in Sector 68, Mohali. The Chief Minister also directed the cultural Affairs department to hold laser shows regularly on the life and philosophy of great warrior Baba Banda Singh Bahadur at his memorial at Chappar Chiri to acquaint our youth with our rich legacy and glorious cultural heritage. Towards an investor-friendly approach, the Chief Minister also agreed to the proposal of the GMADA to allow the successful allottees of Ecocity scheme Mullanpur, to deposit the initial amount of 30 within 180 days instead of 90 days. These provisions would also be applicable in the case of allottees of Dashmesh Nagar at Sri Anandpur Sahib. Mr. Badal also cleared the proposal to set up Mohali Down Town in Sector 62 over an area of 80 acres to offer the world class infrastructure with parking space and modern facilities of entertainment and refreshment. The Chief Minister reiterated that the state government would not acquire even an inch of land in any case for the infrastructure project but would either follow the process of land pooling or PPP mode. The Chief Minister also gave approval to the Greater Ludhiana Area Development Authority to develop 11 new identified sites worth Rs.20000 crore through land pooling. He also agreed to the proposal mooted by Deputy Chief Minister to develop Ludhiana down town at one of the prime location of PSEB on Ludhiana ndash Ferozepur road. The Chief Minister also approved the proposal of Amritsar Development Authority to set up Nature Park over an area of 20 acre along with Upper Bari Doab Canal (UBDC) from Taranwal bridge to Sultanwind at a cost of Rs.2.04 crore. Besides giving permission to construct the 5 storied new building of Amritsar Development Authority. Mr. Badal also gave green signal to Jalandhar Development Authority for the establishment of housing projects at Hoshiarpur and Nakodar over an area of 210 acre through land pooling scheme. Likewise, he also approved the group housing scheme to be developed over an area of 50-30 acre in Jalandhar through PPP mode. The Chief Minister also cleared the proposal of Bathinda Development Authority for establishing new housing colony over an area of 192.33 acre at Rama Mandi. Mr. Sukhbir Singh Badal also favored the construction of service lanes on the newly constructed 200 meter wide roads so as to avoid any sort of traffic nuisance. He also directed the Chief Administrators of the development authorities of Bathinda, Amritsar, Ludhiana, Jalandhar, Patiala and Mohali to regularly convene the executive meetings for taking prompt decisions to ensure timely completion of the development projects. Keeping in view the paucity of land, the Deputy Chief Minister asked the development authorities to go far vertical growth in terms of high rise buildings which was the only viable solution to overcome the shortage on land. He also asked the CAs of all the development authorities to personally monitor the progress of ongoing projects besides checking the trend of illegal colonies that was posing a major challenge to the integrated development of the cities and towns. Prominent amongst those present on the occasion included Cabinet Minister Mr. Chunni Lal Bhagat, Chief Parliamentary Secretary Mr. NK Sharma, Chief Secretary Mr. Rakesh Singh, Financial Commissioner Revenue (FCR) Mr. NS Kang, Principal Secretary to Chief Minister Mr. SK Sandhu, Secretary Housing and Urban Development Mr. A Venuprasad, Secretary Expenditure Mr. Jaspal Singh, Special Principal Secretary to the Chief Minister Mr. Gaggandip Singh Brar, Principal Secretary to Deputy Chief Minister Mr. PS Aujla, Director Local Bodies Mr. Priyank Bharti, CA PUDA Mr. Manvesh Singh Sidhu, CA GMADA Mr. AK Sinha, CA Jalandhar Development Authority Mr Supreet Singh Gulati, CA Patiala Development Authority Mr. GK Singh. CM SEEKS POWELLrsquoS COOPERATION TO BRING INVESTMENTS IN THE UPCOMING MEDICITY amp EDUCITY PROJECTS AT NEW CHANDIGARH US ENVOY HAILS BOLD INITIATIVES TAKEN BY BADAL TO PROTECT WOMEN FROM GENDER RELATED CRIME ASKS OTHER STATES TO FOLLOW PUNJAB Punjab Chief Minister Mr. Parkash Singh Badal today impressed upon the US ambassador Ms Nancy. J Powell to make huge investments in the upcoming Medicity and Educity projects at New Chandigarh (Mullanpur). Mr. Badal made this offer to the visiting US envoy who called on him at his residence this morning. The Chief Minister apprised Ms. Powell that he had already cleared both these prestigious projects being developed as medical and education hub to provide the world class healthcare services and the state-of-the-art education facilities to the student right from kinder garden to university level to enable them to compete globally. The US ambassador assured Mr. Badal of bringing major investments in these ventures by mobilizing the US based entrepreneurs and investors, for which the Chief Minister promised to extend all possible help and cooperation. Ms. Powell informed that the US embassy would soon set up an American business desk at Mohali which would be manned the Mohali Industrialists Association to garner investments from US and a nodal officer would be appointed from its embassy to facilitate their entrepreneurs who were keen to make investment in Punjab. She hugely appreciated the efforts of the state government for establishing the prestigious Indian School of Business besides World Class infrastructure including expressways and the upcoming international airport at Mohali which would give a fillip to the bilateral trade thereby consolidating the statersquos industrial economy. Highly impressed by laudatory steps initiated by the Chief Minister for the protection of the women against the gender related crimes in the state, Ms. Powell said that other states should also follow the suit to safeguard the rights of the women as pioneered in Punjab. The Chief Minister said that he had been inspired by the philosophy and teachings of the first Guru of Sikhs Sri Guru Nanak Dev ji who championed the cause of women empowerment and called upon the mankind to respect her who gave birth to the mighty kings. Mr. Badal reiterated his governmentrsquos resolves to ensure respect and modesty of women and girl children at all costs, to effectively combat the crimes against them in general and maintained their self-esteem by reposing confidence in the law and order machinery in particular. The Chief Minister apprised Ms. Powell that no complainant of gender related cases was being called at Police stations as a mark of respect and dignity of the women. Mr. Badal categorically said that he has given clear cut instructions to the police that they would only be examined at her residence by the police authorities accompanied by a lady police official that too in the presence of her family members so that the women complainants could freely come forth with their grievances without any fear, hesitation or inhibition. He also informed that 500 lady Sub-Inspectors (SIs) would soon be appointed and posted in all the Police stations across the state to strengthen the law enforcing machinery for effectively combating gender related crime. Seeking Chief Ministerrsquos response on the issue of inclusive development, Mr. Badal told the US Ambassador that the recent landslide victory of the SAD-BJP alliance in the Zila Parishad and Block Samiti elections was reflective of peoplersquos unstinted support and trust in the policies and programs of the state government. Mr. Badal was confident that the same streak of victory would be repeated in the forthcoming Lok Sabha elections. Mr. Badal unequivocally said that the peace, communal harmony and brotherhood were the redeeming factors for overall development and prosperity in the state during SAD-BJP regime spanning over nearly seven years. Dwelling on the agrarian economy of the state, Mr. Badal envisaged Ms. Powellrsquos support in pursuing their agriculture diversification program through making lucrative investments in the agro and food processing industry to give further impetus to the farming sector. Striking a positive note, Ms. Powell assured the Chief Minister that she would certainly persuade the entrusted key-players in the field of healthcare and education based in US to set up their ventures at the upcoming New Chandigarh. She also informed Mr. Badal that the concept of community college aimed at imparting vocational training could also be launched at Educity in New Chandigarh. The Chief Minister was accompanied by his Special Principal Secretary Mr. Gaggandip Singh Brar. Consul and Second Secretary US Embassy Mr. Aaron Martz and its Senior Advisor Mr. A. Sukesh were also present on the occasion. BADAL APPROVES REVISED TOLL POLICY TOLL RATES TO BE REDUCED APPROVALTO RS. 3448 CRORE INFRASTRUCTURAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS Punjab Chief Minister Mr. Parkash Singh Badal today approved the revised Toll policy aimed at the rationalization in the toll rates besides enhancing the user acceptability in the state. Disclosing this here today a spokesperson of the Chief Ministerrsquos office said that Mr. Badal was presiding over the meeting of the Punjab Infrastructure Development Board (PIDB) here at his residence late last evening in the presence of the Deputy Chief Minister Mr. Sukahbir Singh Badal. According to the Revised Toll Policy minimum road toll charges would be reduced to Rs. 15 which was Rs.31 earlier. Likewise, the toll rate for structures (Flyovers or RoBs) would be now linked with the cost of the structure instead of length, which would tremendously reduce the toll rates. As of now, only 40 of the wholesale price index (WPI) would be taken into account while revising the toll rate after every year. This is apart from a fixed component of a 3 annual increase which was 10 in earlier policy. It was also approved that for the Daily Pass validity based on one calendar Day in the existing policy. 24 hour period from the issuance of the toll slip would be considered and for the frequent users 25 discount would be given instead of present discount of 20. The validity for the Monthly Pass would also consider valid for 30 days from the date of issuance. It may be recalled here that the Toll Policy of Punjab was notified in 2004-05, under which nine BOT (Built operate amp Transfer) and two OampM (operation aamp maintenance) road projects and one OampM high level bridge had been completed and made operational through PIDB. The board has also approved various Roads, ROBs and High level bridges projects worth Rs. 3448 crore that included eleven major road BOT projects of total 567Km length to be constructed at a cost of Rs. 3200 crore. Prominent amongst others who were present in the meeting included Local Government Minister Mr. Chunni Lal Bhagat, Tourism Minister Mr. Sarwan Singh Phillaur, Transport Minister Mr. Ajit Singh Kohar, Health amp Family Welfare Minister Mr. Madan Mohan Mittal, Finance amp Planning Minister Mr. Parminder Singh Dhindsa, Chief Secretary Mr. Rakesh Singh, Principal Secretary Tourism Mrs. Geetika Kalha, Principal Secretary Local Government Mr. Jagpal Singh, Special Principal Secretary to the CM Mr. Gaggandip Singh Brar, Managing Director PIDB Mr. Anurag Aggarwal, Secretary PWD Mr. PS Aujla and Secretary Finance Mr. Jaspal Singh besides other senior officers of the state administration. SUKHBIR FOR REORIENTING EDUCATION SYSTEM TO INCREASE EMPLOYABILITY middot ADVANI AND SUKHBIR HONOUR FIVE TEACHERS WITH lsquoMALTI GYAN PEETH PURASKARrsquo OF Rs. 1 LAKH EACH NEW DELHICHANDIGARH, MAY 29: Mr. Sukhbir Singh Badal, Deputy Chief Minister, Punjab today underlined the need for reorienting our education system to increase the employability of educated youth. Mr. Badal was speaking in a function organized by Mohinder Singh Syngle Education and Research Society to give away lsquoMalti Gyan Peeth Puraskarrsquo of Rs. 1 lakh each to five outstanding teachers of Punjab at Siri Fort Auditorium here today, where Mr. L. K. Advani, Deputy Prime Minister was the Chief Guest. Mr. Badal regretted that our education system was not focusing on Vocational education resulting in producing an army of white collared unemployed youth. The Deputy Chief Minister said that our education system should motivate the students to opt for their career right from beginning and equip the students with employable vocational self sustaining skills. Appreciating Mrs. Malti Mohinder Singh Syngle, Chairman of Mohinder Singh Syngle Education and Research Society, for his dedicated service for the cause of education, he said that this endeavour of honouring five outstanding teachers with a prize of Rs. 1 lakh and citation would motivate them to perform their jobs with complete dedication and sincerity. He said that he was happy with the announcement of Mrs. Syngle to raise the number of prizes to 15 from next year, which would be totally dedicated to teachers serving in Punjab. He said that Punjab education department would work out a transparent system for nomination of teachers for this lot. Speaking on this occasion, Mr. L. K. Advani, former Deputy Prime Minister lauded the role of Mohinder Singh Syngle Education and Research Society for their dedicated work and called upon other NGOs to come forward in the field of education. On this occasion Mr. Advani and Mr. Badal felicitated five teachers of Punjab namely Mr. Gurpreet Singh (Physics), Mr. Jaswinder Kumar (Chemistry), Mrs. Vandana Sharma (Mathematics), Mr. Shakti Kumar (English) and Mrs. Joginder Kaur (Social Studies) with lsquoMalti Gyan Peeth Puraskarrsquo of Rs. 1 lakh each and a plaque. Mr. Anup Jalota, famous singer, regaled the audience in a colourful cultural show. Prominent amongst those were present on the occasion included Mrs. Maneka Gandhi, Member Parliament, Mr. Tarlochan Singh and Mr. Sikander Singh Maluka, Education Minister Punjab. -------- PUNJAB TO RELINE ALL DISTRIBUTARIES IN THREE YEARS-SUKHBIR middot Rs. 2700 CRORE PROJECT SET TO REHABILITATE THE IRRIGATION NETWORK middot CONSTRUCTING AGENCY MADE ACCOUNTABLE TO MAINTAIN CANAL SYSTEM FOR 15 YEARS middot APPROVES 400 DEEP TUBE WELLS FOR THE STATE CHANDIGARH, MAY 29: The Punjab Government today approved a major plan to reline all distributaries in the state in next three years and took path breaking decisions to rejuvenate the whole Irrigation network. Mr. Sukhbir Singh Badal, Deputy Chief Minister, Punjab, accompanied by Mr. Janmeja Singh Sekhon, Irrigation Minister today reviewed the working of Irrigation Department and said that SAD-BJP Government was fully committed to revitalize the total irrigation network so that the farmers even at the tail end could get proper supply of canal water for irrigation. He said that since last sixty five years Union Government has not sanctioned a single penny for rehabilitation and maintenance of Canal network. Mr. Badal said that due to lack of maintenance of Canal network, the whole system has become silted and choked with weeds, reducing the capacity of canal less than 50. Mr. Badal said that Punjab Chief Minister had been pleading the Union Government to sanction a special package for rehabilitation of 100 years old Canal system of the state as viability of this system directly proportionate to food security of the country but Union Government has not paid any heed to our repeated pleas. Approving Rs. 2700 crore for relining of all distributaries of the canals, Mr. Badal said that in future Irrigation Department while tendering these projects should make the construction agency accountable for maintaining that system for next 15 years. He asked the Secretary Irrigation to redraft the tender documents incorporating this clause, in which construction agency would conduct annual maintenance of the canal system, desilting besides deweeding the whole system. He said that tender should also incorporate the clause making construction agency accountable for ensuring supply of water at tail end of the system besides monitoring the usage of Canal Water at different points. In a major step to augment canal irrigation capacity with ground water irrigation system, Mr. Badal approved 400 deep tube wells and asked the department to ensure its operation and maintenance by the executing agency. The department was also asked to put up a comprehensive plan for total canal system. ------------------------- E-DISTRICT PROJECT TO BE ROLLED OUT IN ENTIRE PUNJAB BY OCTOBER 30 - SUKHBIR middot RS 53.34 CRORE SANCTIONED CHANDIGARH, MAY 29 The Punjab Government has all set to roll out the E-District Project in the entire state by October 30 this year at the cost of Rs 53.34 crore, making the dream of putting all offices online a reality. Reviewing the functioning of Governance Reforms department here today, Mr. Sukhbir Singh Badal, Deputy Chief Minister Punjab expressed satisfaction over the fact that a pilot project has already been rolled out in the SBS Nagar and Kapurthala districts, which has registered a great success in hassle free service delivery in both districts. It was informed in the meeting that as per the data released from National Programme Management Unit of E-District project by Government of India, Punjab has the highest number of services which has gone live in the pilot phase. He said that keeping in view the success of this project in pilot phase, the process has already been started to spread it across the state. Sanctioning Rs 53.34 crore for the completion of the project, Mr. Badal said that IT Company WIPRO that has been selected as State Project Management Unit (SPMU) to look after the implementation of this project should ensure its timely completion. He said that under the project total 47 services to go live till by October 30 this year in all the districts, facilitating people to register online applications, complaints by sitting at home. They would also be able to check the status of their application online on day to day basis. It was informed in the meeting that to ensure the proper implementation of this project, Divisional level workshops for sensitizing the Divisional Commissioners and Deputy Commissioners were conducted from April 8 to 10 in Jalandhar, Bathinda and Patiala. Besides that Sub Divisional and Block Level Officers would also be given training for this project in the month of July. Kohar-LEARNER DRIVING TEST COMPUTERISED Chandigarh May 28: The Punjab government, with a view to ensuring total transparency in the process of issuing the learner driving licenses, has launched a novel project through which the entire driving licenses for the learners would be computerized. Disclosing this here today Mr. Ajit Singh Kohar Transport Minister Punjab said that this new project is being launched for the current financial year 2013-14 which would not only ensure transparency but also issued within a stipulated time frame. He also said that the usual time taken and the harassment while getting the driving license issued would be reduced to a certain extent. Mr. kohar further said that earlier also the department had started issuing driving licenses in the form of smart cards which was a largely appreciated. Now the computerization of the entire process is another feather in the cap of Transport department, he added. He also said that the government had already authorized government ITIs, Polytechnics and Engineering Colleges to conduct learner driving tests before issuing the learner and then a final license. Besides this the original documents are returned to the applicant after keeping the scanned copies. With this the paper work has also been reduced in issuing the driving licenses. Developing countries like Kenya after studying the entire system of issuing the driving licenses has introduced the online system in its country. 10 COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTERS TO BE COMPLETED BY SEPTEMBER 2013: DHILLON The Punjab PWD is all set to complete 10 World Class community health centres at the cost of Rs.50.38 crores taking the state a step closer towards universalization of health by the year 2020. Disclosing this here today, Mr. Sharanjit Singh Dhillon, PWD Minister said that community health centers were constructed according to the latest guidelines of World Health Organization keeping in view the changing requirements of health services centres. He said that 95 construction work of these health centres has been completed and by September 2013 these centres would be dedicated to the suffering humanity of Punjab. He said that these state-of-the-art buildings were on advanced stage of completion with a total cost of Rs. 50.38 crores at Chowk Mehta in Amritsar District, Dhaliwal in Gurdaspur District, Bharatgarh in Roop Nagar district Benewal and Harta Badla in Hoshiarpur district, Koom Kalan in Ludhiana District, Doodhan Sadhan in Patiala District, Lalru in Ajitgarh(Mohali), Khera in Fatehgarh Sahib District and Bareta in Mansa district. He said that within four months the remaining constructions would be completed. PUNJAB LAUNCHES CRUSADE AGAINST DRUG ADDICTION middot 214 POSTS IN THE THREE DRUG DEADDICTION CENTRES BE FILLED WITHIN THREE MONTHS The Punjab Government in order to realize its resolve to make the state drug free has launched the campaign against drug addiction. The first step in this direction is to fill up 214 posts in the three state level drug de addiction centers situated at Amritsar, Jalandhar and Patiala within three months. It was disclosed by Mr. Chunni Lal Bhagat, Minister for medical education and research. Mr. Bhagat said that the process for the recruitment has already been the started after the Punjab Cabinet has given its nod for the recruitment by sanctioning 214 posts for drug de addiction centers. He said that five dedicated drug de addiction centers would be operational in the state at Patiala, Jalandhar, Amritsar, Bathinda and Faridkot. He said that the government has sanctioned a fund of Rs. 25 crore for these drug de addiction centers. The minister further said that the whole recruitment process to fill the 214 posts would be supervised by a departmental recruitment committee under the chairmanship of Dr. Talwar. He said that except the drug de addiction centers at the state level, 31 more drug de addiction centers are being set up at district and sub division level. 231 POSTS SANCTIONED IN TECHNICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT middot POST TO BE FILLED WITHIN SIX MONTHS The Punjab government has sanctioned 231 posts in the department of technical education. The recruitment process would be completed within six months. Disclosing this here today Mr. Anil Joshi, Technical Education and Industrial Training Minister said that the government has approved posts for craft instructors and state monitoring cell. He said that approval has also been granted to set up of Instructor Training Wing in Industrial Training Institute Lalru with the collaboration of World Bank. The Minister further said that sanctioning of the post of instructor Training Wing Lalru would be beneficial to upgrade the standards of technical education. He said the all the wings of the department have been asked to furnish the detail of vacant posts so that recruitment process could be started soon. LAST DATE TO SUBMIT ADMISSION FORMS FOR DIPLOMA COURSES EXTENDED TILL JUNE 10 The Punjab State Board of Technical Education amp Industrial Training has extended the last date to submit the admission application forms till June 10, 2013 . Disclosing this here today a spokesperson of the Punjab government said that the admission for various Diploma Courses to be done on the basis of rank obtained by candidates in the JET 2012. The online counseling schedule including fee waiver scheme has been also revised. Now 1st online counseling would be started from 18th June 2013 instead of 1st june 2013 to 25th June 2013 and 2nd counseling would be started from 4th July to 7th July 2013. The details of the revised counseling schedule have been available on the Boardrsquos website:punjabteched and punjabteched . He further said that more than 60,000 seats have been available in 130 polytechnic colleges located in Punjab and Chandigarh. He said that The Admission Prospectus-cum - Admission Application form is available in the Boardrsquos office and polytechnic colleges. The admission application form can also be down loaded from the Boardrsquos website and deposited in the Boardrsquos office. VALTOHA MAKES AN EMOTIONAL APPEAL TO PM TO SAVE PUNJAB FROM DRUG SMUGGLING middot SHOOT OUT A VOCIFEROUS LETTER TO PM, URGING HIM TO PRO ACTIVE ROLE IN CONTAINING DRUG SMUGGLING THROUGH INTERNATIONAL BORDER ldquoEvery Punjabi is worried about the drug menace and is trying its best to overcome this menace. To plug the smuggling of drugs, its sale and drug addiction in the State of Punjab, the State has already vigorously registered cases under N. D.P. S. Handlung. The population of teenagers is the worst affected lot due to inflow of contra-bands. rdquo These facts have quoted by Mr. Virsa Singh Valtoha, Chief Parliamentary Secretary, Punjab, in a letter to Dr. Manmohan Singh, the Prime Minister of India. Urging the PM to play a pro active role in saving the food basket as well as custodian of Indiarsquos frontier lsquoPunjabrsquo from the menace of drug being smuggled from its border adjoining with Pakistan, Mr. Valtoha said that the State of Punjab has played a leading role in the progress of nation in every field. More than 80 of the people belonging to State of Punjab have sacrificed their lives for our country. Even in the two wars of 1965 and 1971, the Punjabis have fought bravely with Pakistani forces. With their hard work, The Punjabis have produced surplus food grains for the country which account for more than 50 of the total production in the country. The neighboring enemy countries have always tried to weaken our country internally by trafficking the drugs into the Punjab. It has always been their policy to dislodge India first. Because of nefarious designs of Pakistan, Punjab has been worst affected in the grip of drugs. MLA from Khemkaran constituency adjoining to the international border with Pakistan, Mr. Valtoha also wrote that, As per the latest survey of the total quantity of the drugs pedaled into the country, 70 comes through the borders of Punjab, whereas rest of the 30 sneaks through other borders touching Pakistan. He apprised the Prime Minister that not only he himself but also the people of his constituency are aware of the activities, how the drugs are being smuggled into India with the help of bad elements active in the Govt. Agencies. Despite BSF being stationed over there, lying of barbed wire, having flood lights, the Pakistan smugglers are easily placing the drugs bags on our side, which fact is not accepted by anybody. The stage has come that the people living at Border have started thinking that not only Pakistan is trying to weaken our State of Punjab but the bad elements in the Government agencies have also adopted this attitude which is a very bad sign for the entire country. He said that BSF officers have also admitted that 70 drugs are being smuggled through Punjab borders out of which near-by 50 is passing through Khalra-Khemkaran Sector (of my Constituenty). BSF personnel know all these things but are they taking any necessary steps to control all this menace Now the question that arises is whether they have increased their strength, put on night visions, fog visions or other latest hi-tech instrumentsgadgets stationedinstalled on this entire border-route Whether any CCTV cameras are being placed on this entire route The answer to all these questions is big ldquoNordquo and that is why the people of my constituency are now convinced that Indian Government and BSF never wanted that this drug menace to be controlled effectively. The people of Punjab as well as people belonging to my constituency are totally convinced and are 100 per cent sure that the bad elements i. e. from lower level up to a higher level, working within the government agencies as well as within the BSF personnel are making a lot of money from this drug smuggling. Chief Parliamentary Secretary made a vociferous appeal to the Prime Minister to save Punjab and India from this drug menace by taking very stern and effective action and the government agencies as well as BSF personnel should be made accountable for their total failure in controlling this drug menace ONE TEHSILDAR AND 5 NAIB TEHSILDARS TRANSFERRED Chandigarh, May 29: The Punjab government has issued new postingtransfer orders of one Tehsildar and 5 Naib Tehsildars with immediate effect. According to an official spokesman, Mr. Jaswant Rai Dani has been posted as Tehsildar on special Duty Ferozepur against vacant post. The spokesman further said that amongst Naib Tehsildars Mr. Mohinder Kumar has been posted at Guru Har Sahai (Ferozepur), Mr. Kundan Lal at Mamdot (Ferozepur), Ms. Sukhbir Kaur at S. L.A. C Jalandhar, Mr. Tarsem Chand at Patiala and Mr. Deepak Kumar Bhardwaj at Raikot (Ludhiana) . PUNJAB GOVERNMENT APPROVES REVISED GUIDELINES FOR REIMBURSEMENT middot GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES ENTITLED TO CLAIM MEDICAL EXPENDITURE FROM BOTH INSURANCE AGENCIES AND GOVERNMENT Mr. Madan Mohan Mittal, Health amp Family Welfare Minister, Punjab here today stated that Punjab Government has, while taking up the matter regarding the reimbursement of medical bills of Punjab Government employeesPensioners and their dependents who have subscribed to medical insurance policies on their own and thus are eligible for reimbursement by the Insurance Companies, has decided that the reimbursement of medical expenditure from both the sources, namely insurance agencies and Government, may be claimed. However such reimbursements shall be subject to the condition that the concerned employeepensionerdependent will first claim insurance from the insurance company and thereafter submit the medical bills to the Government, which may reimburse only the differential amount between the total amount of the bills and the payment made by the insurance company, with the condition that the payment allowed by the Government may not exceed the admissible amount as per Government reimbursement rates. The Minister further said that this revised policy has been framed, keeping in mind the interest of lakhs of employees, who have in addition, subscribed to Medical Insurance Policies at their level on their own expenditure. 231 POSTS SANCTIONED IN TECHNICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT middot POST TO BE FILLED WITHIN SIX MONTHS The Punjab government has sanctioned 231 posts in the department of technical education. The recruitment process would be completed within six months. Disclosing this here today Mr. Anil Joshi, Technical Education and Industrial Training Minister said that the government has approved posts for craft instructors and state monitoring cell. He said that approval has also been granted to set up of Instructor Training Wing in Industrial Training Institute Lalru with the collaboration of World Bank. The Minister further said that sanctioning of the post of instructor Training Wing Lalru would be beneficial to upgrade the standards of technical education. He said the all the wings of the department have been asked to furnish the detail of vacant posts so that recruitment process could be started soon. LAST DATE TO SUBMIT ADMISSION FORMS FOR DIPLOMA COURSES EXTENDED TILL JUNE 10 The Punjab State Board of Technical Education amp Industrial Training has extended the last date to submit the admission application forms till June 10, 2013 . Disclosing this here today a spokesperson of the Punjab government said that the admission for various Diploma Courses to be done on the basis of rank obtained by candidates in the JET 2012. The online counseling schedule including fee waiver scheme has been also revised. Now 1st online counseling would be started from 18th June 2013 instead of 1st june 2013 to 25th June 2013 and 2nd counseling would be started from 4th July to 7th July 2013. The details of the revised counseling schedule have been available on the Boardrsquos website:punjabteched and punjabteched . He further said that more than 60,000 seats have been available in 130 polytechnic colleges located in Punjab and Chandigarh. He said that The Admission Prospectus-cum - Admission Application form is available in the Boardrsquos office and polytechnic colleges. The admission application form can also be down loaded from the Boardrsquos website and deposited in the Boardrsquos office. VALTOHA MAKES AN EMOTIONAL APPEAL TO PM TO SAVE PUNJAB FROM DRUG SMUGGLING middot SHOOT OUT A VOCIFEROUS LETTER TO PM, URGING HIM TO PRO ACTIVE ROLE IN CONTAINING DRUG SMUGGLING THROUGH INTERNATIONAL BORDER ldquoEvery Punjabi is worried about the drug menace and is trying its best to overcome this menace. To plug the smuggling of drugs, its sale and drug addiction in the State of Punjab, the State has already vigorously registered cases under N. D.P. S. Handlung. The population of teenagers is the worst affected lot due to inflow of contra-bands. rdquo These facts have quoted by Mr. Virsa Singh Valtoha, Chief Parliamentary Secretary, Punjab, in a letter to Dr. Manmohan Singh, the Prime Minister of India. Urging the PM to play a pro active role in saving the food basket as well as custodian of Indiarsquos frontier lsquoPunjabrsquo from the menace of drug being smuggled from its border adjoining with Pakistan, Mr. Valtoha said that the State of Punjab has played a leading role in the progress of nation in every field. More than 80 of the people belonging to State of Punjab have sacrificed their lives for our country. Even in the two wars of 1965 and 1971, the Punjabis have fought bravely with Pakistani forces. With their hard work, The Punjabis have produced surplus food grains for the country which account for more than 50 of the total production in the country. The neighboring enemy countries have always tried to weaken our country internally by trafficking the drugs into the Punjab. It has always been their policy to dislodge India first. Because of nefarious designs of Pakistan, Punjab has been worst affected in the grip of drugs. MLA from Khemkaran constituency adjoining to the international border with Pakistan, Mr. Valtoha also wrote that, As per the latest survey of the total quantity of the drugs pedaled into the country, 70 comes through the borders of Punjab, whereas rest of the 30 sneaks through other borders touching Pakistan. He apprised the Prime Minister that not only he himself but also the people of his constituency are aware of the activities, how the drugs are being smuggled into India with the help of bad elements active in the Govt. Agencies. Despite BSF being stationed over there, lying of barbed wire, having flood lights, the Pakistan smugglers are easily placing the drugs bags on our side, which fact is not accepted by anybody. The stage has come that the people living at Border have started thinking that not only Pakistan is trying to weaken our State of Punjab but the bad elements in the Government agencies have also adopted this attitude which is a very bad sign for the entire country. He said that BSF officers have also admitted that 70 drugs are being smuggled through Punjab borders out of which near-by 50 is passing through Khalra-Khemkaran Sector (of my Constituenty). BSF personnel know all these things but are they taking any necessary steps to control all this menace Now the question that arises is whether they have increased their strength, put on night visions, fog visions or other latest hi-tech instrumentsgadgets stationedinstalled on this entire border-route Whether any CCTV cameras are being placed on this entire route The answer to all these questions is big ldquoNordquo and that is why the people of my constituency are now convinced that Indian Government and BSF never wanted that this drug menace to be controlled effectively. The people of Punjab as well as people belonging to my constituency are totally convinced and are 100 per cent sure that the bad elements i. e. from lower level up to a higher level, working within the government agencies as well as within the BSF personnel are making a lot of money from this drug smuggling. Chief Parliamentary Secretary made a vociferous appeal to the Prime Minister to save Punjab and India from this drug menace by taking very stern and effective action and the government agencies as well as BSF personnel should be made accountable for their total failure in controlling this drug menace ONE TEHSILDAR AND 5 NAIB TEHSILDARS TRANSFERRED Chandigarh, May 29: The Punjab government has issued new postingtransfer orders of one Tehsildar and 5 Naib Tehsildars with immediate effect. According to an official spokesman, Mr. Jaswant Rai Dani has been posted as Tehsildar on special Duty Ferozepur against vacant post. The spokesman further said that amongst Naib Tehsildars Mr. Mohinder Kumar has been posted at Guru Har Sahai (Ferozepur), Mr. Kundan Lal at Mamdot (Ferozepur), Ms. Sukhbir Kaur at S. L.A. C Jalandhar, Mr. Tarsem Chand at Patiala and Mr. Deepak Kumar Bhardwaj at Raikot (Ludhiana) . PUNJAB GOVERNMENT APPROVES REVISED GUIDELINES FOR REIMBURSEMENT middot GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES ENTITLED TO CLAIM MEDICAL EXPENDITURE FROM BOTH INSURANCE AGENCIES AND GOVERNMENT Mr. Madan Mohan Mittal, Health amp Family Welfare Minister, Punjab here today stated that Punjab Government has, while taking up the matter regarding the reimbursement of medical bills of Punjab Government employeesPensioners and their dependents who have subscribed to medical insurance policies on their own and thus are eligible for reimbursement by the Insurance Companies, has decided that the reimbursement of medical expenditure from both the sources, namely insurance agencies and Government, may be claimed. However such reimbursements shall be subject to the condition that the concerned employeepensionerdependent will first claim insurance from the insurance company and thereafter submit the medical bills to the Government, which may reimburse only the differential amount between the total amount of the bills and the payment made by the insurance company, with the condition that the payment allowed by the Government may not exceed the admissible amount as per Government reimbursement rates. The Minister further said that this revised policy has been framed, keeping in mind the interest of lakhs of employees, who have in addition, subscribed to Medical Insurance Policies at their level on their own expenditure. BADAL HONOURS NEWLY ELECTED ZILA PARISHAD MEMBERS OF SAD-BJP middot ANNOUNCES TO SET UP KISAN BHAWANS AT DISTRICT HEADQUARTERS middot SUKHBIR BADAL ANNOUNCES TO ISSUE IDENTITY CARDS TO ALL THE NEWLY ELECTED ZILA PARISHAD amp BLOCK SAMITI MEMBERS CHANDIGARH, MAY 28: The patron of the Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) amp Punjab Chief Minister S. Parkash Singh Badal today honoured 299 newly elected Zila Parishad members of SAD and BJP. In an impressive lsquoFelicitation functionrsquo jointly organised by SAD and BJP at Kissan Bhawan to this effect, S. Badal called upon the people that keeping the trend to give verdict in the favour of development oriented policies and programmes of the SAD-BJP government continue, root out the Congress completely from the state in the forth coming Parliamentary elections in 2014. Referring to the unprecedented wins of SAD-BJP earlier in Punjab Assembly elections 2012, followed by two By-elections Dasuya and Moga, Delhi Gurdawra Management Committee elections, Corporation elections and now in Zila Parishad amp Block Samiti elections, S. Badal said that the people of Punjab had shown full faith and confidence in SAD amp BJP and out rightly rejected the Congress. Sighting an example of the recent Zila Parishad amp Block Samiti election results, S. Badal said that the ground realities could be judged by it that even people had rejected Congress party candidates in the constituencies of PPCC President Mr. Partap Singh Bajwa, Mr. Sunil Jakhar and Rajinder Kaur Bhattal from where they had elected earlier for the Punjab Assembly. S. Badal congratulated all the elected members and asked them to keep themselves ready for new challenges as people had posed a great liability on their shoulders and they must cherish their aspirations by their participation with full zeal and dedication to carry out all the governmentrsquos developmental programmes successfully. He also announced to setup Kissan Bhawans at all the District Headquarters to facilitate the people besides, establishing well furnished Zila Parishad offices. He directed all the deputy commissioners to conduct at least one meeting with the all Zila Parishad members in three month to resolve their grievances. He also mentioned that in future his tour program would be circulated to respective zila parishad members also. On the occasion, while congratulating the newly elected SAD-BJP Zila Parishad member the President SAD amp Deputy Chief Minister S. Sukhbir Singh Badal said that he would soon visit all the districts to honour the newly elected Block Samiti members. He also announced that state would issue identity cards to all these members so that they could be easily visit different offices of the state and even meet the deputy Chief Minister as well as the Chief Minister without any inconvenience. Likewise, Shiromani Akali Dal would also issue party identity cards to all the members of Zila Parishad and Block Samitis for which, S. Sukhbir Singh Badal asked them to update their particulars in the SAD office. Speaking on the occasion, State President BJP Mr. Kamal Sharma pointed out that with this recent verdict of the public in the favour of SAD-BJP, now their opposition Congress Party must have realized their short comings. He mentioned that their main agenda was peace and communal harmony besides overall development of the state at grass root level for which their SAD-BJP government had successfully achieved all the targets, claimed Mr. Sharma. He further mentioned that their government was fully committed to maintain the democracy in true spirit. On the occasion, the Chief Minister also honoured MLA Mr. Manpreet Singh Ayali for getting the honour of Indiarsquos best chairman of Zila Parishad during his tenure as Chairman Zila Parishad Ludhiana. Prominent amongst those who were present on the occasion included Secretary General of SAD Mr. Sukhdev Singh Dhindsa, Mr. Chunni Lal Bhagat, Mr. Parminder Singh Dhindsa, Mr. Surjit Kumar Jiyani, Mr. Bikram Singh Majithia, Mr. Surjit Singh Rakhra, Mr. Anil Kumar Joshi (all Ministers), Mr. Mantar Singh Brar, Mr. Virsa Singh Valtoha and Bibi Mohinder Kaur Josh (both Chief Parliamentary Secretaries) Advisor to the chief Minister Mr. Maheshinder Singh Grewal, MLA Dr. Daljit Singh Cheema, besides other MLAs, Party Leaders and workers of SAD-BJP. - PUNJAB TO INTERCONNECT ALL OFFICES UNDER ldquoPAWANrdquo PROJECT middot TO BRING MORE TRANSPARENCY IN OFFICIAL WORK AT BOTTOM LEVEL middot ALL PANCHAYATS TO HAVE INTERNET ACCESS IN NEXT 18 MONTHS - TRI-PARTITE AGREEMENT SIGNED BY PUNJAB middot STATE DATA CENTRE TO BE SET UP BY JULY 15 WITH RS 50 CRORE Chandigarh, May 28 Punjab Government has started an ambitious project named ldquoPAWANrdquo aimed at interconnecting all the government offices of Punjab in the second phase of administrative reforms campaign, which would further bring transparency and speedy service delivery to the masses at the bottom level. Disclosing this here today, an official spokesman of the Punjab Government said that under the PAWAN project various offices at state head quarter, District, Blocks and Panchyats would be inter connected, which would further connected to the SDC (state Data Centre) at Mohali. He further said that with the completion of this project, state government would be able to keep a close watch on the functioning of the offices at grass root level while sitting at head quarter. He said that in the next 18-24 months, all village Panchyats of the state would have internet access, for which the Punjab Government has signed the tri-partite agreement on last April 12 with Ministry of Information and Communication Technology and Bharat Broadband Network Limited (BBNL) for laying optical fibre network in all villages across the state. In the first phase 139 offices of Government, Boards and Corporations situated at Mohali and Chandigarh would be covered till August 31, 2013, whereas more than 2000 offices in field to be connected with SDC by December this year, he added. He said that by July 2013, offices of the newly created districts of Fazilka and Pathankot would also to be connected with district network centre. Giving the details about the SDC, he said that it would be operational from Mahatma Gandhi State Institute of Public Administration Chandigarh by the end of this year costing about Rs 50 crore. He said that after the completion of this whole project, the information regarding the functioning of government offices in the state would be available with just a click on computer, which would be a big bonus in the field of administrative reforms, he added. --- MALUKA SUSPENDS SCHOOL TEACHER FORSEXUAL HARASSMENT OF GIRL STUDENTS Chandigarh, May 28: Taking a serious note of the complaints of parents of girl students, the Punjab Education Minister Mr. Sikander Singh Maluka today placed Mahesh Kumar, a Punjabi Teacher of GSSS, Mahinderganj, Rajpura under suspension with immediate effect. It may be mentioned here that Mr. Maluka had earlier directed the Circle Education Officer, Nabha to enquire in to the complaints and after the submission of the enquiry report, ordered the suspension of guilty teacher. Disclosing this here today, a spokesman of the education department said that headquarter of the suspended teacher has been fixed at the office of CEO, Nabha. Besides this, the Minister has also transferred the Principal of the said school to GSSS, Mangat, district Ludhiana for not taking this matter seriously. --- CABINET CLEARS COMPASSIONATE APPOINTMENT FOR SARABJITrsquoS DAUGHTER AS NAIB TEHSILDAR GOVERNMENT JOB OFFERED TO WOMAN WHO LOST HER ALL KITH AND KIN IN A FATAL ROAD ACCIDENT Chandigarh, May 28- The Punjab Cabinet in its meeting held here today under the Chairmanship of Punjab Chief Minister Mr. Parkash Singh Badal cleared the appointment of the daughter of late Sarabjit Singh, Ms. Swapandeep Kaur as Naib Tehsildar and Mrs. Manjit Kaur wo late Surjit Singh, resident of village Daultpur Neewan, District Moga in Group lsquoDrsquo category at Deputy Commissioner Office, Moga on compassionate grounds. Disclosing this here today a spokesperson of the Chief Minister office said while Ms. Swapandeep Kaurrsquos father Sarabjit Singh had succumbed to a deadly attack in Pakistan jail and subsequently the state government had declared him national martyr whereas in another case all the 11 family members of Mrs. Manjit Kaur had died in a fatal road accident near Moga on May 6, 2012. It may be recalled that the Chief Minister had announced to offer government job to Ms. Swapandeep Kaur at the Bhog of Sarabjit Singh while he had promised to give a government job to Mrs. Manjeet Kaur during a Sangat Darshan program. FATEHGARH SAHIB POLICE RECOVERS 11 KGS OF OPIUM, NABS 5 SMUGGLERS Fatehgarh Sahib, May 28: Continuing its drive against the smuggling of narcotic substances, the district Fatehgarh Sahib Police has recovered 11 kgs of opium by arresting five smugglers at three different places. Disclosing this here today, Mr. Gurmeet Singh Chauhan, SSP, Fatehgarh Sahib said that the district police got an information regarding movement of some drug paddlers and special teams were formed under the supervision of Mr. Gurpreet Singh, SP, Detective and Inspector Dalbir Singh to nab them. A police party led by ASI Gurmit Singh of CIA staff Sirhind, which had laid a naka at the bridge of Kotla Bajwara Rajbaha stopped an Alto car carrying Kamaljit Singh Kamal, Parveen Kumar and Prince Sharma. When the police party searched the above said paddlers in the presence of Mr. Amarjit Singh, DSP, Circle Khumano, it had recovered 7 kgs of opium from Kamaljit Singh, 2 kgs from Parveen Kumar and one kg from Prince Sharma. A case no. 92 dated 27-5-13 us 186185 NDPS Act has been registered at Police station Fatehgarh Sahib. Similarly, ASI Harvinder Singh of CIA Staff Sirhind along with a police party intercepted one Rajesh Kumar raju at Bhatti road near Cremation ground and recovered 500 gms of opium. An FIR no. 69 dated 27-4-13 us 186185 NDPS Act has been registered at Police station Sirhind has been registered. Besides this, SI Balwinder Singh of Police station Amloh led police party has also recovered 500 gms of opium from Sandeep Singh Raju. An FIR no. 56 dated 27-5-13 us 186185 NDPS Act has been registered at Police station Amloh. ---- CABINET OKAYS ON-LINE LOTTERY SYSTEM TO GENERATE ADDITIONAL REVENUE AMENDS MINING AUCTION PROCEDURE TO ENSURE HASSLE FREE AVAILABILITY OF SAND AND GRAVEL GO AHEAD FOR FILLING 1274 POSTS IN VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS ZILA PARISHAD CHIEF, MAYORS AND HEAD OF MUNICIPAL COMMITTEES MADE ACCOUNTABLE TO LOK PAL CHANDIGARH MAY 28: In a bid to increase the revenue of the state, the Punjab Cabinet today gave nod to commence On-line Lottery system which would be organized, conducted, operated and regulated as per the provisions of the Lottery Regulation Act, 1998 and Punjab State Lotteries Rules, 1998. A decision to this effect was taken in a Cabinet meeting Chaired by Punjab Chief Minister Mr. Parkash Singh Badal here at CMO this morning. Disclosing this here today a spokesperson of the CMO said that the On-line lottery system was envisaged to offer lottery games played through a network of computer terminals or such other devices as may be approved by the government, installed at retail locations, with the terminals connected to a main data center at a central headquarter. For this purpose, the government would appoint a Distributorselling agent who would inter-alia design and procure, install and commission, operate and maintain, promote amp market and carry out other activities to be required for setting up and managing the On-line lottery. The selection of the distributorselling agent would be done through Tenders and Monitoring Committee. The Cabinet reviewed the situation of availability of sand and construction material and in order to expedite the auction of more mines and increase the availability of sand, gravel (bajri) etc. gave go ahead for amendments of rules, auction procedure, lease policy and policy guidelines for stone crushers to enable a level playing field to all the stake holders in the infrastructureconstruction projects. As a price regulatory measure, the Cabinet also decided that some mines would be operated by the industry department so that the material was made available at affordable rates. The Cabinet also constituted a committee under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary which would regularly monitor the situations in this regard. The Cabinet also approved the amendment in the existing policy regarding purchase of the land for compensatory afforestation due to non availability of degraded forest land in the state. As per the amendment every user agency which required forest land should provide equivalent non-forest land or pay its cost to the Forest department. Funds, thus generated would be utilized for the purchase non-forest land by the department for carrying out afforestation. The policy exempts all the Government sector cases and certain roads to be constructed on BoT basis besides the land owners of the Punjab Land Preservation Act, 1900 areas from the condition of the payment of cost of equivalent non-forest land. The department had already transferred 50 of the funds nearly Rs.32 crore along with interest received thereof to the greening Punjab Mission Fund. The Cabinet also decided to amend the Punjab Act and Pepsu Act enabling NRIs to get their all ancestral or five years old properties vacated expeditiously. Earlier, they could get only one property vacated. The Cabinet approved the revival and filling up of 175 vacant posts of different teaching and non teaching staff in the Industrial Training Department besides the creation of 30 regular and 25 outsourced posts for setting up of instructor training wing with the assistance from World Bank at Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Lalru. This decision would help the state to build capacity for skill development and start apprenticeship training in Micro, Small and Medium entrepreneurship besides providing quality training and gainful employment to the youth of the state. In order to give impetus to horticulture sector in the state, the Cabinet also allowed the Horticulture department to recruit 45 Horticulture Development Officers (HDOs) besides creating five new posts each of HDOs Entomology amp Pathology and three HDOs (Soils) to provide adequate and effective services to Horticulturists in five Citrus Estates set up at Abohar, Tahliwala, Badal, Hoshiarpur and Bhunga. The Cabinet also gave permission for the up-gradation of six HDOs as Assistant Director Horticulture. The Cabinet also gave approval to grant extension in the contract of HealthVeterinary Pharmacist and Sweepers working as service providers Rs.7000 and Rs.3000 per month respectively in 1186 subsidiary health centers and 582 veterinary hospitals under Zila Parishads w. e.f. June 1, 2013 to November 30, 2013 in the public interest as a stop gap arrangement up to November 30, 2013 or till regular recruitment, whichever is earlier. In a bid to boost the livestock sector and promote dairy farming as a push towards diversification of agriculture, the Cabinet approved the revival of 115 posts of Veterinary Officer and 175 Veterinary Inspectors so as to provide the best veterinary care services to the dairy farmers. The Cabinet also gave go ahead to amend the rule 215, 218, 219, 220, 222, 225, 227, 229, 231, 233, 234, 235 along with forms of the Punjab Motor Vehicles, Rules, 1989 regarding Motor accidents claims tribunal rules. The implementation of this scheme would ensure prompt release of financial benefits to the family members of the victims. The Cabinet also approved to provide 214 posts of various levels for running three Drug De-addiction Centers at Amritsar, Patiala and Jalandhar effectively and in a result-oriented manner to wean away the youth from the menace of drug addiction. The Council of Ministers also decided to contribute 10 of their discretionary funds placed at their disposal towards the creation of corpus fund for the construction of Jang-E-Azadi Memorial. An amount to the tune of Rs.2,87,50,000- has been sent directly to the foundation instead of Cultural Affairs department for the establishment of lsquoJang-E-Azadirsquo Memorial. It may be recalled that the Cabinet in its meeting held on October 23, 2012 had decided that each Cabinet Minister and Chief Parliamentary Secretaries (CPS) would annually contribute Rs.10 lakh and Rs.7.50 lakh respectively out of their discretionary funds. The Cabinet also gave approval to revive 16 posts in the office of Lokpal Punjab to ensure its effective and smooth functioning. The Cabinet also gave ex-post facto approval in respect of the amendment in the Punjab Lokpal Act, 1996 (Second Amendment) Act, 2013 to bring the Chairman and the Vice Chairman of the Zila Prishad and its officials Mayor, Senior Deputy Mayor, Deputy Mayor of a Municipal Corporation and its official besides the President and Vice President of a Municipal Council or Nagar Panchayat and its officials under the jurisdiction of Lokpal Act. This decision would enable the Lokpal to look into the complaints of corruption and mal administration against the functionaries of local bodies (both elected and officials). The Cabinet also approved the draft bill for the enactment of Punjab Horse Race (Regulation amp Management) Act, 2013 to provide for setting up, management and operation of race courses, betting activities and intermediaries involved and also for licensing, regulation, control and management of horse races on race courses, maintaining and keeping of horses at race courses, exhibition of horses and other processes of horse race and all matter connected therewith and incidental thereto etc. The Cabinet also approved the exemption of fee charged for the registered mortgage deed in the larger public interest. Likewise the Cabinet also approved the loan of Rs.1500 crore raised by PUDA against OUVGL properties. The decision is aimed at triggering the tempo of growth and development in the state. With a view to ensuring the best health care and diagnostic facilities to the people across the state, the Cabinet also cleared the proposal of Medical Education amp Research Department to fill 129 posts of super specialists and medical teaching faculty in Medical Colleges of Amritsar and Patiala. Of these 80 super specialists would be recruited in the departments of Oncology, Surgical Oncology, Nuclear Medicine, Radio Therapy, Radiology and Immuno-Haematology amp Blood Transfusion of Govt. Medical College Amritsar and Patiala to effectively combat the deadly menace of Cancer so that these posts were filled up quickly. These recruitments would be made by the Departmental Selection Committee on merit after taking out these posts from the preview of Punjab Public Service Commission. Apart from this the Cabinet gave green signal to recruit 49 medical teaching faculty including 12 professors, 19 assistant professors, 13 senior lecturers and 5 lecturers in these medical colleges through direct recruitment on merit through the same committee after taking them out of the purview of the PPSC. To perpetuate our rich legacy and glorious cultural heritage amongst the future generations, the Cabinet also approved to transfer the land and building of Wood Seasoning Plant Kartarpur in Jalandhar district to the Cultural Affairs Department for setting up of the memorial of Swami Virjanand. The Cabinet also okayed amendment in the Punjab Privately Managed Recognized School Employees (Security of Service) Act, 1979 so as to include Non-aided posts of Employees under its ambit. This would on one hand empower the Educational Tribunal to settle the disputes between the management and employees of these institutions and facilitate the government by mitigating the mounting litigation by such teachers against their management, on the other. In order to generate funds for the state government, the Cabinet also gave green signal to bring an ordinance to impose 2 stamp duty on Power of Attorney by amending Schedule 1A of the Indian Stamp Act. The Cabinet also gave nod to return the land of freedom fighters, confiscated by the British Authorities during the freedom struggle, to their kin. The Cabinet also approved to appoint 512 Hindi teachers on contract at a consolidated pay of Rs 10,300 from April 2012 in the larger public interest. These teachers were recruited under Centrally Sponsored Scheme lsquoFinancial Assistance for appointment of Teachers in Non Hindi statesrsquo, which was discontinued by the GoI at the end of 9th Five Year Plan. . ----- DRAW DATE OF PUNJAB STATE MOTHERrsquoS DAY SPECIAL BUMPER 2013 POSTPONED CHANDIGARH, MAY 28: Punjab Government has postponed the draw date of Punjab State Motherrsquos Day Special Bumper 2013 from May 28, 2013 to June 14, 2013. Now winners can also claim cash prize instead of luxury cars. Disclosing this here today official spokesperson of Punjab Government said that prizes of Motherrsquos Day Special Bumper 2013 are 1st Prize one Mercedes Benz or cash prize, 2nd prize three Toyota Innova or cash prize and 3rd prize five Volkswagen Polo or cash prize. It may be mention that it is for the first time that First, Second and Third prizes of the scheme will be given out of Sold Tickets only. Spokesperson further said that 4th prize is ten Maruti Alto K10 or cash prize and 5th Prize is 100 Honda Activa Scooters or cash prize. Total prizes under this scheme are 119. The price of a single ticket is Rs 250. Tickets could also be bought from post offices. Spokesperson further said that Punjab State Bumpers and Monthly Lotteries are popular not only in the state but all over India due to its transparent system. He appealed to the ticket buyers to verify the Punjab Governmentrsquos logo on the ticket before buying. ----- MALUKA SUSPENDS SCHOOL TEACHER FORSEXUAL HARASSMENT OF GIRL STUDENTS Chandigarh, May 28: Taking a serious note of the complaints of parents of girl students, the Punjab Education Minister Mr. Sikander Singh Maluka today placed Mahesh Kumar, a Punjabi Teacher of GSSS, Mahinderganj, Rajpura under suspension with immediate effect. It may be mentioned here that Mr. Maluka had earlier directed the Circle Education Officer, Nabha to enquire in to the complaints and after the submission of the enquiry report, ordered the suspension of guilty teacher. Disclosing this here today, a spokesman of the education department said that headquarter of the suspended teacher has been fixed at the office of CEO, Nabha. Besides this, the Minister has also transferred the Principal of the said school to GSSS, Mangat, district Ludhiana for not taking this matter seriously. ----- GOVERNANCE REFORMS-PHASE 2 PUNJAB TO INTERCONNECT ALL OFFICES UNDER ldquoPAWANrdquo PROJECT middot TO BRING MORE TRANSPARENCY IN OFFICIAL WORK AT BOTTOM LEVEL middot ALL PANCHAYATS TO HAVE INTERNET ACCESS IN NEXT 18 MONTHS - TRI-PARTITE AGREEMENT SIGNED BY PUNJAB middot STATE DATA CENTRE TO BE SET UP BY JULY 15 WITH RS 50 CRORE Chandigarh, May 28 Punjab Government has started an ambitious project named ldquoPAWANrdquo aimed at interconnecting all the government offices of Punjab in the second phase of administrative reforms campaign, which would further bring transparency and speedy service delivery to the masses at the bottom level. Disclosing this here today, an official spokesman of the Punjab Government said that under the PAWAN project various offices at state head quarter, District, Blocks and Panchyats would be inter connected, which would further connected to the SDC (state Data Centre) at Mohali. He further said that with the completion of this project, state government would be able to keep a close watch on the functioning of the offices at grass root level while sitting at head quarter. He said that in the next 18-24 months, all village Panchyats of the state would have internet access, for which the Punjab Government has signed the tri-partite agreement on last April 12 with Ministry of Information and Communication Technology and Bharat Broadband Network Limited (BBNL) for laying optical fibre network in all villages across the state. In the first phase 139 offices of Government, Boards and Corporations situated at Mohali and Chandigarh would be covered till August 31, 2013, whereas more than 2000 offices in field to be connected with SDC by December this year, he added. He said that by July 2013, offices of the newly created districts of Fazilka and Pathankot would also to be connected with district network centre. Giving the details about the SDC, he said that it would be operational from Mahatma Gandhi State Institute of Public Administration Chandigarh by the end of this year costing about Rs 50 crore. He said that after the completion of this whole project, the information regarding the functioning of government offices in the state would be available with just a click on computer, which would be a big bonus in the field of administrative reforms, he added. ----- PUNJAB HIKES SCHOLARSHIP OF WARDS OF CONSTRUCTION LABOURERSrsquo middot SHAGUN AMOUNT ALSO INCREASED TWO FOLD CHANDIGARH, MAY 28: Punjab today took two major decisions for the welfare of construction labourers by substantially hiking the scholarship of their children besides doubling the shagun amount given to their daughters. These decisions were taken in a high level meeting of the Punjab Building and other Construction Workersrsquo Welfare Board presided by Mr. Surjit Kumar Jiyani, Labour Minster, Punjab. Mr. Jiyani while divulging the details said that the increased rates of scholarship and shgun would be applicable from April 1, 2013. He said that now the students from 1st to 5th standard would get scholarship of Rs. 2,000 pre annum, from 6th to 8th Rs.3, 000 p. a, from 9th to 12th Rs. 5,000 p. a. and for college student (for every stream of graduationpost graduation) Rs. 15,000 per annum, would be given as scholarship, if the student staying at hostel this amount would be Rs. 30,000 per annum. Similarly every kind of MedicalEngineering degree students would be entitled for the scholarship of Rs. 30,000 per annum and if the student staying in hostel this amount would be Rs. 50,000 per year. Mr. Jiyani further said that the amount of Shagun given during the marriage of the daughter of the construction labourersrsquo has also been doubled. He said that now the shagun amount would be Rs. 21,000 instead of earlier Rs. 11.000 He said that the board would also help the registered labourers and their dependents for dental and eye care and for hearing aids. He said that financial aid for Rs.800 would be given for eyeglasses, Rs. 5,000 for implanting denture and Rs. 6,000 would be given for hearing aids. Only those construction labourers registered with the Punjab Building and other Construction Workersrsquo Welfare Board would avail these welfare schemes Prominent amongst other who were present during the meeting included Mr Harkesh Singh Sidhu, Special Secretary Labour and Labour Commissioner, Mr. Harish Nayyer, Additional Labour Commissioner, MR. Jacob Partap, Deputy Labour Commissioner and member of Punjab Building and other Construction Workersrsquo Welfare Board. BADAL ORDERS INQUIRY INTO ALLEGED IRREGULARITIES IN SCHOOL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT JUSTICE (RETD.) A. N. JINDAL TO PROBE INTO THE MATTER CHANDIGARH, MAY 27 : Taking cognizance of the news reports in a section of Press regarding alleged irregularities in the School Education Department, the Punjab Chief Minister Mr. Parkash Singh Badal today ordered an independent enquiry to be conducted by the retired Judge of Punjab and Haryana High Court Justice Mr. A. N. Jindal to get into the bottom of the case. Disclosing this here today, a spokesperson of the Chief Ministers Office said that Mr. Badal had ordered this enquiry to Justice Jindal to probe into all alleged aspects particularly relating to the purchase of school library books for primary and upper primary, science kits and supply of map masters. It may be recalled that the Education Minister Mr. Sikander Singh Maluka had himself offered for an independent enquiry to be ordered by the Chief Minister during a press conference here on Sunday last. ------------- CM GIVES RS.1870 CRORE BONANZA FOR KANDI AREA DEVELOPMENT CALLS FOR CLOSELY MONITORING OF DEVELOPMENT WORKS BY SAD-BJP MLAs amp LEADERS IN KANDI REGION CHANDIGARH MAY 27: In a major boost to ensure overall development and prosperity in the kandi region, the Punjab Chief Minister Mr. Parkash Singh Badal gave a nod to a massive development plan of nearly Rs.1870 crore to percolate the benefits of welfare schemes for the inhabitants of kandi area at the grass roots level. Presiding over a high level meeting with the MLAs and party leaders of SAD-BJP alliance representing 17 constituencies in the kandi districts namely Mohali, Hoshiarpur, Pathankot, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Nagar (Nawanshahr) and Roopnagar here at Chief Ministerrsquos residence on Sunday evening, Mr. Badal asked the representatives of these assembly segments to ensure the timely and quality execution of development works under their direct supervision besides eliciting the active participation of the members of local Panchayats and Municipal Committees. The Chief Minister emphasized the need to get these development works done according to the felt needs of the people and the elements of probity, accountability and transparency should be adhered to at all costs so that these funds meant for the welfare of the residents of the kandi areas must be spent judiciously to provide the basic civic amenities to them living in these difficult areas. The Chief Minister asked the MLAs and leaders to spend these funds on the construction and repair of roads including link roads through PWD (BampR) and Mandi Board, implementation of potable water and sanitation schemes, repair and de-silting of check dams, strengthening and revamping of canals, water courses, channels and distributaries, deep drilling tubewells, upgradation of health care facilities, animal husbandry besides revamping the school and college infrastructure. The Chief Minister sanctioned grant of Rs.146.95 crore for Mohali, Rs.149.47 crore for Derabassi and Rs.83.56 crore for Kharar assembly constituency under Mohali district. Likewise, he allotted Rs.119.54 crore for Hoshiarpur, Rs.66.60 crore (Sham Churasi), Rs.118.97 crore (Dasuya), Rs.93.35 crore (Chabbewal), Rs.102.41 (Mukerian), Rs.42.60 (Tanda Urmur), Rs.85.19 (Gharshankar) in Hoshiarpur district. Mr. Badal also sanctioned Rs.113.65 crore for Pathankot, Rs.31.70 crore and Rs.32.72 crore for Sujanpur and Bhoa assembly segment in Pathankot district respectively. Similarly Balachaur constituency in Shaheed Bhagat Singh Nagar district got Rs.218.18 crore to be spent on various development civil works in the area. Roopnagar, Chamkaur Sahib and Sri Anandpur Sahib were sanctioned Rs.211.17 crore, Rs.69.09 crore and Rs.184.42 crore respectively for undertaking various schemes for the overall development and progress of kandi region. Prominent amongst others who attended the meeting included MLA Derabassi Mr. NK Sharma, MLA Sham Churashi Mrs. Mohinder Kaur Josh, MLA Dasuya Mrs. Sukhjit Kaur Sahi, MLA Chabbewal Mr. Sohan Singh Thandal, MLA Tanda Urmur Mr. Sangat Singh Gilzian, MLA Gharshankar Mr. Surinder Singh Bulewal Rathan, MLA Sujanpur Mr. Dinesh Singh and MLA Bhoa Mrs. Seema Kumari, MLA Balachaur Ch. Nand Lal, MLA Sri Anandpur Sahib Mr. Madan Mohan Mittal and former Union Minister and senior Akali Leader Mr. Balwant Singh Ramuwalia. Apart from these, Chief Ministerrsquos Principal Secretary Mr. SK Sandhu and his Special Principal Secretaries Mr. KJS Cheema, Mr. Gaggandip Singh Brar, Mr. Gurkirat Kirpal Singh also participated in the meeting. hellip SUKHBIR GIVES NOD TO USHER IN MILK REVOLUTION IN PUNJAB MILK PROCUREMENT COVERAGE TO BE DOUBLED FROM 17 TO 30 MILKFED TO SETUP 4 MEGA PLANTS SPECIAL SCHEME APPROVED FOR ENCOURAGING WOMEN IN ORGANISED DAIRYING DAIRY FARMING TO GET EQUIVALENT STATUS OF AGRICULTURE FOR CREDIT FACILITY PLAN ON ANVIL TO ENCOURAGE GREEN FODDER FARMING CHANDIGARH, MAY 27: Mr. Sukhbir Singh Badal, Deputy Chief Minister, Punjab today gave his nod mega expansion plan of Milkfed that is set to usher in second milk revolution in Punjab. Reviewing the working of Milkfed, the Punjab Deputy Chief Minister said that his aim was to make Verka products as a largest selling brand of milk products in the country and that could be realized only by giving a big push to expansion plan of Milkfed besides increasing the procurement of milk two fold. He said that the expansion plan would focus on right from encouraging Dairy Sector, setting up organized Dairy Farms, reorienting procurement of raw milk, scientific collection and chilling chain, ultra modern milk processing facilities, value addition of milk products and effective marketing network to exploit the brand image of Verka. Stressing upon the need for strengthening Dairy sector from grass root level, Mr. Badal also approved a Specialised scheme for encouraging women in the dairy sector that would provide subsidized loan to them to set up Dairy Farms, technical know how for setting up of dairy farms and support to such units by providing veterinary care and farm feed to Dairy entrepreneurs. He asked Mr. S. K. Sandhu, Principal Secretary Cooperative to put up a proposal for giving dairy sector equivalent status of Agriculture for the purpose of bank credit. Approving the setting up of 4 mega milk plants of Rs. 250 crore each in the state, Mr. Badal said that we have to increase the processing capacity 4 fold and these plants should be of international standards with ISO 9002 specifications. He said that Punjab has to become No. 1 exporter of milk products and should explore new markets in Gulf Countries. Expressing concern over shortage of Green Fodder especially during summers, Mr. Badal said that new diversification plan has a special incentive for the farmers, who would switch over from Paddy or wheat farming to complete fodder farming. Concerned on low penetration of Dairy Sector in the Rural economy, Mr. Badal said that out of 33000 crore milk markets the share of organized sector was 30 and out of which Milkfedrsquos share was only 17. He said that his focus was to increase its share to 30 and make the brand Verka as world known brand. Asking the Milkfed to reorient its product portfolio according to the changing needs of young generation, Mr. Badal said that Verka should also go in for low calories brand to expand its customer network. Approving the plan to setup Verka kiosks in all parks of all Corporation cities of Punjab, Mr. Badal said that the penetration of these products have to be increased to ensure quality products to citizens. Mrs. Alak Nanda Dayal, MD Markfed gave a presentation on the proposed expansion plan of Milkfed. ----------------- NRI GETS RS. 9.40 LAC BACK WITH INTERVENTION OF PUNJAB NRI COMMISSION Chandigarh, May 27: The Punjab NRI Commission has come to the aid of a UK based NRI Mr. Charnjit Singh ro Nurmahal (Jalandhar) by getting him back Rs. 9.40 lac which was invested in ICICI Prudential Life Insurance by a bank. employee after misguiding the NRI. The Commission played a significant role in striking compromise between the cocerned parties after getting the life insurance policy cancelled. Disclosing this here today, a spokesman of State NRI commission, NRI Chanjit Singh had opened an account in ICICI, Nurmahal and the bank employee Gaurav Kant Arora convinced him for fixed deposits at the rate of 14 percent. He gave two cheques of worth Rs. 7 lac each. Meanwhile, the said employee asked him to buy a life insurance policy but he didnrsquot show any interest. The bank employee misguided him by saying that being a good customer, he was being issued free insurance policy, but it was not so. The spokesman informed that when after few days he checked his account, a withdrawal of Rs. 10 lac was already made and the money was invested in a life insurance policy and stock exchange. When the NRI took up this matter with bank authorities, he was asked to deposit third cheque. The NRI brought this matter in the notice of NRI Commission. The Commission summoned both parties and they have reached at a compromise. The insurance policy was cancelled and NRI got Rs. 9.40 lac back. --------- GOVERNMENT RESTRICTS USE OF KEROSENE Chandigarh May 27: The Union Government has issued a notification banning the supply of kerosene supplied under Public Distribution System for any purpose other than cooking and illumination. According to a notification issued by the department of Petroleum and Natural Gas, no dealer appointed under the public distribution system would supply kerosene to any person other than the person to whom the supplies were meant for. According to the spokesman of the government, no dealer having stocks of kerosene supplied under the public distribution system at the business premises would refuse to supply the kerosene to any consumer on any working day, during working hours. He would not keep his business premises, including the place of storage closed during working hours on any working day without the prior written permission of the Government or the Government Oil Company. He also said that the dealer would not sell the kerosene higher than that of the price fixed by the Government. Every dealer appointed under the public distribution system would take adequate steps to ensure that ample stocks of kerosene were available at the business premises including the place of storage at all times. The spokesman further said that the kerosene dealers would have to prominently display the Opening Stock of kerosene, the quantity received during the day, the quantity sold, delivered or otherwise disposed of during the day, the closing stock of the day including the orders of the Government in writing. An Officer of the Department of Food and Civil Supplies of the Government not below the rank of an Inspector authorized by the Government or any authorized officer of the Central Government, with a view to ensuring compliance of this order could inspect the premises of the authorized dealer and take appropriate action under the provisions of Essential Commodities Act, 1955 if any discrepancy found or non compliance of the government directive noticed. The Union government has also directed the state government to ensure strict compliance of the edict issued in public interest. 110.80 LAKH TONNES WHEAT PROCURED IN PUNJAB Chandigarh, May 27: Government agencies and private millers procured more than 110.80 lakh tonnes of Wheat till last evening. Out of total procurement of 110.80 lakh tonnes of wheat Government agencies procured 98.8 till date whereas private traders procured 1.29 of wheat. Till May 26, PUNGRAIN had procured 20.03 lakh tonnes (18.1) whereas MARKFED procured 24.06 lakh tonnes (21.7). PUNSUP procured 22.03 lakh tonnes (19.9), PSWC procured 12.67 lakh tonnes (11.4) whereas PAIC was able to procure 10.42 lakh tones (9.4 ) of wheat. The Central Government agency FCI had been able to procure 19.35 lakh tonnes of wheat which was the 17.5 of the total procurement of wheat in the state. The spokesman added that district Sangrur with 09.47 lakh tonnes of procurement was leading in procurement operations whereas district Ludhiana with 08.64 lakh tonnes of procurement was at second slot and District Patiala with 8.09 lakh tonnes of procurement ranked at third position. ---- RIMC ENTRANCE TEST TO BE HELD ON JUNE 1amp2 The entrance examination for admission to the Rashtriya Indian Military College ( RIMC ), Dehradun for January, 2014 term would be conducted here at Lala Lajpat Rai Bhawan (Sector-15) on 1st(Sat)amp 2nd (Sun) June, 2013. Disclosing this here today a spokesman of the Directorate Sainik Welfare, Punjab informed that only boys were eligible to apply for the admission. Candidates appearing for the test should not be born earlier than 2nd January, 2001 and not later than 1st July, 2002. They should either be studying in Class VII or passed Class VII from any recognized school at the time of admission to the RIMC. Selected candidates will be given admission in Class-VIII. The written part of the examination would consist of three papers namely, English, Mathematics amp General Knowledge and the viva-voce test would be held for only those candidates who qualify in the written exam and the date for the viva voce test has been fixed as on October 07, 2013 (Monday). --- LOCAL BODIES ISSUED DIRECTIONS TO TAKE PREVENTIVE STEPS TO CHECK OUTBREAK OF WATER BORN DISEASES middot ASKS TO SUBMIT REPORTS WITHIN A WEEK CHANDIGARH, MAY 27: The Punjab Government today issued strict instructions to ensure the proper maintenance of underground water and sewerage pipes to avert any incident of water borne diseases including cholera and diarrhea etc. Disclosing this here today, Mr. Chunni Lal Bhagat, Local Bodies Minister, Punjab informed that instructions in this regard have been issued to all Deputy Directors of the Local Bodies Department, Commissioners of Municipal Corporations and Executive Officers of all Municipal Councils to sincerely follow the instructions. He said that it had been observed that in past cases of cholera and diarrheas were come to fore due to improper maintenance of water and sewerage pipes, so the necessary guidelines have already been issued in this regard for ongoing summer season. The Minister said that it has also been directed to divide cities and towns in sectors and form teams to conduct survey of their respective areas and it should also be ensured by the concerned authorities that water pipes should be separated from sewerage pipes, manholes etc. He said that lines of drinking water should not be passed under and along with sewerage lines. Mr. Bhagat also said that directions for plugging any kind of leakage have also been issued and to change the outdated pipes with immediate effect in public interest. He said that all the concerned authorities would also ensure the proper chlorination of water besides checking the level of purity. Mr. Bhagat said that authorities have also been asked to submit reports in this regard within a week. --- PUNJAB TO FILL VACANT POSTS OF DOCTORS AND TECHNICAL STAFF IN ESI HOSPITALS amp DISPENSARIES - MITTAL middot AYURVEDA AND YOGA DISCIPLINES TO BE STARTED IN ESI HOSPITALS middot MEDICAL APPELLATE TRIBUNAL TO BE SET UP FOR INSURANCE PERSONS EMPLOYEES Chandigarh, May 27: The Punjab government has initiated the process to fill all vacant posts of Doctors and Technical Staff in ESI hospitals amp dispensaries to meet the shortage of specialists. While presiding over the meeting of 72nd Regional Board of Employees State Insurance Corporation here, Mr. Madan Mohan Mittal, Health amp Family Welfare Minister, Punjab stated this. He has also ordered the concerned officials to identify the locations for setting up new ESI dispensaries in the state. He also gave nod to setup Mortuary and Blood Banks at ESI Hospitals too. The Minister stressed upon the need to promote the Indian Medical System in the state through ESI Hospitals by adopting AYUSH. He has also given his nod to set up Medical Appellate Tribunal at different places for the ESI smart card holders so that the patients who are not satisfied from the medical board get option to appeal before the Appellate Tribunal. Reorganization of ESI dispensaries was also discussed in the meeting. The minister said that it should be establish to cut down the travel time of patients than the previous system. Discussing the issue of reimbursement of bills, the Minister said that these bills should be sent directly to the Director ESIC Punjab by the competent authorities. Minister also directed Director ESIC to send circulars in this regard. The Minister has also cleared the project of landscaping of vacant land in ESI Hospital Jalandhar. Others prominent present in the meeting were Dr. H Bali Director Health Services ESI, Punjab, Mr. Rattan Kumar Regional Director ESIC, Punjab amp Chandigarh Mr. Darbara Singh Deputy Director ESI Punjab, Mr. P. K Narula Joint Director ESI Medical Hospital Ludhiana, Dr. P. L Chaudhry MS ESI Medical Hospital Ludhiana and representatives of employees Dr. SP Dogra, Mr. Kartar Singh Rathaour, Mr. SK Dutta and Mr. Raj Mani Yadhav. ------ RS 1400 CR. BE INCURRED ON THE RELINING OF RAJANSTAN AND SIRHIND CANALS: SEKHON CHANDIGARH, MAY 27: The Punjab Government has chalked out the comprehensive plan for the rehabilitation of Rajasthan and Sirhind canals. Rs 1400 crore would be incurred on the relining of both these important canals of the state. It was disclosed by Mr. Janmeja singh Sekhon by adding that tenders for the relining work are shortly being floated and the relining of the canals would be completed in three years. He said that Chief Minister Mr. Parkash Singh Badal is deeply concerned about the pollution of the canals through the contaminated water being flushed out by the industrial units. He said that Chief Minister has already issued directives for the pollution control board to check the pollution in the canals. Mr. Sekhon said that sewerage treatment plants are being setup in the state to recycle the contaminated water for the purpose of irrigation. He further said that the Agriculture Sector in Doaba region is all set to get a big boost with the 6 fold increase in the irrigation capacity of Bist Doab Canal and its all distributaries with the cost of Rs. 211 crore. This prestigious project would witness a massive transformation in the irrigation potential of the the Bist Doab Canal System from present capacity of 30364 hectares to 172981 hectares. Mr. Sekhon said that, the government has also sanctioned a rehabilitation of syphon aqueduct at Jalandhar Branch that was damaged during the floods that would increase the irrigation area by 158416 acres. BADAL TO WELCOME AND FELICITATE NEWLY ELECTED MEMBERS OF ZILA PARISHAD ON MAY 28 Chandigarh, May 26- Punjab Chief Minister Mr. Parkash Singh Badal would felicitate all the newly elected Zila Parishad members of the state at 12:30 pm on May 28 (Tuesday) in the Kisan Bhawan. Disclosing this here today a spokesperson of the Chief Ministerrsquos Office said that as per his commitment to strengthen the democracy at the grass root level especially at the Panchayat level, Mr. Badal would address these newly elected Zila Parishad members thereby welcoming them and seeking their whole hearted support and participation in the policies and programs of the state government. hellip. Education Minister Press - Mr Sikandar Singh Maluka Chandigarh May 26 - the Punjab education Minister Mr Sikandar Singh Maluka today turned the political tables on the opposition Congress Party. offering to face any inquiry by a credible independent third agency on allegations on irregularities in book purchase of school books. Mr. Maluka asked the PPCC president Partap Singh Bajwa to demand similar probe into scams of the UPA Govt. in Delhi I m ready to face any inquiry by any agency to be decided by the chief minister. I do not want an eye wash in the form of an internal inquiry. I m going to meet Mr. Parkash Singh Badal right away to order a comprehensive probe into every allegation and punish anyone including me guilty. quot Addressing media persons at Punjab Bhawan this afternoon, Mr. Maluka said that some irregularities in book purchase process were brought to his notice even before these appeared in newspapers quotI immediately ordered a thorough probe to cover all irregularities. We stopped the purchase and distribution of books immediately All this was before the media dragged my own name into it, quot said Mr. Maluka. But the Minister said that he wished to uphold the highest standards of probity in public life. quotNow that my own name figures in the controversy, I do not want to the inquiry to be conducted by anyone subordinate to me in the department. I am the boss here, and the buck stops with me. Therefore, I have decided to approach the Chief Minister and request him to get the entire issue, including my role, probed by someone who is independent of me. The Chief Minster and the Deputy Chief Minster have themselves set high standards for accountability in integrity and honesty in public life. I do not wish to do anythng that lowers the bar. quot hellip. CHIEF MINSTERrsquoS OFFICE, PUNJAB CM BANS TRANSFERS OF PSPCL OFFICERSOFFICIALS DURING PADDY SEASON Chandigarh, May 26- To ensure uninterrupted power supply for the transplantation of the paddy in the state, the Punjab Chief Minister Mr. Parkash Singh Badal today banned the transfers of officers and officials of Punjab State Power Corporation Limited (PSPCL) with immediate effect. Disclosing this here today a spokesperson of the Chief Ministerrsquos Office said that Mr. Badal has taken this cautious decision to provide efficient services to the consumers during the ensuing paddy season. The chief Minister categorically said that the ban on these transfers would remain in force till the paddy season was over. However, the transfers would be effected only in the case of retirement of any officer or official on superannuation. -------------------- CHIEF MINISTERrsquoS OFFICE, PUNJAB BADAL OKAYS NEW AP TUBE WELL POLICY FOR YEAR 2013-14 POLICY GUIDELINES UNDERSCORES WATER CONSERVATION AND CROP DIVERSIFICATION 25000 NEW TUBE WELL CONNECTIONS TO BE RELEASED Chandigarh, May 26- With a view to arrest the alarming trend of over exploitation of the ground water and ensure its judicious use in agriculture sector, the Punjab Chief Minister Mr. Parkash Singh Badal approved the Agriculture Power (AP) Tube Wells Policy stipulating guidelines for the release of electric connections for Agricultural pump sets in the state for the year 2013-14. Divulging the details of said policy a spokesperson of the Chief Ministerrsquos Office said that the Punjab State Electricity Regulatory Commission has mandated the state government to decide the number of Agricultural Pump sets (AP) connections to be released each year in the state for reasons of ecology, inadequate ground water potential, declining water table or any other reason. The new AP policy guidelines have been formulated in the backdrop of state governmentrsquos ambitious program of Crop diversification besides popularizing Drip Micro Irrigation amongst farmers especially the vegetable and fruit growers with a thrust on conservation of water, the statersquos only available natural resource which was becoming scarce due to ever depleting water table. Reckless use of ground water has rendered 45 blocks in Punjab as over exploited blocks as revealed in the latest report of Central Ground water authority. Accordingly, the Chief Minister gave a go ahead to these policy guidelines for the current fiscal and a proposed target of 25000 AP connections had been fixed. Further in order to clear the backlog of General category applications pending since long 50000 additional connections under the ARTC scheme were proposed to be released on priority through outsourcing departmentally in view of the financial constraints of PSPCL during 2011-12 as per guidelines approved by the state government. The Connection against all the applications registered under this priority category could not be released during 2012-13 and as such the remaining connections would be released in the year 2013-14. Under the policy it would be incumbent on the part of state government to fix the target for the release of AP connections annually in the beginning of every year and in any case the total number of AP connections released by the PSPCL in a year would not exceed the target fixed by the state government. Giving the category wise breakup of 25000 AP connections to be released in a year, the spokesperson said the general category would be allotted 15000 AP connections (60), priority categories 7500 (30) besides 2500 (10) to miscellaneous category. The policy further stipulated that under the general category 60 of the AP connections (9000) would be allotted to the applicants comprising small farmers having land holding upto 2.5 acre and without any tube well connection, 20 (3000) connections for marginal farmers having land holding of more than 2.5 acre and upto 5 acre whereas the remaining 20 (3000) connections for big farmers having land holding more than 5 acre. The priority categories included the applicants having Land across International Border fencing amp River Ravi, Kandi Area, family partition, Ex-servicemen, members of Schedule Caste communities, Gallantry Awardees (Armed Forces and Civilians), Martyrs of Kargil War, Operation Rakshak in JampK and insurgency. Similarly, the miscellaneous category covered religious institutions including Gau Shalas, Gram Panchayats, Drip Micro Sprinkler System, Water Logged areas, Adarsh Schools and others. It may be recalled that the SAD-BJP alliance government since its inception in 2007 has so far released as many as 204982 AP connections till February 2013. To encourage the saving of ground water resources, tube well connections under DripMicro sprinkler system category would have the top most priority over all the other categories for the release of electricity connection. The guidelines of new AP connection policy also envisaged the ecological revival of Holy Bein as a priority category eligible for connection for de-watering of the pond water and using the same for irrigation of land of Panchayatfarmer of 103 villages identified under Hoshiarpur and Kapurthala districts. The Tube Well connections would be released in the name of gram panchayat under the gram panchayat priority and condition of minimum one acre land holding should not be applicable for release of such tube well connections. -----------INFORMATION AND PUBLIC RELATIONS DEPARTMENT, PUNJAB PUNJAB TO ANNOUNCE A COMPREHENSIVE PACKAGE FOR FARMERS AND LABOURERS-SUKHBIR PUNJAB POWER INFRASTRUCTURE BEING UPGRADED FOR POST POWER SURPLUS SCENARIO POWER TRADING CORPORATION ON ANVIL TO SELL SURPLUS POWER TO OTHER STATES AND COUNTRIES POWERCOM MAKING ALL ARRANGEMENTS FOR SMOOTH PADDY SOWING KAHNA DHESIAN (JALANDHAR), MAY 26: The Punjab is all set to announce a comprehensive package for the welfare of Farmers and Labourers including farm labourers for which details are being worked out by Punjab Chief Minister Mr. Parkash Singh Badal. This was disclosed by Punjab Deputy Chief Minister Mr. Sukhbir Singh Badal on the sidelines of a religious congregation organized on the occasion of 107th Birth anniversary of Sant Tirlok Singh here today. Mr. Badal said that after putting the Punjab on the fast track of development during last seven years, the SAD-BJP Government was now focusing on micro development and category centric plans. He said that during last 20 days, he and Punjab Chief Minister Mr. Parkash Singh Badal were evolving a most comprehensive package for agriculture sector and labour class and CM himself was fine tuning this package to make it most broad based. He said that Chief Minister would himself announce this package in next fortnight after tying up loose ends with different concerned departments. Speaking about the steps being taken by State to make it power surplus state, Mr. Badal said that by December all the three thermal plants at Talwandi Sabo, Goindwal Sahib and at Rajpura would be operational and Punjab would be the first power surplus state. He said that Punjab has already chalked out a Rs. 10000 crore comprehensive plan to strengthen power infrastructure in the state to fruitfully utilise additional generated power in 2014. He said that Powercom has been given a nod to setup 64 and 128 KV power stations and Chief Minister has already given his nod to setup Power Trading Corporation. He said that the proposed Power Trading Corporation would be the most advanced online computerized power trading exchange that would be able to trade power online without wastage of single unit. He said that Punjab would be in position to sell power to other deficient states and if allowed to Pakistan and other neighbouring countries. Assuring uninterrupted 8 hour power supply to farm sector for paddy sowing, Mr. Badal said that Powercom has already tied up power from different sources and state was fully geared up for massive paddy transplantation season. Seeking the blessings of Sant Samaj and other religious personalities for accelerating the development of the state, Mr. Badal said that with their blessings Shiromani Akali Dal has been given thumping majority in Moga By-poll and DSGMC elections. He promised that next four years would be dedicated to development as electorates have already rejected negative politics. Replying to the queries of media persons, the Deputy Chief Minister said that he has not yet seen report being mentioned by former DGP but assured that there would be not let up in State Governmentrsquos intensified drive against drug mafia and smugglers. On the question of 1984 memorial at New Delhi, Mr. Badal said that it was a purely decision of Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee. hellip Mr Partap Singh Bajwa, MP and President PPCC, is visiting village Manna District Sri Muktsar Sahib to observe a black day on dated 27-05-13, Monday. Mr Bajwa will visit the houses of hundreds of Congress workers who are being victimized on the behest of Shiromani Akali Dal Badal. A press party is being taken to village Manna District Sri Muktsar Sahib from Chandigarh. We request you to please confirm your participation to the undersigned. BADAL ANNOUNCES 24-HOUR URBAN PATTERN SUPPLY IN 1557 DERASDHANIS OF BORDER AND KANDI AREAS AT A COST OF RS.15.30 CRORE DIRECTS POWERCOM TO COMPLETE THE SHIFTING OF METERS OUTSIDE CONSUMER PREMISES PANEL TO SETTLE PENDING ARREARS OF ELECTRICITY BILLS OF BPLSC DOMESTIC CONSUMERS CHANDIGARH MAY 25: Keeping in view the hardships faced by the inhabitants of the border and Kandi areas living in DerasDhanis due to erratic power supply, the Punjab Chief Minister Mr. Parkash Singh Badal today announced to provide 24-hour uninterrupted domestic power supply on the urban pattern in 1557 DerasDhanis in the border and kandi region across the state at a cost of Rs.15.30 crore. Disclosing this here today a spokesperson of the Chief Ministerrsquos Office said that the Mr. Badal directed the Punjab State Power Corporation Ltd. (PSPCL) to ensure the timely completion of this ambitious project of electrification in the far flung areas of border and kandi areas of the state. He also gave nod to release the requisite funds to PSPCL immediately for the execution of this project. The Chief Minister asked the PSPCL to connect DerasDhanis with a cluster of three or more households in kandi and border area with UPS feeders after laying separate lines to ensure better power supply on the urban pattern and sought peoplersquos co-operation to ensure timely completion of this gigantic task. Mr. Badal further directed the PSPCL to carry out the work of shifting electric meters outside the consumerrsquos premises on war footing so as to complete the target with the public support at the earliest. The Chief Minister also constituted a committee under the Chairmanship of Secretary Power, Mr. Anirudh Tiwari to work out the modalities for the settlement of outstanding arrears of the electricity bills due towards BPL and SC category domestic consumersrsquo upto March 31, 2013. He also ordered the PSPCL authorities to issue fresh power bills to these consumers on the basis of current consumption from the next billing cycle w. e.f April 1, 2013. hellip CM SANCTIONS RS 50 CRORE FOR UPGRADATION OF THE INFRA STRUCTURE IN GOVERNMENT COLLEGES ACROSS THE STATE HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE STATE TO BE COMPLETELY REVAMPED ASKS DEPARTMENT TO EXPLORE WAYS AND MEANS TO FILL 1500 VACANT POSTS OF TEACHING AND NON-TEACHING STAFF Chandigarh, May 25- Reiterating the commitment of the SAD-BJP alliance government to impart quality Higher education to the students in the state, Punjab Chief Minister Mr. Parkash Singh Badal today sanctioned Rs 50 crore for the upgradation of infra structure and other facilities in the Government Colleges across the state. Presiding over a meeting of the Principals of the Government Colleges here at Punjab Bhawan, the Chief Minister said that the state government was duty bound to revitalize the higher education in Punjab to enable the students to meet the future challenges by competing well across the globe. He said that the state government had already conducted a survey in the Government colleges to acquaint itself about the immediate needs of these colleges adding that according to this survey the estimates of the work have been prepared by the Higher Education Department. Accordingly, Mr. Badal said that in the first phase Rs 50 crore would be issued by the state government for the upgradation of the infra structure in the government colleges so as to facilitate the students in getting quality education. Exhorting the college Principals to play a pro-active role in shaping the destiny of the students by imparting them quality education, the Chief Minister said that the faculty of the colleges should concentrate on the overall development of the students besides providing them with the value based education to enable them to become ideal citizens of society. He also laid thrust on the need of constituting the Parent Teacher Associations (PTAs) at the college level which should focus on the development of these lsquotemples of learningrsquo besides ensuring the judicious use of the funds. Expressing concern over the inadequate educational facilities in the border and Kandi regions, Mr. Badal said that the state government was making all out efforts to provide quality education to the students of this far flung areas of the state. The Chief Minister said that it was unfortunate that around 1500 posts of the teaching and the non-teaching staff in the government colleges was lying vacant which was adversely effecting the education in these institutions. He asked the officers of the Education department to explore all feasibilities for filling these already sanctioned posts at the earliest on the regular basis, for the efficient running of these colleges. Mr. Badal also asked the department to constitute a committee of Principals which should interact with the government on the various issues pertaining to the state of Higher Education in Punjab so that its quick disposal could be ensured. Prominent amongst those present on the occasion included Education Minister Mr. Sikander Singh Maluka, Principal Secretary Higher Education Mrs. Ravneet Kaur, Principal Secretary Finance Mr. Jaspal Singh, Special Principal Secretary to the Chief Minister Mr. Gurkirat Kirpal Singh and Special Secretary Education Mr. Chander Gaind. ---- PUNJAB GOVERNMENT DIRECTS DEPARTMENTS TO SEND REPORTS REGULARLY Chandigarh, May 25- Punjab Government has directed all departments to submit weekly reports regularly regarding cases related to important decisions and difference of opinion under rule 21(a) amp (b) of Rules of Business. Disclosing this Punjab Government spokesman said that Financial Commissioners, Principal Secretaries and Administrative Secretaries are directed to submit these weekly reports regularly. These reports are not sent regularly by some departments, added the spokesmen. --- PUNJAB TO OBSERVE DIARRHOEA PREVENTION WEEK FORM MAY 27 TO JUNE 1ST: MITTAL Chandigarh, May 25: Punjab Government has decided that 27th May to 1st June 2013 would be observed as Diarrhoea Prevention Week across the state. This was stated here today by Sh. Madan Mohan Mittal, Health Minister, Punjab. He said that decision has been taken for awareness and health education of the community regarding the prevention and management of diarrhoeal diseases and dehydration especially among small children as these diseases witness a high trend during the summers resulting in higher mortality due to dehydration. Health Minister told that guidelines have been issued to all the Civil Surgeons to send medical teams in all Government schools to impart health education regarding prevention, treatment of diarrhoea as well as administration of ORS amp Zinc. He added that that all health institutions in the state have been directed to maintain adequate quantities of ORS and Zinc supplementation. Further expressing concern, Sh Mittal said that Diarrhoea remains an important contributor to childhood deaths in India, being one of the top five causes of death among infants and children (14). In India, a child suffers from 3-4 episodes of diarrhoea per year. Therefore, health education to the community regarding prevention of diarrhoeal is extremely important. ----- Rs. 4000 CRORE FOR SEWERAGE TREATMENT PLANTS FOR ALL 142 CITIES INAUGURATES Rs. 37 CRORE SEWERAGE TREATMENT PLANT AT BATHINDA BATHINDA, MAY 24: The Punjab Government today okayed an ambitious plan of Rs. 800 crore to provide potable water to remaining 1300 villages in the state and after completion of this plan in next two years, all villages of the Punjab would have potable water facility. Speaking to media persons after inaugurating Rs. 37 crore sewerage treatment plant here, Mr. Sukhbir Singh Badal, Deputy Chief Minister Punjab said that Punjab Government was targeting to provide sewerage treatment plants in all cities by the year 2016 and treated water would be used for irrigation of adjoining farm lands. Mr. Badal regretted that Congress government during last 65 years could not provide a single treatment plant in any city and people were suffering due to massive pollution caused by disposal of untreated sewerage in most unscientific manner. He said that Punjab Government has evolved a massive urban renewal plan under which all cities would have underground sewerage, sewerage treatment plants, door to door solid waste collection, solid waste disposal plants, metered drinking water facility besides upgradation of internal roads of the cities. He said that a separate plan has also been finalized for scientific disposal of rain water besides rain water harvesting keeping in view depleting underground water table. Promising to provide underground sewerage to all villages having more than 5000 population, Mr. Badal said that all these villages would have state-of-the-art underground sewerage system that would be completed within next three years. Describing the vote for SAD-BJP as vote for continue accelerated development, Mr. Badal said that outcry of Congress regarding misuse of official machinery in Zila Parishad polls was sign of frustration as there base has been totally eroded in the state. Mr. Badal said that people have put their stamp of approval on the development agenda of SAD-BJP and it was vote against negative politics being played by Congress and its associates. The sewerage treatment plant constructed on 8 acres piece of land has a capacity of 52 million liters per day. Prominent amongst those were present on the occasion included Mr. Sarup Chand Singla, CPS, Mr. Baljit Singh Beer Behman, Mayor and other dignitaries. ----- ENVIROMENTAL CLERANCE PROCESS FOR MINES BECOME EASIER PUNJAB ISSUES AMENDED NOTIFICATION FOR SANCTIONING OF ENVIORNMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR MINES CHANDIGARH, MAY 24: The Punjab government has issued amended notification for environmental approval of mines having area below five hectares. With this amended notification now it would easier to get environmental approval for mines. Disclosing this here today Mr. Anil Joshi, Industry and Commerce Minister, Punjab said that The Punjab Government has issued this amended notification under the quotThe Punjab Minor Mineral Rules,2013quot to ease out the supply of minor minerals in the state. He said that said that under these rules, the Environmental management plan could be prepared by any engineer who posses civil, environment, mining degree or post graduate. He said that the environment management plan would be accorded directly by a district level committee, headed by concerned Deputy Commissioner. Mr. Joshi further said that environment, forest, drainage and other officers from related departments would be inducted in the district level committee as members. He said that the main aim behind the amended rules is to make sure that people could get sand, gravel and bricks on very nominal rates. He said that amended rules would prove to be beneficial both for common man as well as the government. ------------------ PUNJAB GOVERNMENT SETS UP THREE HELP LINES TO CURB ILLEGAL MINING CHANDIGARH, MAY 24: The Punjab Government, in order to curb the practice of illegal mining from the state, has constituted Special Investigation Team (SIT) besides setting up three help lines so as to enable the citizen to report the case of illegal mining immediately. Divulging this here today, an official spokesperson of the Punjab Government said that the SIT comprising of Mr. Nirmal Singh Dhillon, I. G. Bathind Range as Chairperson, whereas Mr. Indermohan Singh, SSP, Roper and Mr. Vishav Bandhu, Joint Director, Industries have been made the members of this team. He further said that three dedicated help lines have been set up, which would be functional 24x7. The help line set up for the Chairperson of SIT is, telephone number 0164-2240180 and FAX number 0164-2219501, two other help lines are telephone number 97794-64099 amp FAX number 01881-228874 (SSP, Roper) and telephone number 0172-2701226 (Director, Mining). --- P UNJAB GOVERNMENT SIGNS MoU WITH INTERNATIONAL AWARD FOR YOUNG PEOPLE TO ENSURE OVERALL DEVELOPMENT OF RURAL STUDENTS PREMIER SELF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM TO BE LAUNCHED IN SRI MUKTSAR SAHIB AND BATHINDA AS PILOT PROJECT CM REITERATES COMMITMENT OF THE STATE GOVERNMENT FOR IMPARTING QUALITY EDUCATION TO THE STUDENTS PROGRAM TO ENABLE STUDENTS TO COMPETE GLOBALLY Badal (Sri Muktsar Sahib), May 24- In order to ensure the all round development of the rural students in the state, the Punjab Government has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with an organization International Award for Young people to initiate a premier self development program in the Government schools. The DPI (Schools) Mr. Kamal Kumar Garg and representative of the International Award for Young People Mr. Bivujit Mukhoty inked the MoU here today in the presence of the Punjab Chief Minister Mr. Parkash Singh Badal. Expressing happiness over the MoU the Chief Minister said that this was a leap forward towards state governmentrsquos commitment to provide quality education to the students especially of the rural areas besides ensuring their overall personality development. Mr. Badal said that in the first phase this program would be started as a Pilot project in two districts of Sri Muktsar Sahib and Bathinda, under which the organization would select 20 students each from the fourteen schools (seven schools from each districts) of these two districts. He said that these students within the age group of 14 to 25 years would be imparted training in community service, skill development, physical recreation, adventurous journey and residential recreation so as to groom their personality for competing globally. Mr. Badal said that the main aim of this program was to build the confidence of the students through motivating and training them in these fields. The Chief Minister said that this program would go a long way not only in the personality development of the students but also in providing sustainable livelihood to them in the future. Mr. Badal said that in the current scenario the main thrust of the state government was to impart quality education to the students so that they could be capable of facing the competition across the world. He hoped that this program would not only play an important role in fulfilling the aspirations of the state government but would also help the students by opening new vistas of academic and professional training for them in the future. The Chief Minister said that the Government schools across the state were already fully equipped with the requisite infra structure needed for implementing this program adding that the state government would extend fulsome support and co-operation to the organization for making this program a huge success. He said that after the successful accomplishment of this program in these two districts its ambit would be extended to the other districts of the state also. Mr. Badal further said that in order to facilitate the students the number of schools in every district would also be increased accordingly. Prominent amongst those present on the occasion included Special Principal Secretary to the Chief Minister Mr. KJS Cheema and Deputy Commissioner Mr. Paramjit Singh. -------- PUNJAB TO FILL 3 PER CENT BACKLOG IN DIRECT RECRUITMENTPROMOTIONS OF PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED middot DEPARTMENTS TOLD TO ACT WITHIN STIPULATED TIME AND REPORT BACK CHANDIGARH, MAY 24: The Punjab Government has decided to fill the 3 per cent backlog of physically handicapped in direct recruitment and promotions. Directions in this regard, have been issued to all the departments to fill the backlog in the stipulated time period and reports back to the government. Stating this here today, an official spokesperson of the Punjab Government said that Punjab Chief Minister Mr. Parkash Singh Badal is personally concerned to fill the backlog. He said that written directions have been issued by the Social Security Department, Punjab wherein it has been asked to all the departments to strictly comply with the orders. He further said that the state government has accorded 3 per cent quota in the year May 2, 1997 to physically handicapped for the direct recruitment in group A, B, C and D, whereas 3 per cent quota to these employees in promotions has been accorded in the year March 6, 2011. ---- PUNJAB STRENGTHENS GOVERNANCE REFORMS DIRECTORATE middot 34 POSTS SANCTIONED FOR DIRECTORATE CHANDIGARH, MAY 24: The Punjab Government has initiated a massive exercise to strengthen Governance Reforms Department to give a big push to governance reforms and given its nod to recruit 34 highly trained professionals on varied posts. Disclosing this here today, an official spokesperson of the Punjab Government said that out of the total 34 posts, 31 posts would be filled on regular basis and remaining three on contractual. Divulging the details, he said that 2 System Manager, 4 Assistant Managers, 3 Technical Assistant and 22 District Technical Co-coordinators would be on regular posts, whereas 3 posts of Research Officers to be filled on contractual basis. The Spokesperson further said that the candidates could apply online only for which they could log on to departmentrsquos websitedgr. applyforexam. He said that the applications through any other mean would not be accepted. Online registration of applications would be started on May 28, 2013 and last date for submission of application is June 28, 2013. --- PUNJAB GOVERNMENT SEEKS OPTIONS FOR TRAINING PROGRAM FROM IAS OFFICERS CHANDIGARH, MAY 24 : The Punjab Government has sought options from I. A.S. officers of the state for one week orientation programs to be conducted at different training centers in the country. An official spokesperson, while disclosing this here today, said that the Personnel Public Grievances amp Pension Department, Government of India has circulated a letter for training programs of I. A.S. officers of 1983-2007 batch. The Punjab Government has asked I. A.S. officers of the state to send reply on time duly mentioning their options for one week in service training program so that their nominations could be sent to GOI. The spokesperson further said that training programs would be carried out at training centers at Pune, Hyderabad, Shimla, Sonipat, Chennai, Bangalore, Faridabad, Panchgani, Mumbai and Mysore. He said that letter in this regard has also been issued to all the Departments, Divisional Commissioners, Deputy Commissioners and Managing Directors of corporations of the state. ---- OFFICERS ASKED TO ENSURE DUE RESPECT TO ELECTED MEMBERS OF LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Chandigarh May 24: The Punjab Government has directed the officers to ensure due respect and honor to the elected members of the Punjab Legislative Assembly. Strict action would be initiated against those who defy this directive. Disclosing this here today a spokesman of the government said that it had come to the notice of the Special Privilege Committee of the Assembly that the officers especially at the district headquarters tend to overlook the Members of Assembly whenever they visit them for some official work. Besides this they did not attend the official functions. Taking a serious note of the observations of the Privilege Committee, the government has made it mandatory for the officers at the district levels to attend the official programmes functions and extend due respect and honor to the visiting Ministers VIPs in their respective districts. They have also been directed to attend to the calls of the elected representatives. ----- SURINDERJIT SINGH SANDHU REMOVED FROM INQUIRY OFFICERS PANEL Chandigarh, May 24: The Punjab government today removed Mr. Surinderjit Singh Sandhu, IAS (Retd.) from the panel of inquiry officers with immediate effect. An official spokesman said that Mr. Sandhu, Kothi No.33, E-block, Ranjit Avenue, Amritsar has filed a request to remove himself from the inquiry panel and while considering his request the Punjab government has ordered to take back the name of Mr. Sandhu from Inquiry panel CONGRESS TRYING TO INTIMIDATE DUE PROCESS OF LAW TO SHIELD THE CULPRITS OF UNPRECEDENTED VIOLENT ATTACK ON AKALI WORKERS-SAD Chandigarh, May 23. The Shiromani Akali Dal lashed out at the Congress party for its efforts to shield the culprits of the unprecedented attack on SAD workers in Village Manna in Lambi constituency and said that the violators of law cannot be let off without punishment. Reacting to the statement of the Congress party, the SAD Secretary and Spokesman Dr. Daljit Singh Cheema said that it was shameful that instead of admitting the guilt, the Congress party has openly come out to support the culprits of violence. It is a glaring example of intimidation of due process of law. He said that the attack on the akalis was part of a well planned conspiracy in which petrol and other combustible items were arranged in advance. The Congress workers not only burnt the vehicles but even went to the residence of the SAD candidate in the same village situated far away from the polling booth and tried to set it on fire. Had the fire brigade not reached in time, the whole house would have been burnt to ashes. Coming down heavily on the Congress leaders, Dr. Cheema asked them to come clean and be honest to make public the names of real perpetrators of the crime. He further said that everybody knows that six vehicles were burnt in this deadly attack in full day light by Congress workers in the presence of media. ldquoWhen the crime was committed by Congress workers why should there be any case against the Akali workers who are victims of the crime and suffered heavily due to violence rdquo, asked Dr. Cheema. He advised the Congress party that instead of issuing misleading, derogatory and false statements the Congress should admit the reality and produce the culprits before the police so that justice is done to the SAD workers AMRITSAR RURAL POLICE RECOVERS 10KGS OF OPIUM WORTH RS. 8 LAC, ARRESTS ONE Amritsar, May 23: Continuing its concerted efforts to check smuggling of narcotic substances, the Amritsar (Rural) police today recovered 10 Kgs of opium worth Rs. 8 lac by arresting one Rajinder Kumar Bagga so Hans Raj ro village Lakhuwal. Disclosing this here today Mr. Manmohan Singh, Senior Superintendent of Police, said that SI Sanjeev Kumar, Incharge Narcotic Cell made this recovery from the accused in the presence of Sh. Jugraj Singh, DSPD Amritsar Rural. He informed that an FIR No. 46 dated May 23, 2013 us 186185 NDPS Act has been registered at Police station Ramdas and further investigation was in progress. He informed that during the preliminary investigation, it has been revealed that Haryana police had already recovered 4 Kgs of Opium from his possession in Panipat around two decades back. He had undergone for an imprisonment for 11 years in the Bhiwani, Ambala and Amritsar Jails after his conviction in the above said case. After his release from Amritsar jail in 2007 and he again started the smuggling of opium and up till now he had successfully smuggled its four consignments from Rajasthan to Punjab. The District Police Chief pointed out that now he had brought 10 Kg. of opium from Rajasthan through his black coloured Indica car no. DL-3C-AC 5452 and was in touch with his committed contacts in various truck unions for the supply of this contraband. He expressed more revelations from the arrested smuggler. KAPURTHALA POLICE NABS FOUR CULPRITS INCLUDING A WOMAN Kapurthala, May 23: The District Kapurthala police has successfully sorted out the case of a midnight attack by unidentified assailants in village Kamalpur Mothanwala on the intervening night of May 12 amp 13 leaving behind 16 members of two families injured besides taking away their valuables by nabbing four culprits including their woman accomplice. Disclosing this here today, Mr. Inderbir Singh, Senior Superintendent of Police said that after getting vital clues, a special search operation was launched in temporary shelters ( Jhuggis) set up along with the major roads in the district. He said that when a police party led by Mr. Harpreet Singh, SHO, Sultanpur Lodhi was searching such temporary shelters on RCF road, four persons including a woman tried to ran away but the police party nabbed them immediately. During the search of their hut a bag containing two pass books and two identity cards belonging to the members of victim families recovered. He said that the names of arrested culprits were Munim so Khabid, Ashiq so Nam Hasan, Raju Magic Usman Pappu so Faujdin and Zareena Dilshana wo Faujdin and they all were residents of such temporary shelters in Dhariwal town of district Gurdaspur. The District Police Chief further informed that during the initial interrogation, they admitted to have take part in the above said crime and disclosed the names of their 6 more accomplices namely Khusneed so Chappru, Lukman Chharu so Rajinder, Kulwinder Gurdeep fo Khushneed, Ila so Gaida, Aaftab so Kauru and Raju Vijay so Nahar Singh ro Lohian Khas ( Jalandhar). He said that Police parties have been dispatched to nab the remaining culprits. He expressed confidence that during further interrogation there would be more revelations as they seemed to be habitual criminals. Mr. Mandeep Singh Gill, DSP, Sultanpur Lodhi was also present during the media briefing. It may be mentioned here that an FIR no. 104 dated May 13th. 2013 was registered in Police station Sultanpur Lodhi on the statement of Pawan Kumar so Maksudan Sahni ro Kamalpur Mothanwala. PROCESS ON FOR RECRUITING 60 SENIOR RESIDENTS IN THE MEDICAL COLLEGES OF PUNJAB The Punjab government has initiated the process for the recruitment of the senior residents in the medical colleges of the state. Only the PCMS doctor would be eligible for these posts. Total 60 posts of Senior Residents are to be filled. Disclosing this here today an official spokesperson of the Punjab government said that the Punjab government has taken this decision viewing the problems and difficulties being faced by the patients and the students. He said that eligible candidates could apply only through proper channel. The last date to apply for the post is June, 14, 2013.For detailed terms and conditions one could visit the official website of the department punjabmedicaleducation. org. Spokesperson further said that the application could reach the Oo Director Medical Education and Research, SCO No 87, sector 40-C, Chandigarh. PRTC BUSES TO BE PAINTED WITH NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Chandigarh May 23: The Pepsu Roadways Transport Corporation has initiated the process of painting new advertisements on its buses in the state. The tenders from the Advertising Agencies have been invited and the Tender Form would be released on June 13. the same could be received till June 14 . Stating this here today a spokesman of the PRTC said that the corporation has been constantly trying to generate profit so that it could be self reliant. Besides providing comfortable transport facilities to the public in Punjab, the PRTC has now initiated a novel system of painting its 1000 buses with new and catchy advertisements of public interest. As many as 923 ordinary buses, 69 H. V.A. C Buses, 2 Integral Coach Buses and 10 Rear Engine semi Low Floor buses (Bathinda Bus Service) would be covered under this new scheme. All those buses either owned by PRTC or buses hired on the basis of per kilometer would be included, he said. He further said that PRTC Patiala buses ply not only within Punjab but also the neighboring states. PUNJAB REGULARIZES 138 CRAFT INSTRUCTORS middot JOSHI TO HAND OVER REGULARISATION LETTERS CHANDIGARH, MAY 23: Punjab today ordered regularization of 138 craft instructors working on contract basis in different Industrial Educational Institutions across the state, who had completed 3 years in the service. Mr. Anil Joshi Technical Education amp Industrial Education Minister, Punjab today said that department recruited 145 craft instructors in the year 2010 on merit basis and 138 out of them who completed 3 years of their service satisfactorily have been regularized. He added that remaining contract craft instructors those who complete 3 years of service in June, 2013 would also be regularized. He added that regularized employees have been regularized as per Punjab Government orders dated 18 th May, 2010. Technical Education Minister Mr. Anil Joshi said that he would hand over letters to the regularised craft instructors on 25th May at Guru Nanak Auditorium, Amritsar. PUNJAB BECOMES FIRST STATE TO DISBURSE ONLINE PAYMENTS SUCCESSFULLY-DHINDSA middot MORE THAN Rs 3218 CRORE PAID THROUGH E-PAYMENT IN JUST ONE AND HALF MONTH middot 7 LAC PLUS BENEFITED FROM ONLINE PAYMENTS middot IFM SYSTEM RUNNING SUCCESSFULLY IN ALL 21 TREASURY OFFICES CHANDIGARH, MAY 23: The computerization of entire treasury offices in Punjab ensuring all Government Payments online proved a grand success with Punjab becoming first successful state in the country to disburse more than Rs. 3218 crore to more than 7 lakh beneficiaries in one month by online system. Disclosing this here today Mr. Parminder Singh Dhindsa, Finance Minister, Punjab said that crediting online payments was successfully running in the whole state. He said that through this recently implemented system of online payments to various departments, authorities besides salaries of government officialsemployees, Punjab has credited more than Rs. 3218 crore in a short span of one and half month. He said that Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS) has been monitoring the system of online payments from its inception on 1st April, 2013 and Punjab has become the countrys first state to start this programme. He said that all government payments from 1st April, 2013 were being deposited directly in the bank accounts of concerned departments and authorities. He said more than 7 lakh people were directly benefitted with this scheme. The Finance Minister further said that E-Payment system was implemented in all Government OfficesDepartments, whose transactions were done through treasury offices. He added that Punjab governments next mission is to set up Cyber Treasuries. He said that 21 Treasury Offices in the state has implemented the E-payment system while besides these offices all 74 sub treasuries were running this system in the state. Chandigarh, May 23: Government agencies and private millers procured more than 110.65 lakh tonnes of Wheat till last evening. Out of total procurement of 110.65 lakh tonnes of wheat Government agencies procured 98.8 till date whereas private traders procured 1.2 of wheat. Till May 22, PUNGRAIN had procured 20.01 lakh tonnes (18.1) whereas MARKFED procured 24.01 lakh tonnes (21.7). PUNSUP procured 22.02 lakh tonnes (19.9), PSWC procured 12.66 lakh tonnes (11.4) whereas PAIC was able to procure 10.39 lakh tonnes (9.4 ) of wheat. The Central Government agency FCI had been able to procure 19.35 lakh tonnes of wheat which was the 17.5 of the total procurement of wheat in the state. The spokesman added that district Sangrur with 09.46 lakh tonnes of procurement was leading in procurement operations whereas district Ludhiana with 08.64 lakh tonnes of procurement was at second slot and District Patiala with 8.09 lakh tonnes of procurement ranked at third position PUNJAB GOVT. CHANGES SCHOOL TIMING OF ALL PRIMARY SCHOOLS The Punjab Government has changed the school timing of all Primary Schools in the state. Disclosing this here today a spokesman of the Education Department said that the school would now open from 8:00 AM to 12:00PM. Earlier the timings of the schools was 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM. RTS PUT NEW MILESTONES-DELIVERS 89 LAKH SERVICES middot 0.36 applications pending due to insufficient documents middot Ludhiana bags top position by providing 12.83 services middot 38.15 services related to revenue department middot Punjab to start a special campaign to aware masses about RTS Chandigarh, May 23 Right to Service Act 2011, implemented by Punjab Government has set new milestones in the efficiency, transparency and hassle free delivery of services to the citizens across the state by providing more than 89 lakh services to the citizens in a time bound manner. Disclosing this here today an official spokesman said that the RTS has registered a massive success by fulfilling its main aim to provide hassle free public services besides eliminating corruption in Government offices and also making erring officers accountable for unnecessary delay in work. Giving the details about the services, Spokesman said that till March 2013, Punjab Government has received 91,19,475 applications, out of which 89,27,473 has been disposed of within the stipulated time frame. He further said that 33053 applications remain pending due to the incomplete documents submitted by the applicants, which was only 0.36 of the total applications. He added that 612 appeals has been filed before the 1st appellate authority, out of which 568 were disposed off and 5 officials have been penalized after the hearing of complaints. District Ludhiana has bagged the top position in service delivery, by providing 12.83 services out of the total delivered services, followed by Ropar District with 7.24 service delivery, he added. After that Amritsar has provided 6.98 services whereas district Patiala 6.80. He said that amongst the departments, Revenue department has taken a lead by providing 38.15 services, out of the all services delivered which mainly included certified copies of all documents, attestation of Un-contested mutations and registration of all kind of documents. Besides that 17.10 services has been given by Transport department. The spokesman further said that Punjab Government has decided to start a special campaign to aware the people about the services given under RTS, which would enroll the students of all government educational institutions Accept defeat with grace and humility. CM to Congress ldquoPeople want peace, development but Cong kept spitting firerdquo ldquoTime for Cong to go into serious introspection on Confrontationrdquo Chandigarh, May 22: The Punjab Chief Minister Mr. Parkash Singh Badal today advised the leaders of the Congress to accept their defeat in the Zila Parishad and Block Samiti poll with ldquo grace, humility and democratic dignity. rdquo Mr. Badal said that he was surprised at the Congress refusal to accept the peoplersquos mandate with humility. ldquo In democracy, only the people are sovereign. No sane and responsible political party or leader would ever question their wisdom or insult the popular mandate as the Congress is doing now. This is bad news for the party for future also, rdquo said Mr. Badal in a statement released here this afternoon. The Chief Minister said that the Congress needed to do some soul searching on why their streak of defeats was getting longer and longer. The Chief Minister also advised the Congress not to be too disheartened by their rout and to draw the right lessons from it. ldquoThe Congress has been losing consistently since 1997, with the sole exception of 2002 assembly poll, when they scraped through narrowly through divide and rule. Before and after that, they have faced total rout. Obviously, something is seriously wrong with their approach. rdquo said the CM, adding. ldquo It is time for serious and honest introspection for that party if they want to remain relevant on the political map of the state. But, unfortunately for them, they seem bent upon persisting with their suicidal path. rdquo Mr. Badal said that such was the state of shock within the Congress that their leaders were issuing statements full of broad-daylight contradictions. ldquoThe PPCC president Mr. Partap Singh Bajwa said yesterday that he and his party ensured maximum participation of the Punjabis in these elections and that they ( the Congress) did not allow the ruling SAD-BJP alliance to stop anyone from voting freely. Ironically, he is speaking the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth ndash but without his knowing it. I agree with him that the people participated in these elections whole-heartedly and fearlessly. But the Congress was still routed. Why Mr. Bajwa and other Congress leaders must sit down and listen to the voice of conscience, especially in the light of his own unintended truthful statement. They will get the right answers on why their party had been rejected so comprehensively by the people, rdquo said Mr. Badal. The Chief Minister said that the main reason for the Congress humiliation was their failure to focus on the peoplersquos issues. ldquoThe Congress must admit that it failed miserably to put its finger on the pulse of the people. People wanted peace, communal harmony and development to continue. But the Congress leaders kept on spitting fire and talking blood and iron whereas the mood of the people was in favour of moderation, peace, civility and constructive development-oriented policies. The Congress must ask itself where it erred and why it failed to make development an agenda while the ruling alliance did not indulge in any competitive confrontationism against them. If they are serious about their future, they will find the right and honest answers from within themselves. Otherwise, as a political party, they are staring death in the face. In fact, they hardly seem to have any life left in them. but this is thanks to their own serious errors of judgment on what people want, rdquo said the Chief Minister. The Chief Minister also advised the Congress not to be too disheartened by their rout and to draw the right lessons from it. STATE ELECTION COMMISSION DECLARES RESULT OF ZPPS ELECTION The State Election Commission today declared the result of Zila Parishad and Panchayat Smitis elections, the voting for which was held on May 19. SAD-BJP combine managed to grab 297 seats of Zila Parishads out the declared result of 329 ZPs, whereas Congress won 26 and others succeeded to gain 6 seats of Zila Parishads. Out of the total 2731 seats of Panchayat Smitis result of 2729 seats have been declared, SAD-BJP combine grasped 2122, congress took hold of 454 whereas others got 153 seats of PSs. Result of zone no.20 (nadhor) of panchayat samiti patti, district tarn taran has been countermanded. One result of panchayat samiti moga has been stayed whereas two results of zila parishad of Ludhiana district are awaited. It was disclosed by an official spokesperson of the State Election Commission. He said for the ZPs total 760 and for PS 5786 candidates were in fray. He said that for the ZPs 30 and for PSs 229 candidates were declared won the election unopposed. HUDCO sanctions Rs 2000 crore for cities development in Punjab middot Would provide new look to Amritsar, Jalandhar, Ludhiana, Bathinda and Patiala Local bodies minister. Punjab Bhagat Chunni Lal today said that HUDCO has sanctioned Rs 2000 crore for the overall development of major cities in Punjab. Presiding over the meeting with Mr. V. P. Baligar, CMD, HUDCO at Punjab Bhawan, Bhagat Chunni Lal today reviewed the various loan schemes of HUDCO for development of cities across the state. Mr Chunni Lal said that there was no lack of funds for the development of cities in the state and the amount sanctioned by HUDCO would ensure the overall development of Amritsar, Jalandhar, Ludhiana, Bathinda and Patiala including various towns and small cities of Punjab. Mr. Baligar informed the minister that HUDCO provides long term finance for construction of houses. undertake housing and urban development programmes in the country. He said that vision and mission of the HUDCO is to be among the leading knowledge hubs and financial facilitating organizations for habitat settlement and to promote sustainable habitat development to enhance the quality of life. The Minister further said that Punjab Government have already started many ambitious projects, one of them is Municipal Bhawan being constructed in Sector 35, Chandigarh where all branches of Local Bodies Department of the Punjab would work under one roof from December 2013 onward. Among others who were present in the meeting was Priyank Bharti, Director Local bodies, Sunil Jyoti, mayor, municipal corporation jalandhar, Vinay Bublani, commissioner and from PMIDC Ridesh Kalra. PUNJAB ENACTS LAW TO PROTECT ANCIENT BUILDINGS-MAKES NOC MANDATORY FOR RENOVATION ANY PRE 1947 GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS CHANDIGARH MAY 23. The Punjab government today issued a notification making it mandatory for all Government Departments to seek the permission of Cultural Affairs Department before renovating of any Government Building that was constructed before 1947. In a communiqueacute issued to all Divisional Commissioners, Deputy Commissioners and Sub Divisional Magistrates, they have been directed to obtain required No Objection Certificate before demolition, alteration and reuse of all the government buildings built before 1947. Disclosing this here today a spokesman of the department of Cultural Affairs, Archeology and Museums Punjab said that the department would examine the style and the material before being used for alteration repair reconstruction and re-alteration. Adding further he said that cost incurred on any technical advice, if any would be borne by the departments or institutions concerned. In compliance with the directive of the Punjab and Haryana High Court, no construction or renovation work would be carried out in the state without obtaining the NOC from the department. He also asked the officers at the district and state levels to firmly comply with the guidelines of the Punjab government in this regard. PUNJAB INTRODUCES MAHARAJA RANJIT SINGH VOCATIONAL SKILL IMPROVEMENT SCHEME bull Rs. 1000 MONTHLY EMPLOYABILITY ALLOWANCE TO BE DIRECTLY CREDITED ONLINE bull NEEDY STUDENTS PURSUING VOCATIONALTECHNICAL COURSES WOULD GET THE BENEFIT CHANDIGARH, MAY 22: The Punjab Government today announced a new scheme to increase employability of educated unemployed youth named as Maharaja Ranjit Singh Vocational Skill Scheme. According to a Spokesperson of Chief Minister Office, under the one of its own kind scheme finalized by the Punjab Government any educated youth between the age of 17 and 30 desirous for improving his vocational skill can opt for this scheme. He said that the youth with annual family income less than Rs. 1.5 lakh can opt for Skill Improvement Vocational Course from 3 months to 12 months duration in a reputed institutes and youth would have to give self-declaration regarding the income of the family. The spokesman said that Rs. 1000 per month employability allowance would be directly credited online in the account of that vocational institution. The Spokesman said that desirous students can apply for this scheme in the nearest Bureau of Employment Generation Department. MALUKA DISSOLVES RECRUITMENT CELLS AND ALL COMMITTEES FOR PROCUREMENT IN EDUCATION DEPARTMENT The education minister Mr. Sikander Singh Maluka has dissolved the recruitment cell of education department with immediate effect. This decision has been taken for not adhering to the set procedure and norms while recruiting 222 Head Masters under Rashtariya Madhmik Shiksha Abhiyan Authority (RMSA). The minister directed the principal secretary school education to constitute a recruitment cell by inducting officers of good background. He also asked the principal secretary to induct the regular officers in the recruitment cell having more than one year of government service. Mr. Maluka further said that all the procurement committees of education department have also been dissolved and the principal secretary education department has been told to constitute new committees at the level of the government. 50000 ACREs TO BE BROUGHT UNDER FISH FARMING IN FIVE YEARS - GULZAR SINGH RANIKE Punjab Government has chalked out a comprehensive plan to promote fish farming in the state so as to woo farmers for diversification. An area of 20000 hectares (50, 000acres) would be brought under fish farming in the next five years. Disclosing this here today Animal Husbandry, fisheries and Dairy Development Minister S Gulzar Singh Ranike said that Rs.1288 lakh has been approved under different fisheries development schemes in the annual plan 2013-14. During the year2006-07 fish production per hectare was 6000 Kg whereas fish production has increased to 6560 kg during the year 2012-13. He also informed that a project for Rs.337 crore for the development of fisheries in the saline affected water logged areas of South-Western districts of Punjab has already been submitted to Union Government.80 subsidy for the excavation of fish pond was demanded under this project. To develop the fisheries in the other districts of Punjab a project for Rs. 247 crore has also been submitted to Government of India under which 50 subsidy for the excavation of fish pond was demanded. He further informed that at present for the unit cost Rs. 3.00 lakh, a subsidy of Rs 60,000- Per hectare to General Category and 75000 to SCST categories is given by the Fisheries Department Punjab. A hygienic wholesale fish market is being established at Ludhiana with the cost of Rs. 3.00 Crore. He informed that basic training for fish farming is being provided at District Level. Last year 5000 farmers were provided training in the fish farming. Education Minister inspects the lot of books supplied to the schools DEO Bathinda suspended for Delectation of duties Education Minister Punjab along with Principal Secretary School education today inspected lot of books supplied to the schools in the state which has invoked controversy due to the alleged vulgar content not suitable for the school students. The Education Minister found that the books dispatched in the schools under the inspection of Director General School Education Mr. Kahan Singh Pannu are of sub-standard quality having vulgar content which may caused adverse effects on the minds of the children. He found that 70 per cent of the books are of sub standard and totally irrelevant of the students. The Education Minister directed the language department to take utmost care in the future before finalizing books for the school students. He took a strong notice Director General School Educationrsquos action of the dispatching books to the schools without any prior inspections. Show cause notice has also been issued to the Director Language department and the clarification has also been sort within fifteen days. Principal Secretary School education has been deputed to inquire into the whole matter. An explanation has also been called from all the officers who were party in the decision of dispatching these books in the schools. Mr. Surjit Singh Khuram District Education Officer Bathinda has been put under suspension for laxity in this controversial action Congress dead as political party in Punjab: Bajwa was called in merely to lit funeral pyre: Sukhbir ldquo BAJWA KNOCKED OUT IN FIRST ROUND ITSELFrdquo ldquoNo place for negative tactics. People want leaders, not cheap entertainers they want substance, not sensationalism, constructive politics not destructive politicking. ldquoDeputy CM Chandigarh May 21: ldquo Death of the Congress as a political party in Punjab and a ldquo knock-out in the very first roundrdquo for the new PPCC president Mr. Partap Singh Bajwa:rdquo This is how the SAD president and Punjab Deputy Chief Minister Sukhbir Singh Badal summed up the outcome of the Zila Parishad and Block Samiti elections today. ldquo The Congress is no longer a stake holder in Punjab. We had always maintained that Captain Amarinder Singh would do to the PPCC what Mr. Sidharath Shankar Ray had done to the Congress in West Bengal in the seventies: the Congress has never been relevant in West Bengal after Rayrsquos tenure as Chief Minister. That history has been repeated in Punjab, rdquo said Mr. Sukhbir Singh Badal in a statement released here. He said it was a victory of substance over sensationalism. Mr. Badal thanked the SAD-BJP leadership, office bearers and workers for ensuring the success of the alliance candidates and for resisting all provocations from the Congress and ensuring a smooth, peaceful and free and fair election in the state. The SAD president said that it was sad to see Mr. Partap Singh Bajwa being called in merely to lit the funeral pyre of his party in Punjab. ldquoMr. Bajwa presents a sad sight today. There was something lsquofuneralrsquo about his campaign style and he seemed to be writing merely an obituary for his. His breast beating during the campaign has merely proved to be prophetic about the death of his party, rdquo said Mr. Sukhbir Singh. The Deputy CM said that the outcome clearly indicates a complete wipe-out of the Congress party at the grass root level. People of Punjab have strongly delivered a message that there is no place for negative tactics in Punjab. ldquoPeople want leaders, not cheap entertainers they want substance, not sensationalism, constructive politics not destructive politicking. ldquo The Deputy CM said that the results also showed that people had rejected the politics of empty sloganeering. high-voltage confrontation and cheap gimmicks. He said that the Congress resort to negative propaganda also seemed to have boom-ranged against that party. ldquoThey had tried to spoil the image of the state by talking of widespread violence whereas independent reports had clearly established that the polling was peaceful. There were only seven to eight instances of violation fo peace. When you think that it covered more than 13080 villages and more than 17,000 polling stations, covering an electorate of more than one crore, you get an idea of how massive the exercise was and how peacefully and fairly it had been conducted. The people of the state have punished the Congress for constantly trying to defame their state, comparing it with Bihar and Uttar Pardesh. Mr. Bajwa forgot that the Bihar and Uttar Pardesh that he was talking about also belonged to a period when the Congress ruled there. Once the Congress was wiped out of those states, even these states had improved their image. Mr. Bajwa did not even know that he was humiliating his own partyrsquos performance in those states while trying to defame his own state. rdquo Mr. Badal said that he hoped that the PPCC leadership would learn a lesson from this rout and ldquoeven though they have been wiped out from the political map of the state, they should still start behaving responsibly. rdquo BADAL TERMS MASSIVE WIN IN ZILA PARISHAD POLLS AS VICTORY OF PEACE AND REFERENDUM IN FAVOUR OF SAD-BJP POLICIES Chandigarh May 21 ndash The Punjab Chief Minister Mr. Parkash Singh Badal today thanked the people of Punjab for once again endorsing their mandate in favour of SAD-BJP alliance by giving a thumping verdict in their favour in the just concluded Zila Parishad elections in the state. ldquoIt is a victory of constructive politics based on a vision of peace and communal harmony and on service of the people for greater progress and development in the state. It is a referendum on our performance as government. It is at the same time yet another defeat for politics of cheap political ethics, negative propaganda and destructive slogans such as lsquoteaching a lessonrsquo to the opponents. The Congress has faltered yet again in assessing the mood of the people who want a positive agenda for development and disapprove of unseemly confrontation among their leaders, rdquo said the Chief Minister in a statement here. Mr. Badal also thanked the leaders and rank and file of SAD-BJP alliance for ensuring the victory of its candidates through a peaceful and dignified democratic conduct. ldquoOur workers exercised great restraint the face of grave provocations from the Congress who talked a language of violence all through the campaign. The Chief Minister also thanked the entire election machinery and the security staff for ensuring a peaceful. smooth. free and fair election in the state. rdquo It was a difficult task in the face of provocative stance of the Congress but the officials acted with admirable combination of restraint, firmness and tact to steer through the challenge. Mr. Badal regretted that all through the campaign, the Congress tried to whip up passions, gave open incitements to violence and tried to play its old card of divide and rule for cheap electoral gains. rdquoAll of this has been decisively rejected by the people once again, rdquo said Mr. Badal. The Chief Minister described the sweeping victory of the alliance partners ldquoas forceful mandate in favour of the positive work done at the ground level and for a responsive political culture represented by the SAD-BJP. It is also an equally forceful rejection of needless confrontation and violent idiom indulged in by the Congress leaders. People have spoken forcefully to expose the politics of lies and false propaganda indulged in by our opponents. The Chief Minster however said that victory brings its own burden of responsibility with it and assured the people of Punjab that his government would work even harder for the progress of the state and welfare of its people. ldquoThe overwhelming and forceful victory with which the people of the state have honoured us has filled our hearts and minds with even greater humility and our sense of responsibility towards them has gone further up. Each victory adds to our responsibility and commitment and I am deeply conscious of what people expect from us, rdquo said the Chief Minister in a statement here, adding that his government would continue to work towards the fulfillment of all the expectations that people had from it. Congress dead as political party in Punjab: Bajwa was called in merely to lit funeral pyre. Sukhbir ldquo BAJWA KNOCKED OUT IN FIRST ROUND ITSELFrdquo ldquoNo place for negative tactics. People want leaders, not cheap entertainers they want substance, not sensationalism, constructive politics not destructive politicking. ldquo Deputy CM Chandigarh May ndash ldquo Death of the Congress as a political party in Punjab and a ldquo knock-out in the very first roundrdquo for the new PPCC president Mr. Partap Singh Bajwa:rdquo This is how the SAD president and Punjab Deputy Chief Minister Sukhbir Singh Badal summed up the outcome of the Zila Parishad and Block Samiti elections today. ldquo The Congress is no longer a stake holder in Punjab. We had always maintained that Captain Amarinder Singh would do to the PPCC what Mr. Sidharath Shankar Ray had done to the Congress in West Bengal in the seventies: the Congress has never been relevant in West Bengal after Rayrsquos tenure as Chief Minister. That history has been repeated in Punjab, rdquo said Mr. Sukhbir Singh Badal in a statement released here. He said it was a victory of substance over sensationalism. Mr. Badal thanked the SAD-BJP leadership, office bearers and workers for ensuring the success of the alliance candidates and for resisting all provocations from the Congress and ensuring a smooth, peaceful and free and fair election in the state. The SAD president said that it was sad to see Mr. Partap Singh Bajwa being called in merely to lit the funeral pyre of his party in Punjab. ldquoMr. Bajwa presents a sad sight today. There was something lsquofuneralrsquo about his campaign style and he seemed to be writing merely an obituary for his. His breast beating during the campaign has merely proved to be prophetic about the death of his party, rdquo said Mr. Sukhbir Singh. The Deputy CM said that the outcome clearly indicates a complete wipe-out of the Congress party at the grass root level. People of Punjab have strongly delivered a message that there is no place for negative tactics in Punjab. ldquoPeople want leaders, not cheap entertainers they want substance, not sensationalism, constructive politics not destructive politicking. ldquo The Deputy CM said that the results also showed that people had rejected the politics of empty sloganeering. high-voltage confrontation and cheap gimmicks. He said that the Congress resort to negative propaganda also seemed to have boom-ranged against that party. ldquoThey had tried to spoil the image of the state by talking of widespread violence whereas independent reports had clearly established that the polling was peaceful. There were only seven to eight instances of violation fo peace. When you think that it covered more than 13080 villages and more than 17,000 polling stations, covering an electorate of more than one crore, you get an idea of how massive the exercise was and how peacefully and fairly it had been conducted. The people of the state have punished the Congress for constantly trying to defame their state, comparing it with Bihar and Uttar Pardesh. Mr. Bajwa forgot that the Bihar and Uttar Pardesh that he was talking about also belonged to a period when the Congress ruled there. Once the Congress was wiped out of those states, even these states had improved their image. Mr. Bajwa did not even know that he was humiliating his own partyrsquos performance in those states while trying to defame his own state. rdquo Mr. Badal said that he hoped that the PPCC leadership would learn a lesson from this rout and ldquoeven though they have been wiped out from the political map of the state, they should still start behaving responsibly. rdquo RICE MILLERS PLEDGE INVESTMENT OF RS 350 CRORE FOR SETTING UP ULTRA MODERN RICE MILLS IN THE STATE THANKS CM FOR SLEW OF INCENTIVES TO BOOST BASMATI EXPORT ASSURES CM TO RUN TWO ITIs AND SCHOOLS TOWARDS HRD Punjab Rice Millers Exporters lsquoAssociation today firmed up a massive investment of Rs 350 crore for setting up ultra modern Rice Mills in the state to boost the export prospects of Basmati on one hand and give impetus to the much needed Agriculture diversification program on the other. An assurance to this effect was given by the delegation of the association led by its President Mr Ashok Sethi to the Punjab Chief Minister Mr Parkash Singh Badal in a meeting here at Chief Ministerrsquos residence this afternoon. Expressing gratitude to the Chief Minister for recently extending a slew of incentives to Rice Millers for the promotion of Basmati cultivation and boosting its export potential in the global market in terms 2 exemption on Rural Development Fund (RDF), 3 Punjab Infra structure Development Fund (PIDF) besides 2 market fee on Basmati worth Rs 200 crore. The delegation further assured the Chief Minister that they would continue their endeavor to help the state in pursuing its mission of crop diversification. Reciprocating the goodwill gesture of the state government to ensure level playing field to the Basmati growers as well as millers and exporters, the delegation also promised to run two state-of-art ITIs at Ferozepur and Tarn Taran after upgrading them to train manpower required in the Rice mills. The delegation also assured Mr Badal that they would strive hard to emerge Punjab as a front runner state in the Basmati cultivation thereby capturing an enviable position in the international market. Envisaging Associationrsquos support to impart quality education to the students across the state, the Chief Minister offered the Rice Millers to run schools in collaboration with the state government adding he said, ldquoWe are ready to help you to take up this noble venture with an ultimate goal to contribute enormously in the human resource developmentrdquo. Acceding to the proposal of the Chief Minister, the Association promised their fulsome support and co-operation to the state government in realizing the dreams of Mr Badal. The Chief Minister also called upon the Rice Millers to go for Power cogeneration from Biomass to make their units financially viable and self sustainable. Appreciating the unique initiative taken by the Chief Minister to curb the menace of cancer from the state the Association reiterated their commitment to contribute 0.25 of their total annual sale towards the Dedicated Cancer Treatment Fund as a part of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). On the appeal of Mr Badal the Association avowed to serve the country in general and Punjab in particular through the concept of inclusive development. The Chief Minister was accompanied by his Special Principal Secretary Mr Gaggandip Singh Brar. BADAL OKAYS REPAIR OF 11OOO KMs LINK ROADS AT A COST OF RS.1700 CRORE APPROVES RS.315 CRORE FOR MAINTENANCE OF STATE HIGHWAYS, MAJOR DISTRICT ROADS AND OTHER DISTRICT ROADS 217 KMs OF ZIRAKPUR - BATHINDA ON NH-64 TO BE FOUR LANED AT A COST OF RS.2508 CRORE WITHIN TWO YEARS Punjab Chief Minister Mr. Parkash Singh Badal today gave nod for the repair of link roads covering 11,000 KMs at a cost of Rs.1700 crore across the state to be completed by June, 2014. Mr. Badal was reviewing the status of national highways, district roads, link roads, ROBsRUBs, government buildings and several others infrastructure projects in a meeting here at Chief Ministerrsquos residence this morning. Meanwhile, the Secretary PWD (BampR) Mr. PS Aujla apprised the Chief Minister that the funds for the repair of link roads have been tied up and tenders would be invited soon so as to complete this gigantic task within a time frame. The repair work of link roads would be executed by the Mandi Board and PWD (BampR) department. The Chief Minister also approved a massive project of Rs.315 crore for the maintenance and repair of state highways, major district roads and other district roads besides the maintenance of PMGYS roads in the state during the current fiscal. Referring to the status of national highways projects, Mr. Aujla said that 230 KMs of 46 laning had been completed by National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) while the work on 400 KMs was in progress at a cost of Rs.3080 crore and 101 KMs new national highways were proposed with an investment of Rs.700 crore in the near future. Likewise, the construction work on 4-laning of 51 KMs and 166.445 KMs from Zirakpur to Patiala and Patiala to Bathinda section of NH-64 at an approximate cost of Rs.501 crore and Rs. 2007 crore respectively had been allotted on BoT basis and would be completed within next two years. Similarly, Amritsar-Sri Ganga Nagar road (NH-15) having a length of 296 KMs would also be constructed at a cost of Rs.2650 crore as the alignment had already been approved in principle by the Ministry of Road Transport amp Highways with 4-laning from Amritsar to Bathinda and 2-lane with paved shoulders (10 wide) from Bathinda to Rajasthan border via Malout-Abohar. Apart from these, Jalandhar-Jind road up to Haryana border (NH-71) with a length of 239 KMs was also proposed involving an investment of Rs.2440 crore in a phased manner, under which 4-laning from Jalandhar to Sangrur (via Nakodar-Shahkot-Moga-Barnala) and Sangrur to Patran up to Haryana border would be done in phase-I and II respectively. The 4-laning of NH-15 from Pathankot to Amritsar with a total length of 102.42 KMs at a cost of Rs.800 crore would be completed by next month and the work on 4-laning of 78 KMs stretch (NH-95) from Ludhiana to Talwandi was in full swing at a cost of Rs.479 crore and was likely to be completed by March 2014. The Chief Minister directed the Secretary PWD (BampR) to closely monitor the progress of ongoing road projects to ensure the quality construction of these lsquoarteries of communicationrsquo besides their timely completion. Mr. Badal asked him to get the civil works expedited for the 6-laning of NH-95 from Kharar to Ludhiana (68 KMs), Jalandhar to Dhillwan (20 KMs) and 4-laning of NH-21 Kharar to Kurali (15 KMs) from NHAI to ensure smooth and hassle free vehicular traffic to the commuters. Mr. Aujla also told the Chief Minister that 33 ROBsRUBs had been completed at a cost of Rs.565 crore and work was in progress on five ROBs at a cost of Rs.78 crore and four ROBs were proposed to be constructed at Kapurthala, Malerkotla, Gobindgarh and Northern Bypass Patiala at a cost of Rs.128 crore. It was also informed in the meeting that a project of 637 KMs of roads under Pardhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) at a cost of Rs.319 crore would be taken up during the current financial year and the tendering process would be initiated soon. As many as 192 roads under PMGSY covering 588 KMs at a cost of Rs.765 crore were likely to be completed by December 2013. The Chief Minister asked the Secretary Industries and PWD (BampR) to jointly explore the feasibility to allow mining of minerals like sand, gravel and earth (Mitti) to the major contractors on short term basis to operate concurrently on their projects as per the practice prevalent in Rajasthan and other states to ensure speedy execution and timely completion of their infrastructure projects on one hand and to tide over the scarcity of construction material on the other. Mr. Badal also asked the Mandi Board and PWD (BampR) to give the highest priority to the repair and maintenance of link roads, district roads and construction of bridges especially in the difficult areas of Kandi and Border. Prominent amongst others who were attended the meeting included Special Principal Secretary Mr. Gaggandip Singh Brar besides the Chief Engineers of PWD (BampR). 110.50 LAKH TONNES WHEAT PROCURED IN PUNJAB Chandigarh, May 21: Government agencies and private millers procured more than 110.50 lakh tonnes of Wheat till last evening. Out of total procurement of 110.50 lakh tonnes of wheat Government agencies procured 98.8 till date whereas private traders procured 1.2 of wheat. Till May 20, PUNGRAIN had procured 19.99 lakh tonnes (18.1) whereas MARKFED procured 23.97 lakh tonnes (21.7). PUNSUP procured 22.02 lakh tonnes (19.9), PSWC procured 12.65 lakh tonnes (11.4) whereas PAIC was able to procure 10.37 lakh tonnes (09.4 ) of wheat. The Central Government agency FCI had been able to procure 19.31 lakh tonnes of wheat which was the 17.5 of the total procurement of wheat in the state. The spokesman added that district Sangrur with 09.46 lakh tonnes of procurement was leading in procurement operations whereas district Ludhiana with 08.64 lakh tonnes of procurement was at second slot and District Patiala with 8.09 lakh tonnes of procurement ranked at third position Congress propaganda a cover up for imminent poll HUMILIATION-Sukhbir Chandigarh May 20, 2013 The Punjab Deputy Chief Minister and president Mr. Sukhbir Singh Badal said here today a politically frustrated Congress party was preparing an advance ground to cover up its impending humiliation and failure by raising a false hue and cry over violence in the just concluded Zila Parishad elections in Punjab. Mr. Badal advised the PPCC leaders to stop defaming the democratic and peace loving people of Punjab and study the causes of their ever-falling graph in the state, rather than raising the bogey of violence as a lame excuses for non-performance. ldquoThe fact of the matter is that the PPCC leadership, which had made tall claims before its High Command on arresting the fatal slide in the fortunes of the Congress party in the state, was now seeing the writing on the wall. They had talked big and their bluster is about to be exposed. They are finding it hard to save face and therefore, they are already busy looking for lame excuses, rdquo said the Deputy CM The SAD president also set up a contrast between these elections and those conducted under the Congress rule in June 2002. ldquoI have checked all the facts and records, and also the entire history of all previous elections. Facts speak loudly against Congress propaganda, and squarely prove that this has been one of the most peaceful and free and fair elections in Punjabrsquos history. The conduct of the poll has been exemplary display professional fairness and unbiased conduct by the polling staff and the police. They deserve to be congratulated for having acted firmly, fairly and with commendable impartiality. We greatly appreciate this professional approach. ldquosaid the Deputy Chief Minister Relying on extensive data and newspaper reports, Mr. Badal said. ldquo In a massive electoral exercise, covering one crore 10 lakh voters spread over 12756 polling stations and 17857 booths, there have been just 18 cases of scuffles or quarrels. Of these, there were only seven incidents of some violence, and even among these, some were clear cases of personal enmities. Where trouble appeared to be election related, a re-poll was been ordered. So what widespread unfair practices in the election are they talking about Is the Congress aware that over one lakh poll personnel were deployed to ensure smooth and free and fair elections. This was in addition to a massive force of nearly 50,000 police personnel ndash that is the bulk of the total force - put specially for poll duty on the Election Day. ldquo Mr. Badal said that the conduct of police and the polling staff had been so above board that even the Congress had not been able to come up with any specific complaint against even a single police or government official deployed on poll duty They are making just vague, irresponsible and baseless allegations of purely propagandist variety. They have not pointed out a single concrete instance of government interference of highhandedness anywhere in the state, rdquo said Mr. Badal, adding that this had completely exposed the massive lies which the Congress leadership had indulged in. Contrasting this with the ldquostate terror and high-handednessrdquo in the last elections during the Congress regime, Mr. Badal said. ldquoIn June 2002 elections under Captain Amarinder Singh, for instance, such was the reign of terror let loose that for the first time in the history of the state, the poll percentage in the state remained as low as 49 to 50. In some areas, the Congress unleashed gundas and the poll percentage did not cross even 35. In contrast, this time, people exercised their right to franchise, freely and fearlessly. As a result, the poll percentage was as high as 75 at several places, and 65 overall. This by itself is enough to prove how freely and fairly has this election been conducted, rdquo said the Deputy Chief Minister. Mr. Badal said that in June 2002 Zila Parishad elections under the Congress rule, there were 153 cases of violence in the state, as against just eight during these elections. And the state machinery in 2002 was massively misused as an instrument of terror against SAD-BJP workers. Throughout the state thousands of Akali workers were rounded up to stop them from casting their votes. More than 300 workers of our party were arrested in a bid to demoralize the opposition party. The history of terror and vendetta during Captain Amarinder Singhrsquos Congress government in Punjab remains a blot on the history of the state. How many Congress workers or others belonging to opposition have been rounded up or arrested by our police this time rdquo said Mr. Sukhbir Singh Badal, daring the PPCC leadership to reveal facts on these issues. Mr. Sukhbir Singh advised the PPCC leadership to return to the path of issue based, clean and principled politics, focusing on peoplersquos issues rather than relying on misleading propaganda that only brings a bad name to the state of which we are all so proud. CM SEEKS PERSONAL INTERVENTION OF PREZ FOR UPGRADING EDUCATION IN THE COUNTRY BATS FOR IMPARTING QUALITY EDUCATION TO MERITORIOUS STUDENTS OF POOR AND WEAKER SECTIONS OF SOCIETY ASKS PRESIDENT OF AFGHANISTAN TO CHECK THE SUPPLY OF HEROINE IN THE STATE PUNJAB GOVERNOR BATS FOR WOMEN EDUCATION Phagwara (Kapurthala), May 20- Punjab Chief Minister Mr Parkash Singh Badal today sought the personal intervention of the President of India Mr Pranab Mukherjee for upgrading the education in University, College and school level to impart quality education to the meritorious students of the poor and weaker sections of the society. Addressing the gathering here during the third convocation of the Lovely Professional University (LPU) here today, which was presided over by the President of India, the Chief Minister emphasized that a sizeable chunk of the countryrsquos population was still living in the rural areas. However he said that the lack of the environment and facilities coupled with poverty was depriving the poor and meritorious students from the access of quality education. Mr Badal bemoaned that the intelligent and meritorious students who, despite of the adverse circumstances score very well in school education donrsquot get the appropriate opportunity for higher education. The Chief Minister urged the President to direct the Government of India (GoI) to give special attention towards solving this grave problem and frame a scheme for imparting quality higher education to the poor but meritorious students. He said that with the world emerging as a global village the students of the state have to compete with the youth across the state who were studying in the best institutions. So Mr Badal urged the President to make stupendous efforts to ensure that the universities of the country should impart quality education to youth especially to those belonging to the border areas of the country, as per the global standards. Terming, Mr Mukherjee as most learned, experienced and brilliant statesmen of the recent times besides being the constitutional head of the country, the Chief Minister expressed hope that he would take unprecedented steps for ensuring the quality education to the youth. Underlining the importance of education in the life of a person and in the development of the nation, he said that Punjab Government has made all out efforts for promoting the education in the state. Reiterating the commitment of the state government to impart quality education to the students belonging to the poor and weaker strata of the society, Mr Badal said that the Punjab government has set up nine new universities and 17 new colleges for this purpose. The Chief Minister further said that owing to the concerted efforts of the state government Punjab has been rated as number one state in School infrastructure by National University of Education Planning and Administration (NUEPA) adding that in the Education Development Index (EDI) rank of the state went up to third from 14th. On the occasion the Chief Minister also requested the President of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Dr Hamid Karzai, who was the special Guest on the occasion, to use his good office for checking the smuggling of the Heroine drug from their country to the state. Mr Badal lamented that Punjab which was known as the granary of the country besides being the sword arm of the country and had made tremendous sacrifices in the national freedom struggle was combating the problem of drug trafficking the state. He said that the unabated supply of Heroine from Afghanistan has emerged as a major problem for the state which needs to be checked immediately. The Chief Minister urged Dr Karzai that as this was an emotive issue for the Punjabis so he had raised this matter in front of him from all the residents of the state. Mr Badal said that though he knew that sometimes it was not in the hands of the governments to tackles such contentious issue but he expressed hope that Dr Karzai would take Path breaking initiatives to redress this problem of the state. Later in his address the Punjab Governor Mr Shivraj V Patil said that the Universities have an enormous responsibility for building the Nation through the enrichment of higher education system and it was, therefore, imperative that there was an ideal integration of programs of teaching, research, work experience and community development to enhance professional competence of our students to enable them to contribute to the Nation. Congratulating the students who were going to receive their degrees during the convocation, Mr Patil said that the students after leaving this university should try to be good citizens of the world, and the country. He said that the knowledge could not have boundaries and limitations as it was bound to be, non parochial, non global, not universal, but cosmic. Laying thrust on the need of women education the Governor said that it was not only the need of the hour but a major necessity for uplifting and educating the society. He said that the majority of the medal winners of the universities were girls, which was reflective of their indomitable spirit to excel in every sphere of life. Mr Patil said that the country could advance in any sector if the women education was promoted effectively. Prominent amongst those present on the occasion included Cabinet Ministers Mr Chunni Lal Bhagat and Mr Sarwan Singh Phillaur, Chief Parliamentary Secretaries Mr Som Parkash and Mr Avinash Chander, State BJP Chief Mr Kamal Sharma, Chief Editor of Ajit Group of Newspapers Dr Barjinder Singh Hamdard, Principal Secretary to the Chief Minister Mr SK Sandhu, Special Principal Secretary to Chief Minister Mr KJS Cheema, Deputy Commissioner Kapurthala Mr DS Mangat, Chancellor of Lovely Professional University Mr Ashok Mittal and Pro-Chancellor Mrs Rashmi Mittal. Punjab DGP Mr. Sumedh Singh, ADGP Intelligence Mr. Hardeep Singh Dhillon and ADGPIT amp T and Incharge State Election Cellrsquos Joint Media briefing regarding PRIs elections in the state On 19th May, 2013, polling for Zila Parishads and Panchayat Samitis were held. Total number of Zila Parishads. 22 Total number of Panchayat Samitis. 145 Total number of Polling stations. 12756 Total number of Polling booths. 17857 Total sensitive polling stations. 5504 A. In order to ensure peaceful and smooth polling the following arrangements were made by the Punjab Police:- 1. Total mobilisationdeployment of force. 49397 for election duty (out of a total strength of 75153). 2. Force was deployed at each polling station ranging from 2 to 9 police personnel depending upon no. of polling booths per polling station. Additional deployment was made wherever a particular polling station was sensitive. 3. A total no. of 638 police patrolling parties comprising of 4 police personnel each were deployed to cover the area with polling. 92 striking reserves, each comprising a platoon, were strategically located in the state to act as QRTs (Quick Response Teams). 4. The neighbouring states were requested to put Inter State Nakkas at 135 locations on the roads leading to Punjab. 5. A total no. of 1,50,821 licensed fire arms were deposited in the Police Stations and registered Gun Houses. B. More than 65 lacs voters exercised their right to vote in a smooth and peaceful manner. In 18 districtspolice districts commissionerates, the polling process was virtually incident free whereas in the remaining 9 districtspolice districts, 18 election related incidents have been reported. Barring one incident, the remaining incidents (17) are of scuffleobstructing public servant from performing his official duty. In one incident police had to resort to a lathi charge and firing in the air to control violence. C. Re-polling for 9 polling booths (which are in Districts Faridkot, Fazilka, Moga and Muktsar), out of a total of 17857 booths ndash which is 0.044 . ndash have been ordered because of casting of bogus votes, irregularities in ballot papers and voter impersonation, etc. No re-polling is because of any violent incident. CONFUSED AND DESPERATE BAJWA WEAVING THE WEB OF DECEIT AND LIES TO COVER UP HIS FAILURES-SUKHBIR CHANDIGARH, MAY 20: Mr. Sukhbir Singh Badal President Shiromani Akali Dal and Deputy Chief Minister Punjab today said that confused and desperate PPCC Chief Mr. Partap Singh Bajwa was weaving the web of deceit and lies, to cover up his failures and advised him to come out of a self created illusion regarding so called popularity of lsquoNationalrsquo political party once named Congress party in India. In a statement issued here today, the SAD President said that even more than one year after results of Vidhan Sabha elections, Congress party is refusing to believe the hard fact that they have lost it and people have overwhelmingly elected SAD-BJP combine to serve the state. Mr. Badal said that the new coroneted PPCC Chief was so confused that he does not know whom to blame for their own failures. On one hand he is blaming SAD for engineering the victory in Vidhan Sabha elections on other hand he himself sought services of central forces for Zila Parishad elections under whose supervised elections Congress was decimated in 2012. The SAD President said that the Congress party is so scared to face the elections that it adopted every possible mean to scuttle the elections to Panchayat bodies, moving to High court, petitioning Governor and State Election Commission so that they could save their face from their own high command. Mr. Badal said that this election was a bitter test for Congress party as Capt. Amarinder Singh is enjoying the discomfort of Bajwa by putting himself in self created exile whereas other party sections even in the constituency of PPCC Chief were pulling the rug from under his feet. Questioning the rationale of claiming the antiquity of 124 years old Congress party, the SAD President said that political parties like Congress are not basmati rice that older they grow better they are. He said that the fact is that the recent multi thousands crore scams have proved that Congress Party has the DNA of East India Company, that was bent upon looting the country. He said that it was time for Bajwa to see the political map of the India where Congress party stands eclipsed in most of the states with non Congress parties were ruling most of the states. Even at the Centre the minority Congress party was surviving on the crutches of Mayawati and Mulayam Singh Yadav with daily horse-trading, he added. Lashing out at Bajwa for compromising the interests of the state for the sake of his chair, Mr. Badal said that the criminal silence of PPCC Chief in Parliament on the crucial issues of special relief package to Bihar, ignoring Punjab, neglect of Punjab in Rs. 72000 crore debt waiver scheme, meagre hike in MSP of wheat and Rice, on the issue of denial of justice to 3000 victim families of 1984 anti Sikh massacre have proved Bajwa is more concerned about his chair rather than interests of Punjabis. Mr. Badal said that creating photo opportunities without fetching substantial scheme for the state Mr. Bajwa is playing the game of the double agent and showing the true anti Punjab face of Congress party. Advising Mr. Bajwa to have faith in the democratic institutions of the country that have sustained our democracy for 65 years Mr. Badal said that even emergency imposed by Congress party under Indira Gandhi could not crush the democratic aspirations of Indian citizens. NESTLE INDIA FIRMS UP RS. 500 CRORE INVESTMENT FOR EXPANSION OF ITS MOGA PLANT BADAL ASKS NESTLE TO SETUP COMPOSITE CENTER OF EXCELLENCE TO PROMOTE DAIRY FARMING SEEKS EXPERTISE OF NESTLErsquoS WATER RESOURCES GROUP TO EFFECTIVELY TACKLE THE PROBLEM OF DEPLITING WATER TABLE IN PUNJAB Nestle India limited today evinced keen interest to invest Rs. 500 crore for the expansion and modernization of its existing unit at Moga. An assurance to this effect given by the Chairman amp Managing Director (CMD) of Nestle India Limited Mr. Antonio Helio Waszyk to the Punjab Chief Minister Mr. Parkash Singh Badal during a meeting here at Chief Ministerrsquos residence this morning. Taking part in the deliberations, Mr. Waszyk apprised the Chief Minister that NIL had total investment of Rs. 9500 crore across the country. He said Nestle had already invested nearly Rs. 250 crore and the balance amount of Rs. 250 crore would be invested for technological upgradation, expansion and modernization of its Moga based plant over a period of next two years. Silencing the recent rumors spread by the opposition about the winding up of Nestle operations at Moga, the todayrsquos meeting of Mr. Waszyk with the Chief Minister has put all the speculations at rest, especially in the light of assurance given by CMD Nestle to make hefty investment worth Rs. 500 crore there. Mr. Waszyk told the Chief Minister that the company had launched its first unit in 1961 at Moga and termed it as lsquoJewel in Crownrsquo of their investments across the globe. He said ldquoIt is a plant in Punjab run by Punjabis, which is evident from the fact that out of total work force of 25,000 employees, 90 are Punjabis. Likewise, Nestle purchases raw material worth Rs. 650-700 crore from Punjab annually. At present, the company was procuring milk from as many as 1,10,000 dairy farmers across the state which was reflective of Nestlersquos affinity with Punjabi farmers. Mr. Waszyk further said Nestle was fortunate to launch its operation from Moga which proved to be a gateway for their entry in India at eight different locations. Mr. Waszyk also responded positively to the proposals of the Chief Minister to set up a State-of-the-art composite dairy centre in collaboration with Punjab Government comprising a super specialty veterinary hospital, model dairy farm, a breeding centre and a training facility for the dairy entrepreneurs in the state. The state government would work out the modalities for arranging suitable Panchayat or Government land in some village near Moga for setting up of this composite dairy centre. On the persuasion of Chief Minister, Mr. Waszyk agreed in principle to upgrade 3-4 existing private dairy farms to demonstrate the modern dairy practices, which would prove to be a beacon for the young dairy entrepreneurs to adopt dairy as an allied farming so as to achieve the target to double the milk production in the state on one hand and to give impetus to the diversification of agriculture on the other. Mr. Waszyk also apprised the Chief Minister about the Community Shared Value (CSV) programme run by the Nestle to sensitize the adolescence girls about personal hygiene besides a team of 40 veterinary doctors was providing the advanced health care facilities to the cattle of the dairy farmers in the state free of cost. Winding up the deliberations, the Chief Minister assured the visiting Nestle team that the Punjab Government would extend all possible cooperation and support to fructify their investment plans in the near future. On the issue of exemption of purchase tax on the procurement of milk, Mr. Badal assured to get this issue thoroughly examined from the state Excise and Taxation Commissioner adding he said the interests of all the stake holders including dairy farmers, procurement agencies and State Government would be safeguarded while resolving this issue. The Chief Minister also assured the Nestle Chief that he would soon take up the issue of the proposed General Sales Tax raised by them with the government of India for its early resolution. Mr. Badal reiterated his commitment for the welfare of farming community at all costs besides promoting dairy farming in a big way to boost crop diversification programme in the state. Highly appreciating the commendable work done by Nestle as a water resources group in the world for the conservation of ground water, the Chief Minister invited Nestlersquos water expert Prof. Asit K. Biswas for seeking his expertise to address the problem of depleting water table in Punjab effectively on the top priority. It may be recalled Prof. Biswas had already done marvelous work in the field of preservation of ground water in several countries in China, Vitanam besides Gujrat in India. Mr. Waszyk was accompanied by Senior Vice president Corporate Affairs Mr. Sanjay Khajuria and resident Co-ordination Manager Mr. Jaspal Singh Sidhu. Meanwhile, Chief Ministerrsquos Principal Secretary Mr. S. K. Sandhu, Additional Principal Secretaries Mr. K. J.S. Cheema and Mr. Gaggandip Singh Brar, Excise and Taxation Commissioner Mr. Anurag Verma also attended the meeting. RS 75 CRORES APPROVED FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF NATIONAL HORTICULTURE MISSION PROGRAMME - DIRECTOR HORTICULTURE middot CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE FOR FRUITS, VEGETABLES AND TREATMENT OF BRACKISH WATER To BE SET UP Chandigarh, 20 May: Punjab to spend Rs 75 crores for implementation of National Horticulture Mission programme in the state. Disclosing this here today Dr. Lajwinder Singh Brar Director Horticulture Department, Punjab said that National Horticulture Mission has approved this grant for the year 2013-14 which would be spent on providing financial assistance to farmers, entrepreneurs, nursery owners as well as interested aspirants of other horticulture related fields as per guidelines of National Horticulture Mission. Director Horticulture said that state horticulture department is taking concrete steps to crate horticulture friendly atmosphere in the state to bring the state out of the rotten vicious cycle of wheat and paddy. He added that horticulture farming is not just environment friendly but also very useful in saving ground water. He said that Seminars, conferences, workshops, exhibitions, Kisan Melas, horticulture shows, honey festivals etc would be hosted by the department at state, district and block level for the promotion of horticulture farming. Dr. Brar said that grant approved by the National Horticulture Mission would be utilised for production of seeds amp distribution of vegetables, improve seed infrastructure for handling, processing, packing, storage etc, setting up nurseries, setting up new TC units, establishment of new gardens amp expansion of area under fruits, mushrooms, flowers, spices, aromatic plants. Dr. Brar said that financial assistance would also be given for the creation of water resources in conjunction with NREGS. He added that financial assistance under protected cultivation would also be given for Green Houses, Plastic Mulching, Shade Net House, Plastic Tunnels, Anti BirdAnti Hall Nets and Poly Houses. Mr. Brar said that financial assistance would also be given for promotion of Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and organic farming, Pollination support through beekeeping, Horticulture Mechanization, Establishment of Marketing Infrastructure for Horticultural Produce. He said that centre of excellence for fruits, vegetables and treatment of brackish water would also be set up by the sate government. NRI COMMISSION ISSUES NOTICE TO DC MOHALI middot ASKS TO APPEAR BEFORE COMMISSION ON MAY 21 The NRI Commission today issued notice to Deputy Commissioner, SAS NAGAR (Mohali) for taking the orders of the Commission callously and asked him to appear before the Commission on may 21. A spokesman of the NRI Commission today said that on the complaint of Sarabjit Singh, attorney of his uncle Surinder Singh resident of Germany, an NRI, with the grievance that Gurcharan Singh Saini, Sarpanch of their village, has diverted drain-water in his land situated in village Chatt, Tehsil Derabassi, Distt. Mohali. In the complaint he further alleged that Gurcharan Singh Saini has got constructed the house from Faqir Chand on the Govt. Street, obstructing their passage towards their land. The complainant said that he approached various authorities i. e. SDO, DDO etc. referred in the order dated 06.03.2013, but no result. The Spokesman said that the Commission vide order dated 06.03.2013 has asked DC SAS Nagar to look into the matter and report. He said that till the fixed date, no report has been submitted by DC Mohali in this regard. Besides that Mr. Darbari Lal, Panchayat Officer has appeared before the commission, stated to have been sent by Arun Sharma, BDO Derabassi, who does not know anything about the case and cannot assist the Commission. He said that the DC Mohali has taken the orders of this Commission callously and his such conduct stands deprecated. The spokesman further said that a notice has been issued to DC Mohali to appear before the Commission to show cause why an action be not taken against him for Non-compliance of the orders of the Commission and above referred mis-conduct sending a junior official knowing nothing about the case, making a mockery of justice amp discipline. He said that DC SAS Nagar has been asked to appear before the Commission on 21.05.2013 at 12:30 P. M and his services be effected through Commissioner, Ropar, for his appearance on the date fixed. INDO-UK JOINT VENTURE FOR VOCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE STATE: JOSHI The Punjab Government would soon start a project to upgrade the infrastructure and need based vocational training in the ITIs of the State under India-UK joint venture. Mr. Anil Joshi, Technical Education Minister, Punjab said that under this project capacity building workshops, are being conducting in ITI Ranjit Avenue, Amritsar, Bathinda, Ludhiana, Patiala and Ropar to improve the expertise of the vocational training providers. He said that under centre of excellence scheme, experts from both the countries would work together to provide skilled labour to the small and medium industrial units. Under this joint venture, experts from both the countries could visit India and England to get training in the specialized field. Mr. Joshi further said that the officers of Technical Education department would try to replicate the good practices of the UK in the ITIs of the state. He said that this programme would go a long way in sharpening the vocational and technical skills of the students. ldquoA meeting in the direction of implementation of this joint venture has been held at New Delhi, few days ago, rdquo the Minister added. PUNJAB GOVERNMENT RELEASES FINAL SENIORITY LIST FOR HOUSE ALLOTMENT The Punjab Government today released the final list for allotment of category-2 houses, situated at sector-39-C Chandigarh. Disclosing this here today an official spokesperson said that the list has been uploaded on the official website of the Punjab Government. He said that houses would be allotted to 369 employees as per the seniority at sector-39-C. The Spokesman further said that houses are being allotted to the Government employees considering their date of joining of the Government Services at Chandigarh RESURGENT VOTING IN ZILA PARISHAD ELECTIONS SIGNALS LANDSLIDE VICTORY OF SAD-BJP COMBINE-SUKHBIR middot LARGELY PEACEFUL AND ENTHUSIASTIC VOTING HAS EXPOSED MALICIOUS PROPAGANDA OF CONGRESS PARTY middot SENSING DECIMATION EVEN CONGRESS AGENTS AVOIDED SITTING IN THEIR BOOTHS middot SUKHBIR THANKS VOTERS FOR DEMOCRATICALLY REJECTING CORRUPT CONGRESS Chandigarh, May 19: Mr. Sukhbir Singh Badal President Shiromani Akali Dal and Deputy Chief Minister Punjab today said that overwhelming and peaceful response of rural voters of the state for Zila Parishad and Block Samiti elections has signalled the landslide victory of SAD-BJP combine, putting a last nail in the coffin of anti Punjab, corrupt Congress party in the State. Congratulating the Punjabis for overwhelmingly rejecting the Congress party and its lsquodeclared and undeclared alliesrsquo in the elections, the SAD President in a statement released here said that largely peaceful and resurgent voting in the rural heartland of Punjab has exposed the malicious propaganda of Congress party that was bent upon painting a gloomy picture of the state. Asking Congress leaders to apologize to the people of Punjab for their totally baseless and unwarranted propaganda Mr. Badal said that people of Punjab since last 30 years have understood the game plan of Congress party which raises the spectre of violence to invite undemocratic central intervention. The Deputy Chief Minister said that he had clearly instructed to brook no interference in the most important democratic exercise in the rural heartland and ensure conducive atmosphere for peaceful conduct of these elections. Mr. Badal said that Congress party was banking upon consolidating small proxy parties in these elections but their coming together on one platform exposed their unholy alliance before the eyes of people. He said that coming together of all opposition parties on one platform has reflected the fact that these agenda less political parties have already lost their base in the polity of the state and were trying to catch a straw to survive politically without any mission. Thanking the people of Punjab for putting their stamp of approval on development agenda of SAD-BJP government Mr. Badal said that reposing of faith in these elections by electorate on the progressive policies of SAD-BJP policies has given them strength and energy to carry forward our mission in a focussed approach. Mr. Badal said that our government was fully committed to transform the rural area with integrated development plan, giving boost to diversification in agriculture sector, encouraging scientific techniques in cropping and post harvesting technologies, coming out with a new policy to encourage agro based industry besides opening new cottage industries in the rural areas to boost self employment. Mr. Badal said that we have already chalked out a development perspective plan for next 25 years and with the blessings of people of State, we would soon realize their dream to make Punjab number one state in the country. CM, Deputy CM congratulate people on peaceful poll The Punjab Chief Minister Mr. Parkash Singh Badal today described the smooth, peaceful and free and fair conduct of civic elections in Punjab as ldquoa triumph of democracyrdquo in the state. The Deputy Chief Minister, Mr. Sukhbir Singh Badal, who is also the President of the Shiromani Akali Dal, also congratulated the people of Punjab and thanked leaders, office bearers and workers of his party for the hard work put in by them to ensure the success of the partyrsquos and alliance candidates in a most peaceful and civilized expression of democratic will. ldquoI am proud of my workers for the way in which they resisted all provocations to violence and acted with restraint to ensure smooth and peaceful poll. They raised the bar for self-restraint and responsible democratic conduct. They deserve to be congratulated and thanked, ldquo said Mr. Sukhbir Singh Badal. In a statement here, Chief Minister Mr. Mr. Parkash Singh Badal thanked the people of Punjab for participating in the electoral process in a whole-hearted and peaceful manner and said that they have given a befitting reply to forces who were out to tarnish the image of the state by talking of terror, violence and even going to the extent of throwing democracy in the dustbin and bringing back draconian presidentrsquos rule. ldquoThis is a victory of peace and communal harmony in the state. Despite cynical postures and despite high-voltage confrontationist postures of the Congress, people of the state have stuck to the ideals of peace and harmony in the state and have carried out the polling process in a dignified manner. I am grateful to them for this for nothing is dearer to me than peace and communal harmony in the state. rdquo The Chief Minister also appealed to opposition political parties to stick to politics of principles, respecting democratic norms and focusing on peoplersquos issues such as development and progress, and above all peace. rdquo No purpose is served by raising false bogies of violence in the state. I hope the right lessons have been learnt by those who indulged in a negative propaganda to spoil the image of the people of Punjab. Punjabis have always risen to deliver a mandate in favour of democracy, rdquo said the Chief Minister. The Chief Minister also thanked rank and file of the Shiromani Akali Dal and Bhartiya Janata Party for focusing on the democratic task on the their hands and concentrating on peoplersquos issues and on development of the state. Mr. Badal said that the workers of the two parties conducted themselves commendably, despite provocations from the opponents. ldquo NSCA panel discussion The rise and fall of the BSP in Punjab How top BSP leadership slipped into Akali Dal, Congress Chandigarh Jalandhar, May 19. 2013 The fact that the Bahujan Samaj Party has already started announcing its candidates --four names came out yesterday-- far ahead of the Lok Sabha elections of 2014 has raised many questions regarding the secret agenda for such haste. It is this secret agenda that led to the demise of the BSP in Punjab. The secret is that the BSP votes polled is the loss of the Congress and the gain of the Akali Dal. It suits the Akali Dal if the BSP announces its candidates early and in large number. The Akali Dal rewards the BSP candidates for not withdrawing from the fray in many ways. Besides money power the new leadership emerging in the BSP is quietly sucked into the Akali Dal and finally smothered politically. That, in short, is the history of the BSP failure in Punjab. This was an analysis presented in a discussion that took place in a special meeting of leaders of the newly emerged Dalit political organization, the National Scheduled Castes Alliance. For the last 29 years years the tragedy of the BSP in Punjab has been that the party has produced leaders no doubt but could not do anything for the Scheduled Caste community. That is the reason for the rise and fall of the BSP in Punjab and for the continuing misery of the weaker sections. They have been sold out to the ruling parties, said Paramjit Singh Kainth, president of the NSCA, who had participated in the discussion at Jalandhar recently. Some such leaders who left the BSP and also the SC community and were suitably rewarded by both the Akali Dal and the Congress were involved in a double betrayal. This was the cause for Avinash Chander who had emerged has a stalwart in the BSP but joined the Akali Dal. Others who repeated this betrayal were Pawan Tinu, Desraj Dhugga, Sukhvinder Singh Sukhi, Harjinder Singh Jakhu and many others of a smaller, said Kainth. Other stalwarts who joined the Congress were Satnam Singh Kainth, Hardyal Singh Kamboh, CD Kamboj and Dr Ramlal Jassi, revealed Kainth. The BSP remains only a dream seller party. At the grassroot level the party has no existence. All speakers at the NSCA discussion forum that analysed the rise and fall of the BSP were unanimous on this, said Kainth. He added that the NSCA would try to provide a determined and unsalleable leadership to the SC community. From riding on bicycles along with Babu Kanshi Ram once upon a time these leaders have become crorepatis, rued Kainth. SHIROMANI AKALI DAL Dr. Daljit singh Cheema SAD STRONGLY OPPOSES TERMINATION OF ROPEWAY PROJECT BETWEEN ANANDPUR SAHIB AND NAINA DEVI BY CONGRESS GOVERNMENT IN HP CONGRESS PLAYING DIRTY POLITCS ON A PROJECT OF RELIGIOUS AND HISTORIC IMPORTANCE-DR. CHEEMA Chandigarh, May 19. The Shiromani Akali Dal strongly opposed the proposed termination of the aerial ropeway project between Sri Anandpur Sahib and Naina Devi in Bilaspur district of Himachal Pradesh by the Congress government of the HP and said that the Congress party is playing dirty politics on this prestigious project of historical importance. In a statement released from the party head office here today, the SAD Secretary and Spokesman Dr. Daljit Singh Cheema said that the project was a brain child of the Punjab Chief Minister S. Parkash Singh Badal and was aimed to provide big relief and facilities for the pilgrims of who wished to pay obeisance at Sri Anandpur Sahib and Mata Naina Devi Shrine. Presently both the highly important religious places are connected only through a road which passes through Sri Anandpur Sahib and terminates at Mata Naina Devi Shrine. Normally all the prigrims visiting Naina Devi first pay tribute at Sri Anandpur Sahib, the city founded by none other then the ninth Sikh Master Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib who sacrificed his life to save the Hindu religion. So this place has always been the place of reverence for the devotees visiting Naina Devi Temple. So the Congress should not forget the history simply to satisfy its political hunger. It is pertinent to mention here that the MOU to establish aerial ropeway between both the religious places was signed by Punjab Chief Minister S. Parkash Singh Badal and then Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Mr. Prem Kumar Dhumal on July 26, 2012. After coming to power in HP, Virbhadra Singh led Congress government decided to review the project and now it is conspiring to terminate the agreement. Dr. Cheema further said that it was surprising that the Congress government is planning to terminate the project on political grounds otherwise there is nothing objectionable in the project. Itrsquos aim was only to facilitate the pilgrims and it was bound to become a major facility for these pilgrims. He said that decision of the Congress government has come as a major blow not only for the pilgrims but also for the sentiments of people of both the states and other parts of the country. He said that it is perhaps first time in the history of the country that a government is keen on terminating a religious project only to satisfy its ego. Appealing the government to reconsider its decision keeping in view the sentiments of the people, Dr. Cheema said that the project was the need of the hour, it would boost religious tourism and it would prove immensely helpful for the aged and physically challenged pilgrims. ZILA PARISHAD AND PANCHAYAT SMITIS ELECTION CONCLUDED ON A PEACEFUL NOTE middot LATEST REPORTS STATES 65 POLLING middot POLLING AT 8 BOOTHS OF 6 POOLING STATIONS IN THE STATE BE RE-CONDUCTED ON MAY 20 The elections conducted for Zila Parishad and Panchayat Smitis in the State on Sunday were lsquoby and largersquo peaceful barring a few stray incidents in some pockets of the State. As per the latest reports overall percentage of votes is about 65. Disclosing this here today Mr. SS Brar, State Election Commissioner said ldquoThere was no report of any major untoward incident from any polling booths, Fortunately, there was no incident of any major hurt or injury by firing or even use of sharp weapons. rdquo Latest information reaching here in the evening stated that the overall poll percentage in both Zila Parishad and Panchayat Smitis elections was recorded to be at around 65 However, the final figures are still awaited. He said that the commission has decided to re conduct polls at 8 booths of 6 polling stations in the state, where reports of booth capturing, bogus voting and anomalies in voter lists have come to the fore. These booths, where the Commission has decided to re-conduct polls, are Ropana booth 139 (Mukatsar),kothe Maluk Pati booth 85 (Faridkot),Churriwal Chisti booth92 and 93, Ojhanwali booth 33 and 34. Kanha Ram booth 15(Fazilka) and Indergarh booth 155 (Moga). SEC said that Re-polling on these booths would be conducted on Moday, i. e on May 20, 2013. Mr Brar further said that the counting of votes for both Zila Parishad and Panchayat Smitis elections would take place on May 21.He said that all the results, including the result of re polling, would be declared on May 21 . SEC said that, ldquoDespite blazing heat condition in the state, the voters turned out in large numbers to exercise their adult franchise to choose their preferred candidatesrdquo. He said that the administration had made elaborate security arrangement for todayrsquos polling. Large number of police was deployed in all vulnerable points, including sensitive and hyper-sensitive polling stations. Mr. SS Brar, extended his gratitude towards all the Political Parties and thanked the polling staff and Police for enabling free and fair conduct of voting. DISTRICT WISE POLL PERCENTAGE OF ZILA PARISHAD AND PANCHAYAT SAMITI 19.05.2013 National Scheduled Castes Alliance launched Chandigarh Jalandhar, May 18 A Political Party has been launched for the empowerment of a much exploited and neglected community of Indian society. Named Scheduled Castes in the ancient Indian caste system, much exploitation and insult has been heaped on these people even now in a country that swears by equality and rule of law. Launching this revolutionary Party, National Scheduled Castes Alliance (NSCA) . at the Jalandhar press club here on Friday. the brain behind this Party and its founder President, Paramjit Singh Kainth, said even though free India had introduced the Atrocities Act to protect this community, yet in practice and reality atrocities continue to be heaped on these people whose contribution to this civilization is so great that they should walk with dignity and pride with their heads held high. Kainth said that the issues on the priority list of the party is non-implementation of right to education and to fight for the proper utilization of the funds released under the Scheduled Castes Sub Plan (SCSP) for the welfare of the SCs. He claimed that so far the state government had already badly failed to implement this plan. Kainth further stated that the party is planning to participate in the forth-coming Parliamentary elections. He said that the selection of the candidates will follow and the party will give its ticket to the sincere candidates. Kainth said that an awareness campaign on this issue has been launched at the district level all over Punjab. He said that the SC MLAs and MPs in the Akali-BJP combine were not working for the welfare of the SC community. They are merely providing a fake leadership of the SC community. This was part of a conspiracy by the deputy CM Sukhbir Singh Badal and the CM. Even though the SC community comprises 35 per cent of the total population of Punjab, they are lacking in proper leadership. The Congress Party is involved in a similar conspiracy of creating a fake leadership among the SCs. The Parkash Singh Badal government, instead of making Punjab self-dependent has driven the state to the edge of an economic abyss. The Akali-BJP governmentrsquos wrong policies have led to economic instability, unemployment, corruption, addiction to drugs, illiteracy and the rule of mafia gangs. For vote bank politics the political parties of Punjab have put everything on stake for capturing power. The Congress Party has failed to play its role as an effective opposition party. Come out of trauma ward: SAD to Congress: Cong breast beating result of frustration from serial defeats: Bhunder The Shiromani Akali Dal today asked the Congress leaders in Punjab to come out of ldquothe trauma ward into which they have been pushed by their shocking defeat in the last assembly elections in the state, and to behave like a healthy and responsible democratic party. The party also asked the Congress leaders not to allow their serial defeats to so completely frustrate them as to lose faith in democratic system itself, as was evident from their demand for the central rule in Punjab ldquoThe Congress conduct clearly betrays signs of mental derangement induced by trauma. In one moment, they talk teaching a lesson to the SAD-BJP and speak the language of violence while in another they retreat into a persecution complex and a defeatist mentality, indulging breast-beating over alleged and imagined excessesrdquo the senior Akali leader and SAD General Secretary Balwinder Singh Bunder said here today. Mr. Bhunder also accused the Congress leaders of deliberately distorting facts and portraying even personal enmity cases as political and electoral clashes. ldquoWhat is the real psyche of the Congress these days ndash confidence over defeatism. Their leaders are speaking in contrasting tones. They claim complete victory in one statement and talk about election processes being hijacked by their opponents in another statement. What is the official stance fo the congress on their chances in these elections ndash will someone among please stand up and speakrdquo said Mr. Bhunder lashing out against Congress leaders for their speeches and statements aimed creating confusion among the people. The Akali leader said that the real reasons behind their fake cries are their serial defeats at the hands of SAD-BJP alliance. Since 2007, the Congress has been losing out in election after election to us and this has led to a defeatist mentality which they are trying to cover up behind a shout of false allegations to mislead the people of the state, rdquo said Mr. Bhunder said that the Congress is still to recover from the trauma ldquoFunnily, nothing has created greater panic in the rank and file of Congress party than the speeches and statements of their own leaders. They are giving the impression that they are no longer in the fray. This has led to obvious demoralisation which the Congress leaders are now blaming on SAD-BJPrdquo said Mr. Bhunder.. The SAD leader said that the ldquoCongress has already conceded defeat in the ongoing local elections in the state and are now indulging in futile hue and cry to prepare and advance excuse as a cover up for their imminent electoral disaster. rdquo Mr. Bhunder said that outburst of the Congress party against electoral machinery, and against particularly the Chief Electoral Officer of the state, was the result of electoral frustration in the Congress ranks. The Akali leader further said that it was the Congress leaders and not the SAD-BJP which had been speaking the language of revenge and violence. ldquoListen to and analyse their speeches. These are full of venom and provocation. They are inciting their workers to violence. They must desist from it and must contribute to healthy democratic process in the state, ldquo said Mr. Bhunder. Pre-poll violence: muscle power to the fore, vote takes back seat NSCA demands punitive action Slamming the present scenario of violence unleashed by the Akali Dal jathedars and the lack of control by the Parkash Singh Badal government as weapons have not been seized on the eve of the Zila Parishad and Block Samiti elections, Paramjit Singh Kainth, president National Scheduled Castes Alliance (NSCA), blamed the Sukhbir-Majithia duo for the situation. Three men have been killed in Adampur in Bathinda district and Chak Mishri Khan (Lopoke) near Amritsar. The responsibility lies with the administration and the political leadership as the weapons have not been seized as should be done before the elections, said Kainth. The police has become defunct because of the interference by deputy CM Sukhbir Badal and revenue minister Bikramjit Singh Majithia. Goonda raj has come to exist in Punjab. Elections are meant to establish a democratic rule of law. But the exact opposite is happening, Kainth added. The Congress led by Partap Singh Bajwa is also fueling the violence by issuing provocative statements, said Kainth. The NSCA president said the time is ripe for the Centre to intervene as the poor people of the state especially those belonging to the SC and backward castes are living in fear. He added that the Congress was no different during its rule. It has become a trend. The BJP is also to blame because it is a silent spectator to the violence. LET BAJWA TASTE FIRST ELECTORAL DRUBBING SAD-BJP GOVERNMENT COMMITTED TO PROVIDE CONDUCIVE ATMOSPHERE FOR FREE AND FAIR ELECTIONS BAJWA DAILY CRAFTING NEW EXCUSES TO RUN AWAY FROM BATTLE Chandigarh, May 19. Mr. Sukhbir Singh Badal, President, Shiromani Akali Dal and Deputy Chief Minister Punjab today said that Zila Parishad and Panchayat Samiti polls would mark its total decimation of from the electoral scene of Punjab asked newly appointed PPCC Chief Mr. Partap Singh Bajwa to get ready for first strong electoral drubbing after his coronation. In a statement issued here today, the SAD President said that Congress never wanted to fight any election in Punjab as it would had exposed their real base in the state and was looking for alibis to create disturbance in the state. He said that right from day one when Bajwa witnessed vanishing base of his party during campaigning for Zila Parishad polls, he came to old game of the Congress party of demanding central forces, central rule, direct intervention of Union government etc etc. He questioned that what happened to Congress party in recently concluded Vidhan Sabha polls which were conducted by Election Commission of India under the direct supervision of central and paramilitary forces. Why could not Congress save its deposit in most of the seats in these polls, he questioned. He said that the fact is that people of Punjab and country are totally fed up of lsquoEast India Companyrsquo rule of Congress led UPA government that was creating a new multi thousand crore scam every second day. He said that citizens of India were being forced to pay through nose the full price of LPG cylinders, unsubsidised diesel, kerosene and inflated price of Petrol that has ruined their total monthly budget. On other hand, the Prime Minister of India under the guidance of 10, Janpath was keeping his eyes closed to rampant corruption in which every minister was minting thousands of crores. He said that the present elections would be a trailer for ensuing Lok Sabha poll where Punjab Congress despite having alliance all known and unknown, registered and unregistered political parties is going to score zero seats. Reiterating his commitment to provide conduce atmosphere for free and fair poll, he appealed to the people to vote without fear and according to their conscience and not fall in the trap of mischievous propaganda. Mr. Badal said that Congress had perfected the art of rigging the Zila Parishad and Panchayat Samiti polls by getting the nomination papers of opposition candidates rejected on flimsy grounds. He said that Mr. Bajwa had expected that we would also adopt the same strategy giving them a point of propaganda besides saving them from any electoral fights. He said that when we challenged them to remain in fight and ensured that not a single nomination was rejected, Mr. Bajwa started making lame excuses to face the people. Calling upon people to put a stamp of approval on the development agenda of SAD-BJP government Mr. Badal said that let the people of Punjab become the agent of change in the lsquoMahasangramrsquo that would decimate Congress party in coming Lok Sabha polls. He said that the country was eagerly looking towards Punjab to free the country from clutches East India Company rule of Congress led UPA as Punjabis had a distinction of playing a decisive role in the freedom struggle of the country. BADAL GIVES NOD FOR RS.300 CRORE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR UPGRADATION OF CANCER EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES IN GOVERNMENT MEDICAL COLLEGES REITERATES STATErsquoS MISSION TO PROVIDE THE BEST TREATMENT TO THE CANCER PATIENTS GIVES GREEN SIGNAL FOR THE RECRUITMENT OF TALENTED AND HIGHLY QUALIFIED STAFF TO PROVIDE THE LATEST CANCER FACILITIES TO THE PATIENTS TALWAR FOR SETTING UP NUCLEAR MEDICINE, MEDICAL PHYSICS AND ONCOLOGY DEPARTMENTS IN THE GOVERNMENT MEDICAL COLLEGES In a bid to provide the best treatment and diagnostic facilities to the cancer patients across the state, the Punjab Chief Minister Mr. Parkash Singh Badal today approved a comprehensive plan of nearly Rs.300 crore to equip the government medical colleges Patiala, Amritsar, Faridkot besides cancer hospital at Bathinda with the super specialty facilities. A decision to this effect was taken by Mr. Badal during a meeting with the top brass of the departments of state health amp family welfare and medical education amp Research here at Chief Ministerrsquos resident this morning. Reiterating his firm commitment to stamp out the cancer from the state, Mr. Badal said that paucity of funds would not be allow to hamper the statersquos mission to provide the best available treatment to the patients inflicted with cancer. He further said: ldquoNone of any cancer patient would be deprived of the best medical care facilities in the state of penury and would be provided the best treatment at these hospitals equipped with the latest medical care, research and diagnostic facilitiesrdquo. Mr. Badal also gave nod for the recruitment of highly qualified and experienced faculty in Nuclear medicine, surgical oncology, medical oncology and radiotherapy of these government medical colleges besides the installation of the latest equipment in departments of Radio diagnosis, Blood Transmission and Pathology to ensure the best treatment and diagnostic facilities to the cancer patients. He asked the Principal Secretary Health amp Family Welfare to bring a composite proposal in this behalf for approval in the next Cabinet meeting slated to be held here on May 28. The Chief Minister also go ahead for direct recruitment through a departmental selection committee by taking out these posts from the preview of Punjab Public Service Commission headed by Dr. KK Talwar and comprising Principal Secretary Medical Education amp Research, Vice Chancellor BFUH Faridkot, Director PGI or his nominee, Director TMC or his nominee, Dr. Lalit Kumar, Prof. Medical Oncology, AIIMS New Delhi, Dr. DR Mittal, HOD Nuclear Medicine PGI Chandigarh, DRME besides a subject expert from the concerned specialty from AIIMSPGITMC Underscoring the need for training manpower to prepare the health personnel to cure the cancer patients efficiently, Mr. Badal agreed to the proposal mooted by Principal Secretary Health to send the required staff at TATA Memorial Cancer Hospital Mumbai and PGIMER for training in the existing facilities in radiotherapy, surgery, medicine, pathology, gynecology for a period of three to six months at TMH. The Chief Minister asked the Principals of government medical college of Patiala and Amritsar to pose a comprehensive plan for upgradation of medical equipment and staff to the 14th Finance Commission for seeking requisite funds for this purpose. The Principal government medical college, Patiala apprised Mr. Badal that he had already sent a detailed proposal of Rs.165 crore for the upgradation of medical equipment and infrastructure with an objective to make this prestigious medical institution at par excellence with any of the countryrsquos best medical amp research hospital. Meanwhile, the Principal Secretary Health amp Family Welfare apprised Mr. Badal that she had already taken up the case of providing multi-level parking in the government medical college Amritsar and Patiala with the PIDB which would be cleared soon as assured by its Managing Director. She also informed the Chief Minister that the construction work of Sarai complex at government medical college Patiala would be entrusted to the Punjab Health Systems Corporation to ensure its timely completion. Mr. Badal lauded the contribution of Patiala Health Foundation ndash a NGO actively engaged in the health and family welfare activities. Mr. Badal also asked the Principal Government medical college Amritsar to envisage support from a reputed NGO for running the Sarai complex there in order to provide the best facilities to the attendants of the patients. Highlighting the role of congenial atmosphere in the hospitals in the recovery of patients, Mr. Badal emphasized that the buildings of these hospitals should be designed in such a manner equipped with the best facilities and gadgets like LEDs, Fridges, ACs etc in the private rooms and wall paintings in the lobbies and verandas to give a serene feeling to the patients. He also asked the Principals of medical colleges to explore the possibility of taping additional resources of funds to make these medical colleges and hospitals financially viable. Mr. Badal asked the Advisor on Health Dr. KK Talwar to recommend the health department for mobilizing additional resources of fund generation in consultation with the Principals of the government medical colleges. Mr. Badal also asked the Principal Secretary Health to ensure that the entire medical equipment for upgradation of cancer treatment wings of these medical colleges to be purchased through the Tata Memorial Hospital Mumbai. Taking part in the deliberations, Dr. KK Talwar urged the Chief Minister to set up Nuclear medicine, medical physics and Oncology departments in the government medical colleges as these were the integral part of cancer treatment. He also emphasized the need to provide palliative care facilities to the cancer patients which could be best run with the help of NGOs, adding Dr. Talwar said large number of cancer patients were diagnosed in advanced stages and those who were treated for cure, ultimately had recurrence of disease in almost 50 and all these patients required palliative care in form of pain control and other symptoms control treatment. These patients also needed home as well as hospital care. Mr. Badal asked the Chief Secretary to regularly hold meetings with the officers of health department to monitor the progress of ongoing upgradation of medical equipment and manpower in the government medical colleges and hospitals. He also directed the Principal Secretary Health amp Family Welfare to prepare a detailed report for the upgradation of the cancer departments in the government medical colleges besides the upcoming cancer hospital at Bathinda so that he could also take up this matter with GoI at the level of Prime Minister, Finance Minister and Health Minister for seeking additional funds. Prominent amongst others who were present in the meeting included Chief Secretary Mr. Rakesh Singh, Principal Secretary Health amp Family Welfare Mrs. Vinni Mahajan, Special Secretary Expenditure Mr. Jaspal Singh, Chief Ministerrsquos Special Principal Secretaries Mr. KJS Cheema and Mr. Gaggandip Singh Brar, Vice Chancellor Baba Farid University of Health Sciences Dr. SS Gill and Director Medical Educations amp Research Dr. Tejbir Singh besides the principals of government medical colleges of Amritsar, Patiala and Faridkot. BADAL GIVES NOD FOR RS.300 CRORE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR UPGRADATION OF CANCER EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES IN GOVERNMENT MEDICAL COLLEGES REITERATES STATErsquoS MISSION TO PROVIDE THE BEST TREATMENT TO THE CANCER PATIENTS GIVES GREEN SIGNAL FOR THE RECRUITMENT OF TALENTED AND HIGHLY QUALIFIED STAFF TO PROVIDE THE LATEST CANCER FACILITIES TO THE PATIENTS TALWAR FOR SETTING UP NUCLEAR MEDICINE, MEDICAL PHYSICS AND ONCOLOGY DEPARTMENTS IN THE GOVERNMENT MEDICAL COLLEGES In a bid to provide the best treatment and diagnostic facilities to the cancer patients across the state, the Punjab Chief Minister Mr. Parkash Singh Badal today approved a comprehensive plan of nearly Rs.300 crore to equip the government medical colleges Patiala, Amritsar, Faridkot besides cancer hospital at Bathinda with the super specialty facilities. A decision to this effect was taken by Mr. Badal during a meeting with the top brass of the departments of state health amp family welfare and medical education amp Research here at Chief Ministerrsquos resident this morning. Reiterating his firm commitment to stamp out the cancer from the state, Mr. Badal said that paucity of funds would not be allow to hamper the statersquos mission to provide the best available treatment to the patients inflicted with cancer. He further said: ldquoNone of any cancer patient would be deprived of the best medical care facilities in the state of penury and would be provided the best treatment at these hospitals equipped with the latest medical care, research and diagnostic facilitiesrdquo. Mr. Badal also gave nod for the recruitment of highly qualified and experienced faculty in Nuclear medicine, surgical oncology, medical oncology and radiotherapy of these government medical colleges besides the installation of the latest equipment in departments of Radio diagnosis, Blood Transmission and Pathology to ensure the best treatment and diagnostic facilities to the cancer patients. He asked the Principal Secretary Health amp Family Welfare to bring a composite proposal in this behalf for approval in the next Cabinet meeting slated to be held here on May 28. The Chief Minister also go ahead for direct recruitment through a departmental selection committee by taking out these posts from the preview of Punjab Public Service Commission headed by Dr. KK Talwar and comprising Principal Secretary Medical Education amp Research, Vice Chancellor BFUH Faridkot, Director PGI or his nominee, Director TMC or his nominee, Dr. Lalit Kumar, Prof. Medical Oncology, AIIMS New Delhi, Dr. DR Mittal, HOD Nuclear Medicine PGI Chandigarh, DRME besides a subject expert from the concerned specialty from AIIMSPGITMC Underscoring the need for training manpower to prepare the health personnel to cure the cancer patients efficiently, Mr. Badal agreed to the proposal mooted by Principal Secretary Health to send the required staff at TATA Memorial Cancer Hospital Mumbai and PGIMER for training in the existing facilities in radiotherapy, surgery, medicine, pathology, gynecology for a period of three to six months at TMH. The Chief Minister asked the Principals of government medical college of Patiala and Amritsar to pose a comprehensive plan for upgradation of medical equipment and staff to the 14th Finance Commission for seeking requisite funds for this purpose. The Principal government medical college, Patiala apprised Mr. Badal that he had already sent a detailed proposal of Rs.165 crore for the upgradation of medical equipment and infrastructure with an objective to make this prestigious medical institution at par excellence with any of the countryrsquos best medical amp research hospital. Meanwhile, the Principal Secretary Health amp Family Welfare apprised Mr. Badal that she had already taken up the case of providing multi-level parking in the government medical college Amritsar and Patiala with the PIDB which would be cleared soon as assured by its Managing Director. She also informed the Chief Minister that the construction work of Sarai complex at government medical college Patiala would be entrusted to the Punjab Health Systems Corporation to ensure its timely completion. Mr. Badal lauded the contribution of Patiala Health Foundation ndash a NGO actively engaged in the health and family welfare activities. Mr. Badal also asked the Principal Government medical college Amritsar to envisage support from a reputed NGO for running the Sarai complex there in order to provide the best facilities to the attendants of the patients. Highlighting the role of congenial atmosphere in the hospitals in the recovery of patients, Mr. Badal emphasized that the buildings of these hospitals should be designed in such a manner equipped with the best facilities and gadgets like LEDs, Fridges, ACs etc in the private rooms and wall paintings in the lobbies and verandas to give a serene feeling to the patients. He also asked the Principals of medical colleges to explore the possibility of taping additional resources of funds to make these medical colleges and hospitals financially viable. Mr. Badal asked the Advisor on Health Dr. KK Talwar to recommend the health department for mobilizing additional resources of fund generation in consultation with the Principals of the government medical colleges. Mr. Badal also asked the Principal Secretary Health to ensure that the entire medical equipment for upgradation of cancer treatment wings of these medical colleges to be purchased through the Tata Memorial Hospital Mumbai. Taking part in the deliberations, Dr. KK Talwar urged the Chief Minister to set up Nuclear medicine, medical physics and Oncology departments in the government medical colleges as these were the integral part of cancer treatment. He also emphasized the need to provide palliative care facilities to the cancer patients which could be best run with the help of NGOs, adding Dr. Talwar said large number of cancer patients were diagnosed in advanced stages and those who were treated for cure, ultimately had recurrence of disease in almost 50 and all these patients required palliative care in form of pain control and other symptoms control treatment. These patients also needed home as well as hospital care. Mr. Badal asked the Chief Secretary to regularly hold meetings with the officers of health department to monitor the progress of ongoing upgradation of medical equipment and manpower in the government medical colleges and hospitals. He also directed the Principal Secretary Health amp Family Welfare to prepare a detailed report for the upgradation of the cancer departments in the government medical colleges besides the upcoming cancer hospital at Bathinda so that he could also take up this matter with GoI at the level of Prime Minister, Finance Minister and Health Minister for seeking additional funds. Prominent amongst others who were present in the meeting included Chief Secretary Mr. Rakesh Singh, Principal Secretary Health amp Family Welfare Mrs. Vinni Mahajan, Special Secretary Expenditure Mr. Jaspal Singh, Chief Ministerrsquos Special Principal Secretaries Mr. KJS Cheema and Mr. Gaggandip Singh Brar, Vice Chancellor Baba Farid University of Health Sciences Dr. SS Gill and Director Medical Educations amp Research Dr. Tejbir Singh besides the principals of government medical colleges of Amritsar, Patiala and Faridkot. ENTIRE RURAL HABITATS TO BE COVERED UNDER RURAL WATER SUPPLY MISSION middot ADVANCED WATER TESTING LAB FOR NORTHERN STATES TO BE SET UP IN MOHALI Chandigarh May 17: The Punjab government has launched an ambitious project to reorganize the rural water supply and sanitation schemes aiming at covering entire rural population of 166 million people under drinking water and sanitation programmes. Disclosing this here today, a spokesman of the government said that in order to improve environmental sanitation, a provision has been made in the project to initiate works on pilot basis in about 100 villages for providing modern underground waste water collection and disposal systems. Besides this all the 1811 RO Plants have already been installed for the rural habitats of Punjab at a cost of Rs. 230 crore. As many as 1166 more villages would be provided with RO Plants with the financial assistance of NABARD and Government of India, he added. Adding further, he said 16032 schools in Punjab have been covered under rural water supply programmes initiated for the rural schools in the state. Referring to the renovation and rehabilitation of ponds in rural areas, he said that 56 ponds were completed up to March, 2012, during 2012-13, 71 village ponds have already been renovated up to October, 2012 and another 150 village ponds would be covered by March, 2013 and the remaining would be covered within the current financial year. The government would also set up a Drinking Water Quality Testing Regulatory Authority in the state. For the rural habitats, an Advance Water Testing Lab costing Rs. 4.31 Crore for the Northern States of India was also being set up at SAS Nagar Mohali, ensuring safe pure drinking water, he added. ELECTION COMMISSION FULLY PREPARED FOR THE POLL: BRAR middot CANVASSING ENDS TODAY, MAY 19 DECLARED DRY DAY IN PUNJAB The State Election Commission is fully prepared for the election as all arrangements have been made. The Canvassing came to an end today for the PS and ZP Elections that are scheduled to be held on May 19. Disclosing this here today Mr. S. S.Brar, State Election Commissioner, said that polling for 146 Panchayat Samitis and 22 Zila Parishads would be held on May 19. State Election Commission has issued strict instructions to Civil, Police administration to make foolproof security arguments so that election process could be completed peacefully. He said that as the canvassing for the election have concluded today and the instructions have been issued to all the parties not to campaign after 4 p. m. on May 17. State Election Commissioner said that SEC declared 19th May as dry day in the revenue jurisdiction of all villages where polls are to be held. SEC also issued instructions to State Government and District administrations to ensure the compliance. Mr. Brar further said that 1321 candidates had filed nomination papers for the election of 331 zones of 22 Zila Parishad. 127 papers have been rejected in scrutiny, whereas 404 candidates withdrawn their papers on the last day fixed for the withdrawal of nomination papers of which 331 were covering candidates. He said for the Zila Parishad elections now only 760 candidates remained in the fray as 30 candidates elected unopposed. State Election Commissioner said that for the Pachayat Smiti election, papers of 351 candidates have been found incomplete out of the total 10085 candidates. 3719 candidates had withdrawn their nomination papers of which 2732 were covering candidates. He said that with the 238 candidates elected unopposed now 5786 candidates remained in the fray for the election of 146 Panchayat Smitis. WINNERS OF PUNJAB STATE MOTHERrsquoS DAY SPECIAL BUMPER 2013 WOULD GET LUXURY CARS middot FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD PRIZES TO BE GIVEN OUT OF SOLD TICKETS ONLY Punjab Government has taken new initiative for the first time to give luxury cars to the winners of Punjab State Motherrsquos Day Special Bumper 2013 instead of cash prizes. Disclosing this here today official spokesperson the Finance department said that this new initiative of lotteries department is getting big response from the people. Spokesperson said that prizes for Motherrsquos Day Special Bumper 2013 are 1st Prize one Mercedes Benz, 2nd prize three Toyota Innova, 3rd prize five Volkswagen Polo. This is also mentionable that it is for the first time that First, Second and Third prizes of the scheme will be given out of Sold Tickets only. Spokesperson further said that 4th prize is ten Maruti Alto K10 and 5th Prize is hundred Honda Activa Scooters. Total prizes to be given by the lotteries department under this scheme would be 119. He said that the draw will be held on 28th May - 2013. The price of a single ticket of State Motherrsquos Day Special Bumper 2013 is Rs 250. Tickets could also be bought from post offices. Spokesperson said that Punjab State Bumpers and Monthly Lotteries are popular not only in the state but all over India due to its transparent system. Spokesperson has appealed to the ticket buyers to verify the Punjab Governmentrsquos logo on the ticket before buying. Fifth Session of the Fourteenth Punjab Vidhan Sabha The Fifth Session of the Fourteenth Punjab Vidhan Sabha, which was adjourned sine-die at the conclusion of its sitting held on the 3rd May, 2013, has been prorogued by an Order of the Governor of Punjab, dated the 17th May, 2013. PLANTATION DRIVE IN WATER LOGGED AREA TO BE COMMENCED SOON: JAYANI middot FIRST PHASE OF PLANTATION DRIVE TO START FROM SRI MUKTSAR SAHIB Punjab Government has planned a special plantation drive for water logged areas with the investment of Rs 90 crore. Mr Surjit Kumar Jayani, Forest amp wild Life Security Minister said that the drive to be kicked off from Sri Muktsar Sahib district, where saplings on 3000 hectare area would be planted. He said that the plantation drive would also be executed over degraded area covering 4500 hectare chunk of land. The Minister further said that the department has decided to consult the experts before executing the plantation drive in the water logged area so that such specialized variety of trees be planted in the area to reduce the effect of water logging. Mr Jayani emphasized the need to provide good variety of plants for agro forestry, he said that 10 lakh new clonal plants have been setup over an area of 60 lakh hectare in different forest zones of the state, which would produce new clones of Popular . He said that for the development of kandi area one piolt project has been started in the Talwara region, where lantana herb is being uprooted and good quality bamboo, Amala, fodder etc is being planted. He further said that under this project Medicinal amp Herbal plants nursery is also being brought up in the area of 25 hectares in the village Bhotli near Talwara. PUNJAB FRAMES POLICY FOR CANCER FUND The Punjab Government has framed policy to arrange money for lsquothe Punjab state cancer and drug addiction treatment infrastructure fund act-2013.rsquo Disclosing this here today an official spokesman of the health department that the policy framed for fund collection mandates to collect money under the sub article 6 A to 6 E from various government and semi government departments. Divulging the detail of the policy the spokesperson said that under sub article 6 A of the Act, 2 share of auction of land possessed by government, semi government, improvement trust and panchayati institutions would devolve to this fund. He further said that under 6 B article of Act, all the societies and trust constituted by government departments would contribute 2 share of its income into the fund, which would be deposited into the six monthly installments. Similarly under 6 C article of Act, all the PSUs, BoardCorporation, Apex co-operative institutions, urban local bodies, improvement trust and panchayati raj institutions, which are not running in loss, would contributes minimum 2 share of its income into the fund. He said that under 6 D article of the Act, 1 share of the total tender cost (not below Rs. 50 crore), floated for the construction of roads, bridges and flyovers, would be deposited into the cancer fund. ldquo33 share of the total tax imposed on Cigarettes would be extracted for the cancer funds, rdquo the spokesman added. PUNJAB ANNOUNCES 2 QUOTA FOR SPORTSPERSONS IN GOVERNMENT PLOTS The Punjab Government has announced new reservation policy for the allotment of residential plots and set aside 2 quota for the sports persons of the state. Disclosing this here today an official spokesman of the Punjab Government said that the quota would be given to the sports persons on the basis of their achievements in the sports arena at different levels. He said that in the first preference sports persons who have won medals in Olympics Games, World Cup, Asian Games and the mountaineer who have scaled the Mount Everest are included whereas in the second preference medal winner of Commonwealth Games, Afro Asian Games and Asian Championship are included. An Official Spokesman further said that at the third preference would be those sports persons who have participated in the Olympics Games, World Cup and Asian Games. Fourth preference would be consisted of those players who have participated in Commonwealth Games, Afro Asian Games, Asian Championship, International Test Match, ODI and International T-20 matches. PUNJAB GOVERNMENT APPOINTS VINEET JOSHI AS ASSISTANT MEDIA ADVISOR The Punjab Government has appointed Mr. Vineet Joshi as the Assistant Media Advisor to the Government of Punjab, with immediate effect. It was disclosed by an official spokesperson of the Punjab Government. He said that detailed terms and conditions of his appointment would be issued separately. SUBMIT QUARTERLY REPORT ON PREMATURE RETIREMENT OF INEFFICIENT AND CORRUPT OFFICERS-DEPARTMENTS TOLD CHANDIGARH, MAY 16: The Punjab Government has taken serious view of the laxity being shown by the departments in submitting the quarterly report to the Personnel department regarding premature retirement of PCSPPS Officers including Class A, Class B officers and officials after reviewing their service record on completion of 15, 20,25,30 and 35 years. According to an official spokesman the Punjab Government has issued detailed instructions under Punjab Civil Services (Premature retirement Rules) 1975, under which committees under Chief Secretary Punjab and respective Administrative Secretaries were constituted that would review the service record of employees completing 15,20,25,30 and 35 years of service and order the premature retirement of inefficient and corrupt employees and submit quarterly reports regarding this to the personnel department. The Spokesman said that directions have been issued to all Heads of departments, Divisional Commissioners, Deputy Commissioners and Sub Divisional Magistrate for timely submission of reports positively by 7th of month preceding every quarter. 10986697 TONNES OF WHEAT PROCURED IN PUNJAB The Government agencies and private millers procured more than 10986697 tonnes of wheat till last evening. Out of total procurement of 10986697 tonnes of wheat in all the procurement centers of Punjab, the Government agencies procured 10782914 tonnes of wheat till date whereas private traders procured 127296 tonnes of wheat. Till May 15, PUNGRAIN had procured 1981046 tonnes (18.0 ) whereas MARKFED 2387471 tonnes (21.7 ). PUNSUP 2196096 tonnes (20.0 ), PSWC 1262075 tonnes (11.5 ) whereas PAIC had procured 1033340 tonnes (9.4 ) of wheat. The Central Government agency FCI had been able to procure 1922886 tonnes (17.5 ) of wheat. The spokesman added that District Sangrur with 944835 tonnes of wheat procurement was leading in procurement operations whereas District Sangrur with 863860 tonnes of procurement was at second slot. While Patiala with 808381 tonnes of wheat procurement ranked at third position. The State Government has set up more than 1750 procurement centers and mobilized its total machinery to ensure smooth procurement of wheat, the spokesman added. BAJWAS DAILY GIMMICKS AND PRESS STATEMENTS BASED POLITICS CANT SERVE ANY PURPOSE ndashMAJITHIA middot QUESTIONS PUNJAB CONGRESS LEADERSHIPS SILENCE ON CONSTANT IGNORANCE OF PUNJABS INTERESTS BY CONGRESS LED UPA EXHORTS PEOPLE TO PLAY ACTIVE ROLE IN PUNJAB GOVERNMENTS ENDEAVOR TO CREATE WORLD CLASS INFRASTRUCTURE IN RURAL AREAS Ghuman (Gurdaspur) Waryam Nangal ( Amritsar), May 16:- The Punjab Revenue and Public Relations Minister Mr. Bikram Singh Majithia today said that the Punjab Congress leadership should tender an apology to the people of the state for their proven connivance in continuous step motherly treatment meted out by the Congress led UPA Government during last 10 years. Addressing mammoth election rallies organized at Ghuman and Waryam Nangal in favour of Mr. Tarlok Singh Bath amp Mr. Zail Singh Gopalpura, both SAD-BJP candidates from Ghuman zone for Zila Parishad. Gurdaspur and Bhangali Kalan zone of Zila Parishad, Amritsar respectively, Mr. Majithia pointed out that Congress led UPA Government was approaching for completion of their second consecutive term but during this almost decades time Punjab was totally ignored on each front and most unfortunate aspect was that Punjab Congress leadership never uttered a single word against the high handedness of union government. He said that the Punjab Congress leaders including present PPCC Chief Mr. Partap Singh Bajwa and his predecessor always betrayed the interests of the state to save their position. He said that on one hand states like Bihar and UP was given special packages of Rs. 12000 and 5000 crores respectively but Punjab was badly ignored even in debt waiver scheme for farmers despite their major contribution in self reliance of country on food grains front. He said that before pointing out the SAD-BJP Governments any failure these gentlemen should themselves introspect their own performances and commitment towards the interests of the state. He dared Mr. Bajwa to show a single central development, which he had brought to the state. He said that the intelligent people of the state fully understood Bajwas daily gimmicks and press statement based politics and would reject Congress and its leaders in these elections. He said that the reverse counting of Congress led UPA has already started and people of the state were itching their hands to bundle out this most corrupt and inefficient government of India since independence. He quipped that with the speed congress ministers were being exposed for their record corruption and other misdeeds, this party may not left with enough number of leaders even to contest next Lok Sabha elections. He said that the people of the country has also made their mind to bring back NDA in power so that a common man could breath easily as they were finding it very difficult to manage their two square meal. He said that Congress ruled the country for decades by flouting the false promises of doing away with poverty and backwardness but did virtually nothing. He disclosed that five congress MLA impressed with pro-poor and development oriented policies of Shiromani Akali Dal were in touch and would soon join the party. He said that the rejection of Congress in most of the states in the country shows that people have lost their faith in this party and days are not far when it would lost its national party status. He said that the SAD-BJP Government in Punjab got repeat mandate in recent Vidhan Sabha elections purely on its development and pro poor initiatives thereby creating a new political history. He urged the people to extend their whole heartedly support to the candidates of SAD-BJP combine in ongoing Zila Parishad and Block Samiti elections to become active partner in the state governments endeavor to create world class infrastructure in rural areas on urban pattern. Prominent amongst those who also addressed these rallies included, Mr. Balbir Singh Bath, former Cabinet Minister, Mr. Raj Mohinder Singh Majitha, former MP, Mr. Ranjit Singh Waryam Nangal, former MLA, SGPC member Mr. Jodh Singh Samra, Mr. Tarsem Singh Sialka and Baba Harjit Bhalla, President, Municipal Council, Sri Hargobindpur Sahib. PLANS TO DOUBLE THE AREA UNDER BASMATI CULTIVATION IN NEXT THREE YEARS Taking a leap forward to kick start the much needed crop diversification program in the state, the Punjab Chief Minister Mr Parkash Singh Badal today announced to provide an assured marketing mechanism coupled with better remunerative price to the basmati growers in the state. A decision to this effect was taken by Punjab Chief Minster Mr. Parkash Singh Badal in the presence of Deputy Chief Minister Mr. Sukhbir Singh Badal and Food amp Civil Supply Minister Mr. Adaish Partap Singh Kairon during a meeting with a deputation of Punjab Rice Millers amp Export Association at Chief Ministerrsquos residence this morning. Disclosing this here today a spokesperson of the Chief Ministerrsquos Office said that the Chief Minister called upon the Rice Millers and Exporters to play a proactive role for motivating the farmers for Basmati Cultivation to enhance their income on one hand and achieving the target to bring 10 lakh hectare of land under Basmati cultivation in next three years on the other. In order to provide an assured market mechanism coupled with better remunerative price to the basmati growers, the Chief Minister constituted a panel headed by the Chairman Punjab Farmers Commission including the representatives of the Basmati growers, Rice millers and Exporters, to fix an Assured Price of Basmati every year well before its plantation. In another significant decision Mr. Badal announced to exempt Rural Development Fund RDF(2), Punjab Infrastructure Development Fund PIDF (3) and Market fee (2) on Basmati and its different varieties under the new diversification policy. He said that this would boost the Basmati cultivation by extending a benefit of Rs 200 crore to the Basmati trade in the state. Mr. Badal categorically said that the main objective of providing these exemptions by the state government to the Rice millers and Exporters under diversification plan was to make Basmati milling competitive so that farmers Basmati produce was lifted by them at remunerative prices, as a result the state was able to increase area under Basmati cultivation conserve its depleting underground water resource besides motivating the farmers to shift from paddy cultivation to Basmati, which was a far less water intensive crop then paddy. The Chief Minister also said that exemptions would be given only to those transactions which took place on the assured price. He further asked the millers that in order to avail all the benefits they must ensure timely payments to the farmers for their produce. On the demand of association, Mr. Badal also agreed to work out the modalities for levying purchase tax on Basmati varieties at the II stage at par with the oilseeds pulses etc. instead of present Schedule. Highlighting the focus of Diversification plan Mr. Badal pointed out that Basmati cultivation was the major thrust area to replace traditional paddy to give impetus to the crop diversification plan. He said Basmati has been identified as a major alternative crop to shift about five lakh hectares land under paddy cultivation in next three years thereby enhancing land under Basmati cultivation to 10 lakh hectare Expressing gratitude on exempting of RDF, PIDF and Market fee on basmati, the members of the association assured the Chief Minister for making all out efforts for enhancing the production of basmati in the state manifold in the near future thereby making their enormous contribution towards the success of much needed diversification program. Meanwhile, lauding the stupendous efforts of Punjab Chief Minister in combating the deadly menace of Cancer, the Association assured to contribute 0.25 of their total sale towards the Punjab State Cancer and De-addiction treatment infrastructure fund created by the state government. Prominent amongst those who were present included Principal Secretary to Chief Minister Mr. SK Sandhu, Special Principal Secretary to Chief Minister Mr. Gaggandip Singh Brar, Secretary Mandi Board Mr. Deepinder Singh besides officers bearers and members of Punjab Rice Millers amp Export Association. ZILA PARISHAD AND BLOCK SAMITI ELECTIONS A WARM UP GAME FOR ENSUING LOK SABHA ELECTIONS - MAJITHIA middot BY NEXT GENERAL ELECTIONS CONGRESS MAY NOT HAVE A SINGLE MINISTER NON TAINTED MINISTER Chandigarh Kathunangal (Amritsar) May 15: The Punjab Revenue and Public Relations Minister Mr. Bikram Singh Majithia today exhorted the people to decimate Congress in ensuing Zila Parishad and Block Samiti elections for its anti-Punjab and anti-people policies as it has always ignored the interests of the state. He described these PRIs elections, a warm up game for ensuing Parliament elections. Addressing a mammoth election rally organized here today in favor of Mr. Resham Singh Bullar SAD candidate from Kathunangal zone of Zila Parishad Amritsar and candidates of different zones of Block Samiti Majitha, Mr. Majithia said that the down fall of congress has already started throughout the country and even the Honble Supreme Court of India has taken the serious note of total politicization of National Agencies like CBI. He said that the list of congress ministers being exposed in various corruption cases was increasing day by day and one should not be surprised that by the time of general elections Congress may not left with a single non-tainted minister. He said that Apex Court has equated the countrys premier investigation agency as a government parrot. He said that Congress led UPA-2 has become the symbol of multi lac crores scams, corruption and inflation and it was shamelessly saving those killer congressmen, who were responsible for the brutal killings of thousands of innocent Sikhs in 1984. He said that the border district of Amritsar has suffered the most during decades long misrule of congress and now it becomes the need of the hour that the representative of Amritsar Parliamentary Constituency should be pro-poor and pro-farmers and equally concerned about the interest of traders as well as industrialists of the region. He said that due to anti-people policies of congress, the intelligent electorate of Punjab has created history by giving historic repeat mandate to the pro-poor and pro-common man policies of SAD-BJP Government thereby shattering the Congress leaders dream of ruling the state. He appealed the huge gathering to ensure the land sliding victories of candidates of SAD-BJP combine for Zila Parishad as well as Block Samiti elections by drubbing the congress. Earlier more than 150 prominent families belonging to congress party today joined Shiromani Akali Dal by expressing their full faith in the leadership amp policies of Shiromani Akali Dal. Prominent amongst others who spoke on the occasion includes local candidate Mr. Resham Singh Bhullar, Mr. Dalbir Singh Gill, Mr. Raj Mohinder Singh Majitha and Mr. Ranjit Singh waryamnangal (both former MLAs), Mr. Jodh Singh Samra, Mr. Bhagwant Singh Sialka, Mr. Tarsem Singh Sialka and Mr. Harvinder Singh Bhullar. Meanwhile, Congress Candidate for Block Samiti from Lehrka zone Mr. Baldev Singh has retired from election campaign and announced his support to the SAD candidate Mr. Balkar Singh . CM ANNOUNCES ASSURED MARKETING MECHANISM AND BETTER REMUNERATIVE PRICE OF BASMATI WAIVES OFF RDF, PIDF AND MARKET FEE ON BASMATI UNDER NEW CROP DIVERSIFICATION PLAN PLANS TO DOUBLE THE AREA UNDER BASMATI CULTIVATION IN NEXT THREE YEARS CHANDIGARH MAY 15: Taking a leap forward to kick start the much needed crop diversification program in the state, the Punjab Chief Minister Mr Parkash Singh Badal today announced to provide an assured marketing mechanism coupled with better remunerative price to the basmati growers in the state. A decision to this effect was taken by Punjab Chief Minster Mr. Parkash Singh Badal in the presence of Deputy Chief Minister Mr. Sukhbir Singh Badal and Food amp Civil Supply Minister Mr. Adaish Partap Singh Kairon during a meeting with a deputation of Punjab Rice Millers amp Export Association at Chief Ministerrsquos residence this morning. Disclosing this here today a spokesperson of the Chief Ministerrsquos Office said that the Chief Minister called upon the Rice Millers and Exporters to play a proactive role for motivating the farmers for Basmati Cultivation to enhance their income on one hand and achieving the target to bring 10 lakh hectare of land under Basmati cultivation in next three years on the other. In order to provide an assured market mechanism coupled with better remunerative price to the basmati growers, the Chief Minister constituted a panel headed by the Chairman Punjab Farmers Commission including the representatives of the Basmati growers, Rice millers and Exporters, to fix an Assured Price of Basmati every year well before its plantation. In another significant decision Mr. Badal announced to exempt Rural Development Fund RDF(2), Punjab Infrastructure Development Fund PIDF (3) and Market fee (2) on Basmati and its different varieties under the new diversification policy. He said that this would boost the Basmati cultivation by extending a benefit of Rs 200 crore to the Basmati trade in the state. Mr. Badal categorically said that the main objective of providing these exemptions by the state government to the Rice millers and Exporters under diversification plan was to make Basmati milling competitive so that farmers Basmati produce was lifted by them at remunerative prices, as a result the state was able to increase area under Basmati cultivation conserve its depleting underground water resource besides motivating the farmers to shift from paddy cultivation to Basmati, which was a far less water intensive crop then paddy. The Chief Minister also said that exemptions would be given only to those transactions which took place on the assured price. He further asked the millers that in order to avail all the benefits they must ensure timely payments to the farmers for their produce. On the demand of association, Mr. Badal also agreed to work out the modalities for levying purchase tax on Basmati varieties at the II stage at par with the oilseeds pulses etc. instead of present Schedule. Highlighting the focus of Diversification plan Mr. Badal pointed out that Basmati cultivation was the major thrust area to replace traditional paddy to give impetus to the crop diversification plan. He said Basmati has been identified as a major alternative crop to shift about five lakh hectares land under paddy cultivation in next three years thereby enhancing land under Basmati cultivation to 10 lakh hectare Expressing gratitude on exempting of RDF, PIDF and Market fee on basmati, the members of the association assured the Chief Minister for making all out efforts for enhancing the production of basmati in the state manifold in the near future thereby making their enormous contribution towards the success of much needed diversification program. Meanwhile, lauding the stupendous efforts of Punjab Chief Minister in combating the deadly menace of Cancer, the Association assured to contribute 0.25 of their total sale towards the Punjab State Cancer and De-addiction treatment infrastructure fund created by the state government. Prominent amongst those who were present included Principal Secretary to Chief Minister Mr. SK Sandhu, Special Principal Secretary to Chief Minister Mr. Gaggandip Singh Brar, Secretary Mandi Board Mr. Deepinder Singh besides officers bearers and members of Punjab Rice Millers amp Export Association. DEPUTY DIRECTOR AND ASSISTANT DIRECTOR IN SPORTS DEPARTMENT TO BE FILLED ON DEPUTATION BASIS Punjab government has decided to fill post of Deputy Director and Assistant director in Sports Department on deputation basis. Applications are invited from Punjab Governments other Departments for filling these posts. Giving this information official spokesperson of Punjab Government said that sports department is filling one post of Deputy Director reserved for scheduled caste category of pay scale 10300-348005400 grade pay and one post of Assistant Director for General category of pay scale 10300-348005400 grade pay on deputation basis. Official spokesperson said that applicant for Deputy Director should be graduate from a recognized university, should be recognized coach from NIS, should have participated in Olympic Games or Medal winner in Asian and Commonwealth games and should have coaching experience of 15 years or administration work. Applicants for the post of Assistant Director should be Graduate from a recognized university, Diploma in coaching from NIS or have 10 years coaching experience in the related game or administration experience and should have played at national level. Spokesperson said that only those candidates would be considered whose pay scale is equivalent with the above posts. Complete applications for these posts with confidential record missals, service books should reach by 6 June . SUCCESSFUL IMPLEMENTATION OF E-GOVERNANCE PROJECT OF PUNJAB TRANSPORT DEPARTMENT CATCHES THE EYE OF OTHER STATES KENYAN TEAM EVINCES KEEN INTEREST IN THE PROJECT The successful implementation of a unique e-governance project by the Punjab Transport Department catches the eye of various states as the states like Orrisa and Uttrakhand shown keen interest in replicating it in their respective states. Even a high level team of Kenya recently visited the state to study this project to further explore the possibility of implementing it in their country too. Giving details of this e-governance initiative, a dream project of Punjab Deputy Chief Minister Mr. Sukhbir Singh Badal, a spokesman of State Transport department said that this project has been implemented in all the 22 districts of the state and the people were being issued driving licenses and registration certificate in the form of smart cards. Besides this, a major relief has been provided to commercial transport sector by providing them facility to pay taxes online thereby saving their precious time and undue harassment in transport offices. He said that the state government has also given a major relief to the people by starting online registrations of vehicles through authorized motor vehicles dealers. The spokesman informed that authorization of College Principals to issue learners driving license has shown tremendous results as it was serving the dual purpose of issuing driving licenses in the institutions on one hand and creating awareness regarding safe driving amongst the students on the other. He said that a state data centre has already been established here at Headquarters which was linked to all the district headquarters for ensuring more transparency in the working of the department. JAIN COMMUNITY EXTEND THANKS TO SUKHBIR BADAL middot CALLS ON DEPUTY CHIEF MINISTER CHANDIGARH, MAY 15: A delegation of Jain Community led by Muni Shri Vinay Kumar Alok and Muni Abhay Kumar today called on Punjab Deputy Chief Minister Mr. Sukhbir Singh Badal to extend their gratitude to Punjab Government for giving Jain Community status of Minorities in Punjab, meeting their age old demand. Thanking Mr. Badal on the behalf of whole Jain Community, the delegation led by Muni Shri Vinay Kumar and Muni Abhay Kumar said that whole Jain Community was indebted to Punjab Chief Minister Mr. Parkash Singh Badal for taking this historic initiative. Seeking the blessings of Muni Ji for the peace and prosperity of the state, Mr. Badal said that it was SAD-BJP Government, which always looked after the interests of minorities including Jains. He regretted that Congress during its term 2002 to 2007, even cancelled the public holiday on the occasion of Mahavir Jayanti, crushing the sentiments of peace loving community. He said that Chief Minister Mr. Parkash Singh Badal immediately after assuming power in 2007 restored the Public Holiday for Mahavir Jayanti. On this occasion Muni Shri informed that Lord Mahavir attracted people from all walks of life, kings and commoners, men and women, princess and priest, rich and poor. He preached the message of non - violence, truth, non-stealing, celibacy and non possession full of universal compassion. 1050 SCHEDULED CASTE AND POOR GIRLS STUDENTS OF PUNJAB TO AVAIL FREE HOSTEL FACILITY middot 21 GIRLS HOSTELS CONSTRUCTED IN GOVT. SCHOOLS IN EDUCATIONAL BACKWARD BLOCKS OF THE EIGHT DISTRICTS 1050 girl students of Punjabs government secondary and higher secondary schools are all set to avail free hostel facility with completion of 21 girls hostels in educationally backward blocks of eight districts namely Bathinda, Ferozepur, Fazilka, Mansa, Mukatsar, Patiala, Sangrur and Tarn Taran. Disclosing this here today a spokesman of Education Department said that the state government was committed to promote girls education by providing quality education alongwith infrastructure and hostel facilities to the needy girls belonging to schedule castes and marginalized sections of the society. He said that these 21 hostels have been constructed at the cost of Rs. more than 11 crore with each hostels construction cost was Rs. 52.5 lac. He said that the main objective of creating hostel facilities in government schools situated in educationally backward areas was to bring more and more girls students to schools after their elementary education as these hostels would provide free accommodation to the girl students reading in ninth to 12th standards. He said that it was noticed that most of girl students could not continue their studies due to economic constraints of their families. He informed that more areas of the state would be covered under this scheme in near future. PUNJAB TO AUCTION 39 QUARRIES IN JUNE-JOSHI WOULD EASE OUT THE SUPPLY OF SAND AND CRUSHER Chandigarh, May 15 Punjab Government has all set to auction the 39 quarries next month to ease out the supply of sand and crusher in the state with their environmental clearance from Union government. Mr Anil Joshi Industry and Commerce Minister of Punjab today said that out of these 39 quarries, 12 are related with sand whereas remaining 27 dealt with gravel and crusher, in the district of Pathankot, Gurdaspur, Ropar, Mohali and Patiala. Mr Joshi said that with the auction of these quarries, people of Punjab would get sand and crusher on very nominal rates as sand quarries has an area of 518 acre whereas crusher quarries has an area of 2300 acre, which would produce huge quantity of these natural sources mainly used for construction. He said that the Environment and Forest Ministry of Union Government has recommended to give the clearance to 55 quarries in Punjab on April 16 in the meeting of Expert Appraisal Committee, out of 39 quarries has been approved by the union Government for digging. He further said that the remaining 16 quarries would be auctioned after the approval of forest department. The Minister has also ordered the department officials to auction these quarries in an honest and transparent manner so that the common man would be able to get sand and crusher in an easy way besides giving a big push to the development works across the state. FOUR MAJOR PROJECTS OF 46 LANING TO BE COMPLETED BY MARCH 2014: SHARANJIT DHILLON Punjab is all set to complete ambitious projects of 46 Laning of four major roads of 400 kilometres length by March, 2014. Disclosing this here today, Mr. Sharanjit Singh Dhillon, PWD Minister, Punjab said that the work of 46 laning of 400 kms National Highways namely 6-laning Sambhu-Jalandhar (NH-1), 4-laning Bhogpur-Mukerian (NH-1A), Pathankot-Amritsar (NH-15) and Ludhiana-Talwandi (NH-95) were in advanced stage of completion at the cost of Rs.3284 crore. These works are likely to be completed by March, 2014. The Minister informed that Rs. 4200 crore would be spent on Road infrastructure during the year 2013-14. He said that 1700 crore for repair of 11,500km of link roads, 600 crore for up gradation of 1092km of rural roads, 200 crore for up gradation of 350km roads and 15 bridges in the state sector. Mr. Dhillon said that SAD-BJP Government was committed for the overall development of the state and in future more road construction projects would be initiated keeping in mind the needs and convenience of the public. SUKHBIR OKAYS RS. 211 CRORE REHABILITATION PROJECT OF BIST DOAB CANAL SIX FOLD INCREASE IN IRRIGATION POTENTIAL BY REHABILITATION middot ALSO GIVES NOD TO SUPER PASSAGE OVER NASRALA CHOE CHANDIGARH, MAY 15: The Doaba region of Punjab is all set to get a big boost with Punjab Deputy Chief Minister Mr. Sukhbir Singh Badal giving his nod to Rs. 211 crore rehabilitation project of Bist Doab Canal and its distributaries. The Project when completed would result in six fold increase in the irrigation potential of the the Bist Doab Canal System from present capacity of 30364 hectares to 172981 hectares. In a high level meeting, the Deputy Chief Minister said that SAD-BJP Government was fully committed to rejuvenate the canal system to increase its irrigation capacity to cater to the increasing demand of water for new cropping pattern. Mr. Badal regretted that Congress led UPA Government despite repeated pleas of the Punjab Government has failed to address to the need of Punjab for Rs. 3000 crore to rejuvenate the total canal system as ignoring this system could have direct impact on the food security of the country. Mr. Badal said that Punjab Government was committed to the cause of farmers and has sanctioned Rs. 211 crore for rehabilitation of Bist Doab Canal and its distributaries. Giving the details of project, Mr. Badal said that Bist Doab Canal that off-takes from right side of Roper Head Works on river Sutlej with a authorized full supply discharge of 1452 cusecs caters to the irrigation needs of districts of Hoshiarpur, Nawanshahar, Jalandhar and Kapurthala. He said that 811 Kilometer long Bist Doab Canal System has not been relined since its construction since 1954-55. Reiterating the resolve of rejuvenating the Canal system, Mr. Badal said that the whole system of Bist Doab Canal was unlined except Jalandhar branch reducing the capacity of the irrigation Canal system. It was informed in the meeting that two main branches namely Jalandhar Branch and Nawanshahar Branch that off-take from RD 94195R and tail RD 141000 with authorized full supply discharge of 500 cusecs and 497 cusecs respectively whereas Banga and Mukandpur distributaries also off-take from RD 141000TR of Bist Doab Canal. It was also informed that Nawanshahar Branch has a length of 75000rsquo(22.87Km.) whereas Jalandhar Branch has length of 226000rsquo (69.90 Km.). It was decided in the meeting that the Bist Doab Canal system except be provided with side lining only and the bed of the channels are left unlined so that the recharging process of ground water table in the command area of Bist Doab system continuously takes place. The Deputy Chief Minister also sanctioned a rehabilitation of syphon aqueduct at Jalandhar Branch that was damaged during the floods that would increase the irrigation area by 158416 acres. 1050 GIRLS STUDENTS OF PUNJAB TO AVAIL FREE HOSTEL FACILITY middot 21 GIRLS HOSTELS CONSTRUCTED IN GOVT. SCHOOLS IN EDUCATIONAL BACKWARD BLOCKS OF THE EIGHT DISTRICTS 1050 girl students of Punjabs government secondary and higher secondary schools are all set to avail free hostel facility with completion of 21 girls hostels in educationally backward blocks of eight districts namely Bathinda, Ferozepur, Fazilka, Mansa, Mukatsar, Patiala, Sangrur and Tarn Taran. Disclosing this here today a spokesman of Education Department said that the state government was committed to promote girls education by providing quality education alongwith infrastructure and hostel facilities to the needy girls belonging to schedule castes and marginalized sections of the society. He said that these 21 hostels have been constructed at the cost of Rs. more than 11 crore with each hostels construction cost was Rs. 52.5 lac. He said that the main objective of creating hostel facilities in government schools situated in educationally backward areas was to bring more and more girls students to schools after their elementary education as these hostels would provide free accommodation to the girl students reading in ninth to 12th standards. He said that it was noticed that most of girl students could not continue their studies due to economic constraints of their families. He informed that more areas of the state would be covered under this scheme in near future. ---- PUNJAB LAUNCHES ONLINE GRIEVANCES REDRESSAL SYSTEM CHIEF SECRETARY DESCRIBES IT A PRO-ACTIVE STEP TO BRIDGE GAP BETWEEN GOVERNMENT AND PUBLIC TO ACT AS EFFECTIVE FEEDBACK SYSTEM ON POLICIES OF THE GOVERNMENT CITIZENS WOULD BE ABLE TO TRACK STATUS OF COMPLAINT ONLINE ON BILINGUAL PORTAL The Punjab today became the first state in the country to provide online redressal of complaints by launching 24X7X365 grievances redressal portal. Chief Secretary Mr. Rakesh Singh while launching the portal described it a step towards ensuring efficient and effective public delivery system. Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Rakesh Singh said that the Government has gone for online portal for redressal of complaints as it was difficult to keep track of status of written complaints received from the people. He said that Chief Minister Mr. Parkash Singh Badal has suggested online system for keeping a tab on status of complaints submitted by the general public. The Chief Secretary said that general public can register their complaints whether regarding non delivery or delayed service on the portal and even submit suggestions to improve the service delivery system of the government. He said that traditional method of written complaints was cumbersome as it involved forwarding of complaints to the concerned department and acknowledging the receipt of complaint to the complainant. The Chief Secretary said that PB-PGRAMS is completely pro-people initiative and is one step further towards good governance, i. e. ldquoUttam Sewardquo and wil definitely bridge the gap between citizens and the State. PB-PGRAMS, the Punjab Public Grievance Redress and Monitoring System which would provide 24x7x365 web based system (shikayatnivaranpb. gov. in or publicgrievancepb. gov. in .) available to one and all for lodging grievances to the State of Punjab as well would provide platform for the Punjab administrators and officers at different levels to act upon the issues raised by the citizens or forwards the same to other levels. PB-PGRAMS would also provide a transparent system to the public which enables them to know the exact status and the actions taken at various levels to redress their grievances. It was informed that PB-PGRAMS has been designed and developed by National Informatics Centre (NIC). The interface for lodging grievance was a simple and user-friendly that allows the citizen to lodge the grievance in English as well as in Punjabi. The unique grievance number allocated by the system helps the complainant to track the progress and action taken for the redress of hisher grievance. One can also upload any supporting document along with the complaints and may also give a password to it to keep confidentiality. WELFARE DEPARTMENT INVITES APPLICATIONS FOR VARIOUS POSTS Department of Welfare, Punjab has invited applications for various posts in Directorate of welfare of scheduled castes amp backward classes. Last date for submission of application is May 30, 2013 . As per details, applications are invited for the post of assistant programme coordinator-1, computer programmer-1, counselor-1, accountant-1, assistant-1, data entry operator-7, clerk-3, driver-1, peon-3 on purely contract basis. The applicants who have already applied on the basis of advertisement issued on 29-3-2013, need not to apply again. For more details and application format may be download from Punjab govt. website punjabgovt. gov. in . PLANS AFOOT FOR POLYWOOD IN MOHALI-SUKHBIR middot ASKS GMADA TO SCOUT LAND FOR FILM CITY middot WORLD LEVEL FILM INSTITUTE ALSO PLANNED middot PUNJAB TO COME OUT WITH A POLICY TO ENCOURAGE QUALITY PUNJABI FILMS CHANDIGARH, MAY 15: Punjab Deputy Chief Minister Mr. Sukhbir Singh Badal today gave a big boost to the dream of lsquoPOLYWOODrsquo by giving final touches to the proposed world class Film City and Film Institute in the vicinity of Mohali district. In a high level meeting held here today the Deputy Chief Minister said that Punjabi films and other language films shot in Punjab have a great future and state government should provide strategic support to film industry in this task. Mr. Badal said that he was getting lot of requests from film producers and directors to shoot their proposed movies in the scenic areas of Punjab Villages, historical forts, Golden Temple and to capture the rare beauty of narrow lanes of historical towns of Amritsar, Patiala, Kapurthala and Bathinda etc. He said that film producers on their own initiative were trying to capture the different angles of Punjab but there was no full-fledge system in the state to provide them strategic support in facilitating their shootings. Asking the Principal Secretary Tourism and Cultural Affairs Mrs. Geetika Kalha to coordinate with leading producers of Film Industry to know their requirements and come out with a complete conceptual plan for film city. Mr. Badal asked the Chief Administrator PUDA Mr. Manvesh Singh Sidhu to scout a suitable piece of land especially in the scenic foothills of Shivalik for the proposed film city and provide total connectivity to that site. He said that a core group should be formed to study the world class facilities available with the film cities of Hyderabad, Chennai and Mumbai and upgrade those facilities in the proposed film city to meet the requirements of Hollywood industry. He said that technologically the film city in Mohali should provide world class animation, film mixing, cinematography, sound engineering, editing and lighting facilities so that no producer after shooting the movie had to rush to Mumbai to give finishing touches to their movies. Describing mass media and film making as sunrise industry of future, Mr. Badal said that this was the only industry that was recording 46 annual growth despite worldwide recession. He said that the core group would also study the financial model of the industry, requirements for the Punjabi Film Industry, incentive package for the films being shot in Punjab besides a Special Package for those films that would provide encouragement and employment to Punjabi youth. Emphasising the need for developing proper human resource backup for film industry in the state, Mr. Badal also gave nod to the World Class Film Institute in Mohali that would provide specialisation in 48 trades related with Film Industry. The Institute to be set up in the PPP mode would have three year graduation level courses in direction, cinematography, editing, sound engineering, animation and visual effects, screen writing, make up, acting, production design and art direction. It has also been proposed to have Diploma level program at under graduate level in lighting design, multi camera studio operations, commercial photography, production design, visual effects etc. In the second phase it has been proposed to have advance diploma courses and post graduate courses in mass communication, journalism, advertising in Public Relations, development communication, media management etc. The institute to be setup at the cost of Rs. 115 crore would have proposed student strength of 2850 and it would be setup at a piece of land of 12 acres. Asking the department come out with a policy for encouraging quality Punjabi Films, Mr. Badal setup an expert group to finalise the contours of proposed policy. The Department has been asked to put a comprehensive policy after interacting with film industry Mughals within one month. PUNJAB TO PROVIDE SUBSIDY OF RS ONE LAC EACH FOR 500 SOLAR IRRIGATION PUMPS-MAJITHIA middot EXPRESSES GRATITUDE TO CHIEF MINISTER FOR SHOWING MAGNANIMITY IN PROMOTING CLEAN ENERGY middot FARMERS OPTING FOR CROP DIVERSIFICATION TO GET TOTAL 70 PERCENT SUBSIDY ON SOLAR PUMPS The Punjab government has finalized an ambitious project to provide subsidy of Rs. One lac each from its own sources on installation of 500 Solar Irrigation Pumps in the State during year 2013-14 and a special fund of Rs. 5 crore has already been earmarked for this project. Disclosing this here today Punjab Non-Conventional Energy Minister Mr. Bikram Singh Majithia said that this decision was aimed at promoting renewable and clean energy on one side and to give incentive to all those farmers opting for diversification on the other. He said that farmers opting for diversification would be given priority in issuance of solar irrigation pumps connection. He further said that keeping in view the alarming situation of ever falling water table in the State, it became imperative to shift the major chunk of cultivable land under paddy to alternative crops like sugarcane, cotton, maize, soybean, oilseeds, pulses besides fruits and vegetables. He expressed confidence that this new initiative would play a significant role in ensuring remunerative returns to the farmers of their produce besides saving the precious ground water of the state. The Minister revealed that at present a solar pump costs nearly Rs 2.50 lakh and the Union government was providing a meager subsidy of 30 percent. He said that with new provision of 40 percent subsidy (Rs. One lac for each pump) by the State government, now the beneficiary has to spend just Rs. 75,000 from his own pocket. He added that number of farmers especially fruits and vegetables growersrsquo were evincing keen interest in installing Solar Irrigation Pumps but due to limited subsidy they were finding this technology little expensive. With the new initiative of the State government, they would definitely opt for solar pumps, he added. Mr. Majithia revealed that Punjab had taken lead in installation of solar irrigation pumps in the state during the years 2000-01 to 2003-04 by installing 1850 solar water pumps to the capacity of 2 HP for irrigation. The central subsidy on these pump sets was 80 and the state Government was providing 10 subsidy for the scheme and the remaining 10 cost was being borne by the farmers. After 2003-04 the scheme could not be implemented as the Union government reduced the subsidy to Rs.50,000- per pump due to which the beneficiary share becomes out of reach of the farmers. During the year 2010-11, the Union government made provisions of 30 subsidy for implementation of the scheme and even then the farmer share remained on higher side. The State government has repeatedly requested the Union government to enhance the subsidy on solar water pumping systems to 70 so that more and more farmers could adopt the solar technology for irrigation purpose but lamented that the Union government has not yet taken any decision regarding enhancing the present rate of subsidy. Expressing gratitude to Punjab Chief Minister Mr. Parkash Singh Badal for showing magnanimity in promotion of renewable energy, Mr. Majithia exhorted the farming community to come forward to become active partner in the Punjab governmentrsquos endeavor for promotion of clean energy in the state. Ensure uninterrupted power supply to farmers during paddy season: Punjab Government PSPCL sets up control rooms at Zone amp Circle Level Control rooms to operational from 1st June Damaged transformers to be replaced within 48 hours Chandigarh, May 15 ndash Punjab Government has directed Punjab State Power Corporation Limited to ensure uninterrupted power supply to farmers and consumers during coming paddy season. Official spokesperson of the Punjab Government has said that Punjab Government has directed the Punjab State Power Corporation to set up control rooms at zone and circle level and landline phone numbers and mobile numbers should also be provided to the duty officers in the control rooms so that any complaint regarding power supply failure could be attended and action could be taken timely to solve the problem. He further said that nodal officers should also be deputed for this purpose. Spokesperson further said that damaged transformers should to be replaced within 48 hours and time table of power supply should be available in the control room so that farmers could get this information easily. Acting on the Punjab Government directions Punjab State Power Corporation Limited has decided to set up control rooms in the state at zone and circle level which will be operational from first June. PSPCL has constituted Chief Engineer Zone South in which Patiala, Sangrur, Ropar and Mohali circles are covered, Engineer in Chief Central Zone covers Sub Urban Ludhiana, Ludhiana Urban east and west and Khanna circles, Chief Engineer North Zone covers Hoshiarpur, Kapurthala, Nawan Sehar and Jalandhar circles, Chief Engineer Border Zone covers Tarn Taran, Sub Urban Amritsar, Gurdaspur and Amritsar Urban circles and Chief Engineer West Zone covers Faridkot, Firozpur, Bathinda and Muktsar circles. Another control room has also been set up at head office Patiala. SUKHBIR ANNOUNCES PATH BREAKING INCENTIVES FOR NRIs NEW INVESTMENT POLICY TO ALSO FOCUS ON NRIs 10 PREFERENTIAL ALLOTMENT TO NRIs IN PUDA COLONIES AND INDUSTRIAL ESTATES MADE A REALITY OVER 190 OFFICERS INSTEAD OF 22, DESIGNATED TO REGISTER NRI MARRIAGES ALL DEPUTY COMMISSIONERS AUTHORISED TO EMBOSS POWER OF ATTORNEYS BESIDES 4 DIVISIONAL COMMISSIONERS PUNJAB NOTIFIES NEW LAW TO CHECK FRADULENT MARRIAGES PUNJAB TIGHTEN NOOSE ON ILLEGAL TRAVEL AGENTS BY NOTIFYING HUMAN SMUGGLING ACT NRIs ALL SET TO BE ALLOWED TO EVICT TENANTS FROM MULTIPLE PROPERTIES, MULTIPLE TIMES GMADA FINALISES BLUEPRINT FOR NRI HEADQUARTER AT MOHALI middot GOVERNMENT APPROVED ESCO RAISES SEPARATE BATTALION TO SAFEGUARD PROPERTIES OF NRIs middot SSPs DIRECTED TO LAUNCH CAMPAIGN AGAINST ILLEGAL TRAVEL AGENTS CHANDIGARH, MAY 14: The Punjab Deputy Chief Minister Mr. Sukhbir Singh Badal today announced the fructification of promises made to NRIs during NRI Sammellan and today gave final touches to an integrated plan to make NRIs lasting partners in the progress and prosperity of the state. Accompanied by NRI Affairs Minister Mr. Bikram Singh Majithia, Mr. Sukhbir Singh Badal today reviewed the implementations of the decisions besides giving final touches to holistic plan. Mr. Badal said that the purpose of lasting relations with the Punjabi Diaspora was not to seek investment but to strengthen their emotional bond with their motherland. He said that under the New Housing policy and investment policy Punjab has set aside 10 quota for Punjabi Diaspora in all PUDA approved schemes and industrial estates besides setting up a separate link for fast track approval in the industrial investment portal. He said that with the concerted efforts of all departments this major promise has been made a reality. Impressing upon the need for taking care of the families of NRIs to give them emotional support, Mr. Badal said tha he has issued directions to increase the marriage registration officer from registered 22 to 190 so as to expedite the registration of their marriages, understanding the limited time available to them during their stay in the country. He said that earlier only DROs were empowered to register the marriages but now the powers have been delegated to all Tehsildars and Naib Tehsildars. He said that he has issued directions to all field officers to be accessible to NRIs and perform their job on priority. Describing compulsory registration of marriages and Human Smuggling Acts as path breaking acts, Mr. Badal said that with the compulsory marriage registration act, we will be able to tackle fraudulent marriages by NRIs and with the Human Smuggling Act, we would be able to tackle the menace illegal travel agents, playing with the lives and hard earned money of Punjabi youth, who were being lured to foreign lands on illegal permits. Mr. Majithia informed the Deputy Chief Minister that Punjab Government was in process of taking a path breaking decision, in which an NRI can get tenant evicted from multiple properties, multiple times. He said that earlier he was allowed only once for a single property. He informed that similar amendment was also being effected for Rural Properties also. Meeting the long pending demands of NRIs to guard their properties in Punjab, Mr. Majithia informed the Deputy Chief Minister said that a Punjab Government Undertaking PESCO would supply professionally trained ex-servicemen guards for this purpose on a nominal payment. He said that NRIs on visit to Punjab can also seek deployment of PESCO guards for personal security. He said that PESCO has been asked to raise a separate battalion for NRIs. It was informed in the meeting that one more NRI Police Stations have been opened in NRI dominant districts including Amritsar. He said that instructions have already been issue to seek approval of DSP before registering any FIR against NRI to check bogus complaints. The Home Department informed that Punjab and Haryana High Court has been requested to setup three Sub Divisional Judicial Magistrate Courts at Moga, Jalandhar and Hoshiarpur and an Appellate Court at Jalandhar for civil and criminal cases of NRIs and requisite funds have been provided for the same. Asking the GMADA to finalise the blueprint of NRI Bhawan at Mohali, Mr. Badal said that he would be laying the foundation stone of bhawan in the month of July. Raising the problem of NRIs, Mr. Majithia said that NRIs on visit to India were facing the problem of sim cards and Chief Minister Mr. Parkash Singh Badal has already taken up this issue for its early solution. Prominent amongst those present in the meeting including, Mr. S. S. Channi, Principal Secretary NRI Affairs, Mr. Navreet Singh Kang, Financial Commissioner Revenue and Public Relations, Mrs. Vini Mahajan, Secretary Health, Mr. Vishwajit Khanna, Secretary Defence Service Welfare, Mr. B. S. Sudan, Secretary Home, Mr. Priyank Bharti, Director Local Government and Mr. Manvesh Singh Sidhu, Chief Administrator PUDA. SUMMER VACATIONS IN GOVT. SCHOOLS FROM JUNE 1 TO JUNE 30 CHANDIGARH, MAY 14: The Punjab Government has announced that summer vacations in all the Government Schools would starts from June 1, 2013. Disclosing this here today, Mr. Sikandar Singh Maluka, Education Minister Punjab said that the duration of these summer vacations would be one month i. e. from June 1 to June 30, 2013. The Education Minister informed that earlier these holidays have to be started from June 10, 2013. But keeping in view the revising temperature in the state these holidays have been rescheduled. PSPCL INVITES APPLICATIONS FOR DIRECTOR DISTRIBUTION AND HUMAN RESOURCES POSTS Punjab State Power Corporation Ltd (PSPCL) has invited applications for the post of Director (Distribution) and Director (Human Resources) at Patiala till May 30, 2013. As per details, basic qualifications for the post of Director (Distribution) are Bachelors degree of a recognized institution in ElectricalElectronicsMechanicalComputer Science Engineering. The person should have at least twenty five years of total service in PSEB or its successor entities out of which at least 10 years should be in the field of electricity distribution. He should also have worked for at least three years in a position of SECE in the field of ProcurementEnforcementStoreDesignPlanningConstruction or Operation Maintenance of electricity distribution system. He should have worked at the level of CE at least for one year. Similarly for the post of Director (Human Resources), basic qualification is Masters Degree in Human Resources from a reputed and recognized institutionMBA in Human resources. Degree in engineering shall be preferred. Applicant should have passed Punjabi as a subject upto Matric level. Applicant should have at least twenty five years of total experience as Human Resource professional and should be working in a senior position in the rank of Director of the Company or one level below for at least two years in an organization with employee strength of at least 2,000. For both posts minimum age is 50 years and not above 60 years at the time of appointment. Applications should reach in the office of the Secretary, Department of Power, Government of Punjab, Room No. 423, 4th floor, Punjab Civil Secretariat-2, Sector-9, Chandigarh latest by May 30, 2013. ORDERS TO GIVE TADA TO OFFICIALSEMPLOYEES DEPLOYED FOR ELECTION DUTY The Punjab Government has issued orders to give TADA as per their entitlement to the officialsemployees, who have been deployed for the elections of Zila Parishad and Block Samitis to be held on May 19 . According to an official spokesman that the Election Department has issued directions to all Department Heads, Divisional Commissioners and Deputy Commissioners to provide TADA to those officersemployees of various departments performing duties during the elections of Zila Parishad and Block Samitis according to the rulesinstructions of the Punjab Government. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF WATER SUPPLY AND SEWERAGE SYSTEMS FOR 6 CITIES IN PUNJAB ON PPP MODE The Punjab Government has chalked out a comprehensive plan for the overall development of the urban area of the state. In the first phase of the plan the water supply and sewerage facility would be provided to the 100 population of the cities. Disclosing this here today Mr. Chunni Lal Bhagat, Minister of Local Bodies Department said that under ldquoPunjab Urban Development Mission programmerdquo holistic urban development has been envisaged with full coverage of all the basics amenities. One of the key objectives of PUDM is 100 coverage of water supply and sewerage system for the urban local bodies and its qualitative maintenance. The Minister further said that in order to provide the above requirements of the water and sewerage facilities in the 6 Municipal Corporations namely Amritsar, Ludhiana, Jalandhar, Bathinda, Ajitgarh (Mohali) and Patiala, PMIDC has invited the expression of interest for engagements of agencies. He said that water and sewerage infrastructure of these ULBs to be built and operated on PPP mode. The scope of works included rehabilitation and up gradation of existing system, operation amp maintenance for a period of 20 years of the entire water supply and sewerage system including intake, raw water pumping main, water treatment plant, clean water pumping main, reservoir, distribution system, house service connection, sewerage treatment plant, sewerage pumping station, sewage collection system, metering and combined billing for water supply and sewerage for 100 dwelling in the project area. FARMERSrsquo TO BE TECHNICALLY TRAINED The Punjab government has formulated an extensive training programme for the farmers aimed at encouraging them to adopt the latest techniques in crop cultivation and also promote organic farming in the state. Disclosing this here today, a spokesman of the government said that the government would impart training to the farmers in the government run Farmers Training Centers including PAU Ludhiana and Khalsa College, Amritsar. About three lac farmers are being imparted training every year during Rabi and Kharif seasons and also by holding specialized training course in agriculture amp other allied subjects. 6016 training campsprogrammes were organized to disseminate latest farm technology amongst farmers under various schemes like Training, National Food security Mission, Extension Reforms etc. Adding further, he said that besides this the state government would lay more emphasis on the organic farming especially in the Malwa belt where due to the excessive use of pesticides together with water contamination has caused tremendous damage to human beings. Focused awareness campaign would be generated among the farmers to change their mindset guiding and helping them in the proper implementation of organic farming techniques. Organic fertilizer and organic pesticide would be arranged for healthy cultivation, he said. To Increase agro-bio diversity through mix-cropping, conserving water resources and increasing genetic diversity would be introduced. FOREST COVER TO BE ENHANCED FROM 7 TO 15 : JAYANI The Punjab government under lsquoGreener Punjab Missionrsquo would enhance forest cover in the state from existing 7 percent to 15 percent. Disclosing this here today Mr. Surjit Kumar Jayani, Forest and Wild Life Security Minister, Punjab said that under this mission, 4.75 crore saplings are purposed to be plant each year in the state. This mission would continue uptill 8 years. He said that the department would plantdistribute 475 lac saplings for an estimated area of 20,000 hectare with the investment of Rs.122.42 crore in the financial year 2013-14. The area of nurseries established for cloned plants of Popular would also be extended up to an area of 300 hectare. Mr. Jyani further said that during the financial year 2012-13, department has reorganized the forest beats in the state with the motive to bring more and more villages under their jurisdiction. He said that the department has conducted survey in the 9000 villages of the state to assess the availability of free land holdings belonging to various department and village panchyat, where plantation drive could be started. lsquoTo ensure the smooth working of the department, 407 forest guards have recently been recruited, rdquo the Minister added. He said that during the years 2012-13 the department has got planted 1.32 crore saplings through various other departments. He added that in the same year the department has distributedplanted 463 lac saplings, which were produced in the 252 nurseries of the state. SWIPE SYSTEM OF PAYMENTS TO ARTHIYAS A GREAT SUCCESS 23 THOUSAND ARTHIYAS AVAILED THE SERVICES The ambitious project of ldquoFarmer-Arthiyas Information and Remittance Online Networkrdquo, an online payment system to the commission agents, has registered a great success as 23 thousand Commission Agents got themselves registered in favour of this online payment. Disclosing this here today an official spokesperson of the Punjab Government said that now the payment to the Commission Agent is being made through lsquoRupee Debit Cardsrsquo, they could withdraw the payment using swipe cards. He said that the government has successfully credited an amount of Rs. 11 thousand crore to the farmerrsquos accounts under this online payment system. He said that the online payment to the Arthiyas was started last year on trial basis through Pungrain. Viewing the success of this system, online payment was introduced on permanent basis from this Rabi season. The spokesperson further said that the payment of Dami (commission of Arthiyas) is also being made through Rupee Debit Card. He said that 11 banks are presently empanelled for providing this online payment to the Arthiyas, whereas 7 banks have installed 1750 Swipe Machines in the Procurement centres of Punjab. Arthiyas are being informed about any transaction through SMSs. He said that this Rupee Swipe Card could also be used in any other ATM. Not to terminate the services of an employee, who has become mentally ill during the service CHANDIGARH, MAY 14: The Punjab Government today issued directions to all the departments not to terminate the services of an employee, who has become mentally ill during the service. According to an official spokesman, keeping in view the judicial pronouncements on the issue, in such cases no step would be taken without due consideration of suitability of employees to any other post and without properly counseling the employee about his rights. The Departments have been told that whatever compassionate assistance scheme was available in the department that contained the provision for giving employment to the dependant of such employees, the Department would take appropriate steps by providing dependant suitable employment. CM GIVES NOD FOR 40 SUBSIDY ON SOLAR IRRIGATION PUMPS RS 5 CRORE SANCTIONED FOR SUBSIDY ON SOLAR PUMPS STEP AIMED AT PROMOTING CROP DIVERSIFICATION IN THE STATE In a bid to further incentivize the farmers of the state to make optimum use of solar pumps for irrigation, the Punjab Chief Minister Mr. Parkash Singh Badal today announced 40 subsidy on these pumps towards the promotion of statersquos flagship program of Agriculture diversification. Disclosing this here today a spokesperson of the Chief Ministerrsquos Office said that, the Chief Minister also sanctioned Rs 5 crore for providing subsidy to the farmers besides fruits and vegetable growers on these solar pumps. It may be recalled that a solar pump costs nearly Rs 2.50 lakh of which 40 (Rs 1 lakh) and 30 (Rs 75000) as subsidy is borne by the state Government and Government of India (GoI) respectively and the balance 30 which works out to be Rs 75000 has to be paid by the beneficiary farmer. The Chief Minister however said that the priority would be given to those farmers opting for crop diversification program embarked by the state government with the twin objective to shift the major chunk of cultivable land under paddy to alternative crops like sugarcane, cotton, maize, soyabean, oilseeds, pulses besides fruits and vegetables on one hand and ensuring remunerative returns to the farmers of their produce on other. JOSHI BATS FOR TRANSPARENT PROCUREMENT PROCESS IN THE DEPARTMENT middot INSTRUCTS TO STRICTLY GO FOR E-TENDERING PROCESS Mr. Anil Joshi, Technical Education Minister, Punjab has issued strict instructions to the technical Education Department to streamline the process of purchase and bring total transparency in the purchase systems. He asked the department to strictly go by e-tendering process wherever purchases were heavy. Disclosing this here today a spokesman of the Punjab Government said that Minister instructed that the tender notices must be uploaded on the departmentrsquos website as well as that individual letters must be sent to prominent manufacturersfirms dealing in the matter. He said that due publicity should be given to all tender notices to seek maximum competition. He clarified that the specifications must be broad based and not tailor made to suit any particular manufacturerfirm. He said that the department should be cautious against collusive bidding or pool system in the tendering. The spokesman said that these directions have been issued to bring total transparency in the purchase system besides eradicating the chances of corrupt practices besides ensuring purchase of quality products. The Minister directed that effort should be made to depute specialist in the procurement process and they should be invited during the opening of the tenders as special invitees. He also asked the officers to consider the DGSampD rate contract for the procurement. Warning against any dereliction, the Minister has said that he would be asking for special audit of the contracts wherever he would receive any complaint and guilty officer would not be spared. CM GREETS PEOPLE ON THE EVE OF PARSHURAM JAYANTI Chandigarh, May 12- Punjab Chief Minister Mr Parkash Singh Badal today felicitated the people of state on the eve of lsquoParshuram Jayantirsquo. In a message, the Chief Minister exhorted the people to imbibe the ideals propagated by Bhagwan Parshuram Ji, so that justice and equality can be ensured in the society. Mr Badal said that Bhagwan Parshuram Ji stood for protecting the basic tenets of religion, truth, universal love, compassion and righteousness. ldquoThe life and philosophy of Bhagwan Parshuram Ji teach us that irrespective of our caste, religion and profession, we should fight injustice with all our mightrdquo, he added. The Chief Minister appealed to the people to celebrate this auspicious occasion collectively by rising above the parochial considerations of caste, colour, creed and religion. SUKHBIR GREETS PEOPLE ON THE EVE OF Chandigarh, May 12: Punjab Deputy Chief Minister Mr. Sukhbir Singh Badal today extended his heartiest greetings to the people of Punjab on the eve of Lord Parshuram Jayanti. In a message on the eve of Lord Parshuram Jayanti the Deputy Chief Minister said that Lord Parshuram ji was 6th Avtar of Vishnu, who took birth on this earth to fight the wrongs of high and mighty. Mr. Badal said that Lord Parshuram amalgamated Bhakti and Shakti to protect oppressed and under privileged on this earth. Calling upon people to follow the teaching of Lord Parshuram, Mr. Badal said that this day gives us an opportunity to move on the righteous path to achieve our goals in life.

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